CS294-1 Deeply Embedded Network Systems

University of California
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Tu, Th 11-12:30, 310 Soda Hall

David E. Culler
Fall 2003
Announcements | Description | Organization | Projects | Schedule | Handouts | Related | Links


Project Poster/Demo Presentations will be 12/5 2:00 - 5:00.

Final reports due 12/15 - put them on your project page.

Project Links

Description  (online schedule)

Embedded network systems, including sensor networks, distributed control applications, and ubiquitous computing environments, are becoming an important new computing class with wide ranging and novel applications.  They present a range of computer systems challenges because they are closely coupled to the physical world with all its unpredictable variation, noise, and asynchrony; they involve many energy-constrained, resource-limited devices operating in concert; they must be largely self-organizing and self-maintaining; and they must be robust despite significant noise, loss, and failure.  This area has reached a stage where solid initial platforms have been developed, a number of 'leading applications' have been fielded, and a rich body of literature has emerged.  This course will be reading/project/discussion focused, with a goal of covering the area is substantial depth.  Topics include application-driven network architectures, emerging platforms and technology, resource constrained real-time OSs, media access control, distributed algorithms (broadcast, anycast, multicast, convergecast) in lossy wireless networks, ad hoc multihop routing, pseudo-geographic routing, in-network aggregation and processing, multi-resolution storage, compression and source-coding, time synchronization, coverage and density, ranging and localization, resilient aggregators, tracking, capacity, distributed feature extraction, tracking, and collaborative signal processing.  We will also look at emerging standards, such as ZIGBEE.  It will require substantial reading and class participation, a sequence of group mini-studies, and a research project.  It is anticipated that participants will be varied, with some well along on dissertation work in the area, others just starting into it or complementing work in a more traditional area, and still others from outside the department.

We currently have guest lectures arranged with Deborah Estrin (9/16) and Jim Demmel (tbd)

Course Grading

30% Class Participation, including discussion questions, presentations
30% Miniprojects
40% Research Project


 Professor David E. Culler
  627 Soda Hall, 643-7572, culler@cs.berkeley.edu
 Office Hours: Mon 2-3, Tu 1:30-2:30 or by appt. 
contact Willa Walker, 643-2568, 
willa@EECS.Berkeley.EDU, 626 Soda, for appt.


Lecture: TuTh 11:00 - 12:30 310 Soda Hall


The class newsgroup is ucb.class.cs294-1

Course Schedule and Readings


Important Directions

Important Directions (subset of the following)

Project Presentations

Course Projects

This is an on-going list of ideas.  It will get firmed up in the coming weeks.


Packet level simulator with MAC and contention
Clusterhead Selection
Reliable broadcast

Resources and Related Pages

Related Courses and links


