CS267. Assignment 5: Traveling Salesman Problem

Due March 21, 1995


You will try to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) in parallel. You are given a list of n cities along with the distances between each pair of cities. The goal is to find a tour which starts at the first city, visits each city exactly once and returns to the first city, such that the distance traveled is as small as possible. This problem is known to be NP-complete , i.e. no serial algorithm exists that runs in time polynomial in n, only in time exponential in n, and it is widely believed that no polynomial time algorithm exists. In practice, we want to compute an approximate solution, i.e. a single tour whose length is as short as possible, in a given amount of time.

More formally, we are given a graph G=(N,V,W) consisting of a set N of n nodes (or cities), a set of edges V = {(i,j)} connecting cities, and a set of nonnegative weights W = {w(i,j)} giving the length of edge (i,j) (distance from city i to city j). The graph is directed, so that an edge (i,j) may only be traversed in the direction from i to j, and edge (j,i) may or may not exist. Similarly, w(i,j) does not necessarily equal w(j,i), if both edges exist.

There are a great many algorithms for this important problem, some of which take advantage of special properties like symmetry (edges (i,j) and (j,i) always exist or do not exist simultaneously, and w(i,j) = w(j,i)) and the triangle inequality (w(i,j) <= w(i,k) + w(k,j) for all i,j,k). In this assignment we assume none of these properties hold. For simplicity, though, we assume all edges (i,j) exist, and all w(i,j) are positive integers (note that setting some w(i,j) to be very large effectively excludes it from appearance in a solution).

For an interesting graphical demonstration of a TSP problem with US cities (where symmetry and the triangle inequality both hold), start up matlab, and then

  • type "demo"
  • click on "continue"
  • click on "Fun/Extras / Visit"
  • click on "Miscellaneous / Select a Demo"
  • click on "Salesman"
  • choose a number of cities n by clicking
  • click on start
  • The algorithm will continue to search for a better solution until you click on "stop".
  • We will describe a sequence of solutions, in pseudo-code, starting from a naive exhaustive search algorithm, to a naive branch-and-bound algorithm, to a more sophisticated branch-and-bound algorithm.

    For your parallel implementation you should use the task queue which is part of the Multipol library of distributed data structured produced by Prof. Yelick and her students. Multipol stands for Multiported Object Library, about which you will hear more in lecture. The task queue is used for dynamic load balancing, or distributing work among processors to keep them all gainfully employed, in the situation where the workload is generated unpredictably at run-time, precluding any static preassignment of work to processors.

    A sample application which uses the task queue and Split-C to solve the ever-popular N-Queens problem may be found in /usr/castle/share/proj/cpwen/queen. You may copy this to your own directory. To make the program simply type "gmake". To run the program. type "queen" followed by the number of processors to use. Task queue documentation will be forthcoming soon.

    Your assignment is

  • Use the task queue to implement either the naive or the sophisticated branch-and-bound algorithm, or any other interesting algorithm you may choose.
  • Organize the code so that it may be stopped at any time, and produce the best solution found so far (it may be easiest to print the best solution every few seconds). Such an algorithm is called an anytime algorithm.
  • Prepare to race your classmates on a problem supplied by us. You will get x minutes of dedicated machine time to produce the best solution you can. May the best team win!
  • Naive Exhaustive-Search for TSP

    Let the nodes N = {1, 2, ... , n}. The following algorithm generates all possible solutions, and picks the shortest. S is an ordered set which includes a partial path (ordered list of k integers) and the sum of its edge weights w: S = (k, [i1, i2, ... ,ik], w)
         Exhaustive Search Solution of TSP
         w = w(1,2) + w(2,3) + w(3,4) + ... + w(n-1,n) + w(n,1)
         Best_S_so_far = (  n, [ 1, 2, 3, ... , n-1, n ], w )
         S = ( 1, [ 1 ], 0 )
         Search( S, Best_S_so_far )
         print Best_S_so_far
         procedure Search( S, Best_S_so_far )
            let ( k, [ i1, i2, ... , ik ], w ) = S
            let ( n, [ i1B, i2B, ... , inB ], wB ) = Best_S_so_far 
            if k = n then
                new_w = w + w(ik,i1)
                if new_w < wB then
                   Best_S_so_far = ( k, [ i1, i2, ... , ik ], new_w )
                end if
                for all j not in [ i1, i2, ... , ik ]
                   new_w = w + w(ik,j)
                   New_S = ( k+1, [ i1, i2, ... , ik, j ], new_w )
                   Search( New_S, Best_S_so_far )
                end for

    This algorithm searches all (n-1)! possible paths starting at 1, and keeps the best one. There is a great deal of parallelism, because after k recursive call to Search, there are (n-1)*(n-2)*...*(n-k) independent subtrees to search, which can be farmed out to as many processors. Since subtrees are all equally large, the load balance is perfect.

    Naive Branch-and-Bound for TSP

    A simple improvement on the last algorithm prunes the search tree by observing that if a partial tour is already longer than the best solution found so far, there is no reason to continue searching that path.
         Naive Branch-and-Bound Solution of TSP
         w = w(1,2) + w(2,3) + w(3,4) + ... + w(n-1,n) + w(n,1)
         Best_S_so_far = (  n, [ 1, 2, 3, ... , n-1, n ], w )
         S = ( 1, [ 1 ], 0 )
         Search( S, Best_S_so_far )
         print Best_S_so_far
         procedure Search( S, Best_S_so_far )
            let ( k, [ i1, i2, ... , ik ], w ) = S
            let ( n, [ i1B, i2B, ... , inB ], wB ) = Best_S_so_far
            if k = n then
                new_w = w + w(ik,i1)
                if new_w < wB then
                   Best_S_so_far = ( k, [ i1, i2, ... , ik ], new_w )
                end if
                for all j not in [ i1, i2, ... , ik ]
                   new_w = w + w(ik,j)
                   if new_w < wB then
                       New_S = ( k+1, [ i1, i2, ... , ik, j ], new_w )
                       Search( New_S, Best_S_so_far )
                   end if
                end for

    A sequential version of this algorithm may be viewed in /usr/castle/share/proj/cpwen/tsp. You may copy this to your own directory. To make, type "gmake". To run, type "tsp" followed by the maximum number of search nodes (i.e., recursive calls to tsp).

    Now the search tree is not longer perfectly balanced, with some subtrees being pruned away. This makes load balancing more difficult. Statically assignment subtrees of the search tree to processors as for the first algorithm could lead to some processors being idle, while others have all the work to do. This requires dynamic load balancing, for which you can use the task queue in Multipol.

    A Better Branch and Bound Algorithm for TSP

    The following discussion is taken from "Combinatorial Algorithms: Theory and Practice", by Reingold, Nievergelt and Deo. Another strategy for searching the solution space is to repeatedly divide it into two parts: those with a given edge and those without the edge. The search tree would unfold as follows:
                           | all solns | 
                            /         \
            ----------------           -----------------
           | solns with e_i |         | solns w/out e_i | 
            ----------------           -----------------
                   /      \                 /        \
        -----------   ----------   ----------   -----------
       | with e_j | | w/out e_j | | with e_k | | w/out e_k | 
        -----------   ----------   ----------   -----------
    Three questions need to be addressed: 1) How do we bound the weight of the solutions in each subtree? 2) How is the set of solutions represented? 3) How do we choose the splitting edge at a given node in the search space?

    Bounding the solutions: Assume the input is given as a dense adjacency matrix. We will put infinities, rather than zeros on the diagonal to avoid traversing these self-edges.

    	  i\j	1     2     3     4     5     6     7
                \ ________________________________________
    	1    |Inf     3    93    13    33     9    57
    	2    |  4   Inf    77    42    21    16    34
    	3    | 45    17   Inf    36    16    28    25
    	4    | 39    90    80   Inf    56     7    91
    	5    | 28    46    88    33   Inf    25    57
    	6    |  3    88    18    46    92   Inf     7
    	7    | 44    26    33    27    84    39   Inf
    We can subtract a constant from a given row or column, as long as the values remain non-negative. This changes the weight of each tour, but not the set of legal tours or their relative weights. We therefore normalize the matrix by subtracting the minimum value in each row from the row and the minimum value of each column from the column. This results in a matrix with at least one zero in every row and column.
    	  i\j	1     2     3     4     5     6     7
                \ ________________________________________
    	1    |Inf     0    83     9    30     6    50
    	2    |  0   Inf    66    37    17    12    26
    	3    | 29     1   Inf    19     0    12     5
    	4    | 32    83    66   Inf    49     0    80
    	5    |  3    21    56     7   Inf     0    28
    	6    |  0    85     8    42    89   Inf     0
    	7    | 18     0     0     0    58    13   Inf
    Any solution must use one entry from every row and every column, so the sum of the values we just subtracted is a lower bound on the weight of solution. In this case, we subtracted [3 4 16 7 25 3 26] from the rows and then [0 0 7 1 0 0 4] from the columns, so the lower bound on the weight of any solution is 96. We can now define a search tree in which each node represents a set of solutions along with a lower bound on those solutions.

    Representing the set of solutions: The adjacency matrix can be used to represent the set of solutions. When an edge is chosen for the solution, the row and column containing that edge is deleted. When an edge is eliminated from the solution, its entry is changed to infinity so that it will never be chosen. In the above example, assume we choose to split the search space on the edge from 4 to 6. For the right subtree, which represents all solutions not containing (4,6), we replace the (4,6) entry by infinity. The minimum value in row 4 is now 32, so we can renormalize the matrix and improve the lower bound to 96+32 = 128. Column 6 has another 0 entry, so it remains unchanged. The matrix for the right subtree is:

    	  i\j	1     2     3     4     5     6     7
                \ ________________________________________
    	1    |Inf     0    83     9    30     6    50
    	2    |  0   Inf    66    37    17    12    26
    	3    | 29     1   Inf    19     0    12     5
    	4    |  0    51    34   Inf    17   Inf    48
    	5    |  3    21    56     7   Inf     0    28
    	6    |  0    85     8    42    89   Inf     0
    	7    | 18     0     0     0    58    13   Inf
    The left subtree represents all solutions containing (4,6). We therefore delete row 4 and column 6 from the matrix and renormalize. In addition, since we have used edge (4,6), edge (6,4) is no longer usable, so we replace the (6,4) with infinity. (In general, the insertion of infinities is slightly more complicated, as discussed below.) The matrix can now be renormalized, in this case by subtracting 3 from the row with i=5 (now the 4th row in the smaller matrix), yielding a lower bound of 96+3=99 and the matrix:
    	  i\j	1     2     3     4     5     7
                \ __________________________________
    	1    |Inf     0    83     9    30    50
    	2    |  0   Inf    66    37    17    26
    	3    | 29     1   Inf    19     0     5
    	5    |  0    18    53     4   Inf    25
    	6    |  0    85     8   Inf    89     0
    	7    | 18     0     0     0    58   Inf
    The process outlined so far can be used by repeatedly following these steps. Following the left branches we are guaranteed to reach some solution in n levels. Following the right branch, we will eventually have a matrix full of infinities, at which point the lower bound (if we kept searching) would become infinity. Pruning is done by eliminating any subtrees whose lower bound is larger than the best lower bound seen so far for a complete solution.

    Choice of the splitting edge: In general, the right branches represent a larger set of solutions than the left branches. Therefore, in choosing the splitting edge, we look for something that will raise the lower bound of the right-hand subtree as much as possible. In the example, edge (4,6) was chosen because its value was zero and the next larger value in row 4 was 32. There are other zero entries in the matrix, for example, (3,5), but the improvement in the lower bound for that case would have been only 1 (for row 3) plus 17 (for column 5). Therefore, the general rule is to search for the zero entry at (i,j) that maximizes the increase in the lower bound (largest sum of minimum in row i and minimum in column j, not counting the zero at (i,j)).

    Insertion of infinities in left-branches: When expanding a left branch in the search tree for edge (i,j), we noted that edge (j,i) should be made infinity. In general, we are trying to avoid the creation of non-covering cycles in the tour, i.e., cycles that traverse only a subset of the nodes. For the example above, assume that the left-most search path unfolds with the following edge splits: (4,6), (3,5), and (2,1). At this point the partial solution contains three disconnected paths; all cycles were prevented by marking (6,4), (5,3), and (1,2) as infinity.

                                 | all solns | 
                                   /         \
                     ------------             -------------
                     | with (4,6)|            | w/out (4,6)| 
                     ------------             -------------
                      /        \
           ------------         -------------
           | with (3,5)|        | w/out (3,5)| 
           ------------         -------------
              /        \
     ------------       ------------
     | with (2,1)|     | w/out (2,1)| 
     ------------       ------------
    The next choice of splitting edge is (1,4), so according to our above rule (4,1) should be changed to infinity. However, at this point the adjacency matrix does not contain a row for 4, since it was removed with the (4,6) step. Moreover, the partial solution is now: 2-1-4-6 and 3-5. If (6,2) were now added, we would have a non-covering cycle, so we need to change the (6,2) entry to Inf. Thus, the general rule for inserting infinities on left-branches is to construct the subpaths that exist in the partial solution and remove any edges from the end to beginning of each subpath by replacing them with infinities.