U.C. Berkeley CS267 Home Page

Applications of Parallel Computers

Spring 2005

MW 9:30-11, 405 Soda


  • Jim Demmel
  • Office: 776 Soda Hall, 643-5386
  • Office Hours: M 11-12, T 2-3
  • (send email)
  • TA:

  • Yozo Hida
  • Office: 515 Soda Hall, 3-6763
  • Office Hours: TBD
  • Discussion Section: TBD
  • (send email)
  • Administrative Assistant:

  • Helen Kang
  • Office: 776 Soda Hall, 2-8395
  • (send email)
  • Announcements

  • There will be a class field trip to visit the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Facility (NERSC) on Thursday March 17. NERSC is located at 415 Thomas L. Berkley Way (formerly 20th Str) in Oakland, 943-238 Conference Room, 2nd floor.

    On March 17, meet Prof David Culler's CS252 Class at Berkeley BART at 10:30am to take the 10:40 train. BART 19th Street Station is across the street from the NERSC building.

    All visitors to NERSC must bring picture ID. All visitor should send their names to Prof. Demmel so he can forward them to NERSC security, so they know whom to expect.
  • Read CS267 Newsgroup

    Class Resources

  • This will include, among other things, class handouts, homework assignments, the class roster, information about class accounts, pointers to documentation for machines and software tools we will use, reports and books on supercomputing, pointers to old CS267 class webpages (inluding old class projects), and pointers to other useful websites.
  • Lecture Notes

    Sharks and Fish

  • Basic problem description, and (partial) code from 1999 class, written in Matlab, CMMD, CMF, Split-C, Sun Threads, and pSather, available here.
  • Code (partial) from 2004 class, written in MPI, pthreads, OpenMP, available here.