Erratum for Delaunay Mesh Generation

Siu-Wing Cheng
Tamal Krishna Dey
Jonathan Richard Shewchuk
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The Ohio State University
University of California at Berkeley
CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, December 2012. xii+375 pages.
Please send comments, questions, and errata to all three authors at


The title of Section 5.4 should be “Optimal point location by a conflict graph in R3”. (Unfortunately, the publisher accidentally cut three words between the early proofs and the final proofs, and we didn't notice.)

In Section 8.6, we mistakenly wrote, “Miller, Talmor, Teng, and Walkington prove that a high-quality tetrahedralization has only a linear number of vertices.”. The last word should be “tetrahedra”.