CS298-4, Seminar on Self-Assembly

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Monday November 28, 2005,  4:10pm-5:30pm, in 380 Soda Hall.

"Mathematical Modeling of Planar Cell Polarity in the Drosophila Wing"

Professor Claire Tomlin, U.C. Berkeley

Joint work with Keith Amonlirdviman, Ronojoy Ghosh, Dali Ma, and Jeff Axelrod


In this talk, methods that we have designed to analyze and help to identify certain protein regulatory networks will be presented. Often, only incomplete abstracted hypotheses exist to explain observed complex patterning and functions in cellular regulatory networks.  I will present our results in developing a mathematical model for Planar Cell Polarity signaling in fly wings.  We explicitly demonstrate that the model can explain the complex behaviors of the system, and can be used to test developmental hypotheses, such as the function of certain protein alleles, and the relationship between cell geometry and polarity.  

Here are some background reading materials:

K. Amonlirdviman, N. A. Khare, D. R. P. Tree, W.-S. Chen, J. D. Axelrod, and C. J. Tomlin. "Mathematical Modeling of Planar Cell Polarity to Understand Domineering Nonautonomy." Science 307 5708:423-426, 21 Jan 2005.
PDF: http://sun-valley.stanford.edu/~tomlin/BIO/423.pdf
Supporting Online Material:

Symbolic Reachable Set Computation of Piecewise Affine Hybrid Automata and its Application to Biological Modelling: Delta-Notch Protein Signalling
Ronojoy Ghosh and Claire Tomlin
Systems Biology, 1(1):170-183
June 2004
PDF: http://sun-valley.stanford.edu/~tomlin/BIO/sysbio_ghosh_tomlin.pdf

Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin