Simply Scheme: Index of Defined Procedures Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT

Index of Defined Procedures

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Brian Harvey
University of California, Berkeley
Matthew Wright
University of California, Santa Barbara

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This index contains example procedures whose definitions are in the text and procedures that you are asked to write as exercises. (The exercises are marked as such in the index.) Other sources of information are the general index, which contains technical terms and primitive procedures (for which there is no Scheme definition); the glossary, which defines many technical terms; and the Alphabetical Table of Scheme Primitives on page funlist.


abs Ch6
accumulate Ch19
acronym Ch1, Ch1, Ch8, Ch14
add Ch16
add-field ProjDB
add-move Ch20
add-numbers Ch8, Ch14
add-three Ch9
add-three-to-each Ch9
addup Ch14
all-evaluated? Ch25
already-won? Ch20
already-won? (exercise) Ch10
always-one Ch8
amazify (exercise) Ch8
american-time (exercise) Ch6
any-numbers? Ch8
aplize (exercise) Ch9
apl-sqrt (exercise) Ch9
appearances (exercise) Ch9
arabic (exercise) Ch12
area Ch19
arg-count Ch21
ask ProjDB
ask-for-name Ch20
ask-question Ch20
ask-user Ch20
average Ch4
backwards Ch9
base-grade (exercise) Ch8, Ch12
beatle-number Ch8
before-in-list? (exercise) Ch17
best-free-square Ch10
best-move Ch10
best-square Ch10
best-square-helper Ch10
bill (exercise) Ch23
bottles Ch20
bound-check Ch25
branch (exercise) Ch17
bridge-val ProjBridge
butfirst Ch17
butlast Ch17
buzz Ch6
card-list Ch23
card-val ProjBridge
cell-children Ch25
cell-expr Ch25
cell-parents Ch25
cell-structure Ch25
cell-value Ch25
char-count Ch22
children Ch18
choices Ch1
choose-beatles (exercise) Ch8
choose-win Ch10
circle-area Ch9, Ch19
circumference Ch9
cities Ch18
clear-current-db! ProjDB
combinations Ch1
command-loop Ch25
common-words (exercise) Ch9
compose (exercise) Ch9
compute Ch18
concatenate (exercise) Ch22
converse (exercise) Ch20
copies Ch14
copies (exercise) Ch11
count-adjacent-duplicates (exercise) Ch14
count Ch8
count-db ProjDB
countdown (exercise) Ch11
count-leaves Ch18, Ch18
count-leaves-in-forest Ch18
count-nodes (exercise) Ch18
count-suit ProjBridge
count-ums (exercise) Ch8, Ch11
current-db ProjDB
current-fields ProjDB
datum Ch18
db-fields ProjDB
db-filename ProjDB
db-insert ProjDB
db-records ProjDB
db-set-fields! ProjDB
db-set-filename! ProjDB
db-set-records! ProjDB
deep-appearances Ch17
deep-map Ch19
deep-pigl Ch17, Ch19
depth (exercise) Ch18
describe (exercise) Ch9
describe-time (exercise) Ch6, Ch12
differences (exercise) Ch14
disjoint-pairs Ch14
divisible? Ch6
double Ch8, Ch8
doubles Ch14
down Ch12
downup Ch11, Ch11, Ch12
earliest-word Ch15
echo Ch20
edit-record ProjDB
effect Ch20
ends-e? Ch8
ends (exercise) Ch5
ends-vowel? (exercise) Ch8
european-time (exercise) Ch6
even-count? (exercise) Ch8
evens Ch12
every Ch19
every-nth Ch14
every-nth-helper Ch14, Ch14
exaggerate (exercise) Ch8, Ch12
execute-command Ch25
exhibit Ch25
explode Ch11
extract-digit Ch10
extract-ids Ch25
extra-spaces Ch22
factorial Ch1, Ch12
fib Ch13
figure Ch25
file-map Ch22
file-map-helper Ch22
filemerge Ch22
filemerge-helper Ch22
fill-array-with-rows Ch25
fill-row-with-cells Ch25
filter Ch19
find-triples Ch10
first-choice Ch10
first Ch17
first-if-any Ch10
first-last (exercise) Ch9
first-letters Ch8
first-number Ch14
first-two (exercise) Ch5
flatten (exercise) Ch17
flip Ch9
fourth-power Ch9
from-binary Ch15, Ch15
functions-loop Ch21
generic-before? ProjDB
gertrude (exercise) Ch7
get ProjDB
get-arg Ch21
get-args Ch21
get-fn Ch21
get-record ProjDB
get-record-loop ProjDB
get-song Ch22
get-value Ch16
global-array-lookup Ch25
gpa (exercise) Ch8, Ch12
greet Ch6
greet (exercise) Ch6
hand-dist-points ProjBridge
hang (exercise) Ch9
hang-letter (exercise) Ch9
has-vowel? Ch14
hexagon-area Ch19
high-card-points ProjBridge
hyphenate Ch8
hypotenuse Ch4, Ch7
i-can-advance? Ch10
i-can-fork? Ch10
i-can-win? Ch10
increasing? Ch17
indef-article (exercise) Ch6
in-domain? Ch21
in-forest? Ch18
init-array Ch25
initialize-lap-vector Ch23
initials (exercise) Ch11
insert ProjDB
insert-and (exercise) Ch5
integer-quotient Ch6
in-tree? Ch18, Ch18
item Ch8
join (exercise) Ch22
justify Ch22
keeper Ch9
keep-h Ch9
knight (exercise) Ch5
lap Ch23
last Ch17
lastfirst Ch22
leader (exercise) Ch23
leaf Ch18
leaf? Ch18
let-it-be (exercise) Ch9
letter-count (exercise) Ch8, Ch14
letter-pairs Ch11, Ch14
letterwords (exercise) Ch9
list-db ProjDB
list->vector Ch23
lm-helper Ch16
load-db ProjDB
locate Ch18
locate-in-forest Ch18
location Ch20
location (exercise) Ch14
longest-match Ch16
lookup Ch16, Ch17
lookup (exercise) Ch22
lots-of-effect Ch20
lots-of-value Ch20
make-adder Ch9
make-db ProjDB
make-deck Ch23
make-node Ch18
map Ch19
match Ch16
match-special Ch16
match-using-known-values Ch16
max2 (exercise) Ch17
maybe-display Ch20
member-types-ok? Ch21
merge Ch15
merge (exercise) Ch14
merge-copy Ch22
merge-db ProjDB
mergesort Ch15
middle-names (exercise) Ch5
music-critic Ch20
my-pair? Ch10
my-single? Ch10
mystery (exercise) Ch17
named-every Ch21
named-keep Ch21
name-table Ch20
new-db ProjDB
no-db? ProjDB
number-name ProjSpell
number-of-arguments Ch21
numbers (exercise) Ch12
num-divisible-by-4? Ch6
odds (exercise) Ch14
one-half Ch15
opponent-can-win? Ch10
opponent Ch10
order Ch17
order (exercise) Ch23
other-half Ch15
pad Ch22
page (exercise) Ch22
parse Ch18
parse-scheme (exercise) Ch18
phone-spell (exercise) Ch15
phone-unspell (exercise) Ch8, Ch11
pi Ch9
pigl Ch1, Ch11
pin-down Ch25
pin-down-cell Ch25
pivots Ch10
play-ttt Ch20
play-ttt-helper Ch20
plural Ch6, Ch8
plural (exercise) Ch6
poker-value ProjPoker, ProjPoker
praise Ch17
prepend-every Ch1, Ch15
prev-row Ch25
print-file Ch22
print-file-helper Ch22
print-position Ch20
print-row Ch20
print-screen Ch25
process-command Ch25
process-grades Ch22
progressive-squares? (exercise) Ch14
prune (exercise) Ch18
put-all-cells-in-col Ch25
put-all-cells-in-row Ch25
put-all-helper Ch25
put Ch25
put-expr Ch25
put-formula-in-cell Ch25
query (exercise) Ch5
quoted? Ch25
quoted-value Ch25
real-accumulate Ch19
real-word? Ch1, Ch8
real-words (exercise) Ch12
remdup (exercise) Ch14
remove (exercise) Ch12
remove-adjacent-duplicates (exercise) Ch14
remove-once Ch15
remove-once (exercise) Ch14
repeated-numbers Ch10
roman-value Ch6
roots Ch7
rotate Ch1
safe-pigl Ch14
safe-sqrt (exercise) Ch9
same-arg-twice Ch9
save-db ProjDB
scheme-procedure Ch21
scrunch-words Ch14
second Ch5
second (exercise) Ch9
select-id! Ch25
sent-before? Ch14
sentence (exercise) Ch17
sentence-version (exercise) Ch9
sent-equal? Ch16
sent-max Ch14
sent-of-first-two Ch8
set-cell-children! Ch25
set-cell-expr! Ch25
set-cell-parents! Ch25
set-cell-value! Ch25
set-current-db! ProjDB
set-selected-row! Ch25
setvalue Ch25
show-addition Ch20
show-and-return Ch20
show-answer Ch21
show-list Ch20
shuffle! Ch23
sign (exercise) Ch6
skip-songs Ch22
skip-value Ch16
sort2 (exercise) Ch6
sort Ch15, ProjDB
sort-digits Ch10
sort-on ProjDB
spaces Ch22
spell-digit Ch8
spell-number (exercise) Ch12
sphere-area Ch19
sphere-surface-area Ch9
sphere-volume Ch9
spreadsheet Ch25
square-area Ch19
square Ch4, Ch9
ss-eval Ch25
stupid-ttt Ch20
subsets Ch15
substitute (exercise) Ch9
substitute-letter Ch10
substitute-triple Ch10
substring? (exercise) Ch15
substrings (exercise) Ch15
subword Ch20
subword (exercise) Ch8
suit-counts ProjBridge
suit-dist-points ProjBridge
sum-square (exercise) Ch7
sum-vector (exercise) Ch23
superlative (exercise) Ch7
syllables (exercise) Ch14
teen? (exercise) Ch6
third (exercise) Ch5
third-person-singular (exercise) Ch6
thismany (exercise) Ch6
three-firsts Ch8
tie-game? Ch20
tie-game? (exercise) Ch10
transform-beatles (exercise) Ch8
translate Ch17, Ch17
truefalse Ch6
true-for-all? (exercise) Ch8
true-for-all-pairs? (exercise) Ch19
true-for-any-pair? (exercise) Ch19
try-putting Ch25
ttt Ch10, Ch10
ttt-choose Ch10
two-first (exercise) Ch5
two-firsts Ch8
two-first-sent (exercise) Ch5
two-numbers? Ch21
type-check (exercise) Ch9
type-of (exercise) Ch6
type-predicate Ch21
unabbrev (exercise) Ch9
unscramble (exercise) Ch15
up (exercise) Ch14
utensil (exercise) Ch6
valid-date? (exercise) Ch6
valid-fn-name? Ch21
valid-infix? (exercise) Ch17
value Ch20
vector-append (exercise) Ch23
vector-fill! (exercise) Ch23
vector-map (exercise) Ch23
vector-map! (exercise) Ch23
vector-swap! Ch23
verse Ch20, Ch20
vowel? Ch8
who (exercise) Ch9
words (exercise) Ch8

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Brian Harvey,