to student :prob say [The problem to be solved is] :prob make "prob [depunct ?] :prob localmake "orgprob :prob student1 :prob ~ [[[the perimeter of ! rectangle] [twice the sum of the length and width of the rectangle]] [[two numbers] [one of the numbers and the other number]] [[two numbers] [one number and the other number]]] end to student1 :prob :idioms local [simsen shelf aunits units wanted ans var lasteqn ref eqt1 beg end idiom reply] make "prob idioms :prob if match [^ two numbers #] :prob ~ [make "idiom find [match (sentence "^beg first ? "#end) :orgprob] :idioms ~ tryidiom stop] while [match [^beg the the #end] :prob] [make "prob (sentence :beg "the :end)] say [With mandatory substitutions the problem is] :prob ifelse match [# @:in [[as old as] [age] [years old]] #] :prob ~ [ageprob] [make "simsen bracket :prob] lsay [The simple sentences are] :simsen foreach [aunits wanted ans var lasteqn ref units] [make ? []] make "shelf filter [not emptyp ?] [senform ?] :simsen lsay [The equations to be solved are] :shelf make "units remdup :units if trysolve :shelf :wanted :units :aunits [print [The problem is solved.] stop] make "eqt1 remdup geteqns :var if not emptyp :eqt1 [lsay [Using the following known relationships] :eqt1] student2 :eqt1 end to student2 :eqt1 make "var remdup sentence ( [varterms ?] :eqt1) :var make "eqt1 sentence :eqt1 vartest :var if not emptyp :eqt1 ~ [if trysolve (sentence :shelf :eqt1) :wanted :units :aunits [print [The problem is solved.] stop]] make "idiom find [match (sentence "^beg first ? "#end) :orgprob] :idioms if not emptyp :idiom [tryidiom stop] lsay [Do you know any more relationships among these variables?] :var make "reply readlist if equalp :reply [yes] [print [Tell me.] make "reply readlist] if equalp :reply [no] [print [] print [I can't solve this problem.] stop] make "reply [depunct ?] :reply if dlm last :reply [make "reply butlast :reply] if not match [^beg is #end] :reply [print [I don't understand that.] stop] make "shelf sentence :shelf :eqt1 student2 (list (list "equal opform :beg opform :end)) end ;; Mandatory substitutions to depunct :word if emptyp :word [output []] if equalp first :word "$ [output sentence "$ depunct butfirst :word] if equalp last :word "% [output sentence depunct butlast :word "percent] if memberp last :word [. ? |;| ,] [output sentence depunct butlast :word last :word] if emptyp butfirst :word [output :word] if equalp last2 :word "'s [output sentence depunct butlast butlast :word "s] output :word end to last2 :word output word (last butlast :word) (last :word) end to idioms :sent local "number output changes :sent ~ [[[the sum of] ["sum]] [[square of] ["square]] [[of] ["numof]] [[how old] ["what]] [[is equal to] ["is]] [[years younger than] [[less than]]] [[years older than] ["plus]] [[percent less than] ["perless]] [[less than] ["lessthan]] [[these] ["the]] [[more than] ["plus]] [[first two numbers] [[the first number and the second number]]] [[three numbers] [[the first number and the second number and the third number]]] [[one half] [0.5]] [[twice] [[2 times]]] [[$ !number] [sentence :number "dollars]] [[consecutive to] [[1 plus]]] [[larger than] ["plus]] [[per cent] ["percent]] [[how many] ["howm]] [[is multiplied by] ["ismulby]] [[is divided by] ["isdivby]] [[multiplied by] ["times]] [[divided by] ["divby]]] end to changes :sent :list localmake "keywords [findkey first ?] :list output changes1 :sent :list :keywords end to findkey :pattern if equalp first :pattern "!:in [output first butfirst :pattern] if equalp first :pattern "?:in [output sentence (item 2 :pattern) (item 3 :pattern)] output first :pattern end to changes1 :sent :list :keywords if emptyp :sent [output []] if memberp first :sent :keywords [output changes2 :sent :list :keywords] output fput first :sent changes1 butfirst :sent :list :keywords end to changes2 :sent :list :keywords changes3 :list :list output fput first :sent changes1 butfirst :sent :list :keywords end to changes3 :biglist :nowlist if emptyp :nowlist [stop] if changeone first :nowlist [changes3 :biglist :biglist stop] changes3 :biglist butfirst :nowlist end to changeone :change local "end if not match (sentence first :change [#end]) :sent [output "false] make "sent run (sentence "sentence last :change ":end) output "true end ;; Division into simple sentences to bracket :prob output bkt1 finddelim :prob end to finddelim :sent output finddelim1 :sent [] [] end to finddelim1 :in :out :simples if emptyp :in ~ [ifelse emptyp :out [output :simples] [output lput (sentence :out ".) :simples]] if dlm first :in ~ [output finddelim1 (nocap butfirst :in) [] (lput (sentence :out first :in) :simples)] output finddelim1 (butfirst :in) (sentence :out first :in) :simples end to nocap :words if emptyp :words [output []] if personp first :words [output :words] output sentence (lowercase first :words) butfirst :words end to bkt1 :problist local [first word rest] if emptyp :problist [output []] if not memberp ", first :problist ~ [output fput first :problist bkt1 butfirst :problist] if match [if ^first , !word:qword #rest] first :problist ~ [output bkt1 fput (sentence :first ".) fput (sentence :word :rest) butfirst :problist] if match [^first , and #rest] first :problist ~ [output fput (sentence :first ".) (bkt1 fput :rest butfirst :problist)] output fput first :problist bkt1 butfirst :problist end ;; Age problems to ageprob local [beg end sym who num subj ages] while [match [^beg as old as #end] :prob] [make "prob sentence :beg :end] while [match [^beg years old #end] :prob] [make "prob sentence :beg :end] while [match [^beg will be when #end] :prob] ~ [make "sym gensym make "prob (sentence :beg "in :sym [years . in] :sym "years :end)] while [match [^beg was when #end] :prob] ~ [make "sym gensym make "prob (sentence :beg :sym [years ago .] :sym [years ago] :end)] while [match [^beg !who:personp will be in !num years #end] :prob] ~ [make "prob (sentence :beg :who [s age in] :num "years #end)] while [match [^beg was #end] :prob] [make "prob (sentence :beg "is :end)] while [match [^beg will be #end] :prob] [make "prob (sentence :beg "is :end)] while [match [^beg !who:personp is now #end] :prob] ~ [make "prob (sentence :beg :who [s age now] :end)] while [match [^beg !num years from now #end] :prob] ~ [make "prob (sentence :beg "in :num "years :end)] make "prob ageify :prob ifelse match [^ !who:personp ^end s age #] :prob ~ [make "subj sentence :who :end] [make "subj "someone] make "prob agepron :prob make "end :prob make "ages [] while [match [^ !who:personp ^beg age #end] :end] ~ [push "ages (sentence "and :who :beg "age)] make "ages butfirst reduce "sentence remdup :ages while [match [^beg their ages #end] :prob] [make "prob (sentence :beg :ages :end)] make "simsen map [agesen ?] bracket :prob end to ageify :sent if emptyp :sent [output []] if not personp first :sent [output fput first :sent ageify butfirst :sent] catch "error [if equalp first butfirst :sent "s [output fput first :sent ageify butfirst :sent]] output (sentence first :sent [s age] ageify butfirst :sent) end to agepron :sent if emptyp :sent [output []] if not pronoun first :sent [output fput first :sent agepron butfirst :sent] if posspro first :sent [output (sentence :subj "s agepron butfirst :sent)] output (sentence :subj [s age] agepron butfirst :sent) end to agesen :sent local [when rest num] make "when [] if match [in !num years #rest] :sent ~ [make "when sentence "pluss :num make "sent :rest] if match [!num years ago #rest] :sent ~ [make "when sentence "minuss :num make "sent :rest] output agewhen :sent end to agewhen :sent if emptyp :sent [output []] if not equalp first :sent "age [output fput first :sent agewhen butfirst :sent] if match [in !num years #rest] butfirst :sent ~ [output (sentence [age pluss] :num agewhen :rest)] if match [!num years ago #rest] butfirst :sent ~ [output (sentence [age minuss] :num agewhen :rest)] if equalp "now first butfirst :sent ~ [output sentence "age agewhen butfirst butfirst :sent] output (sentence "age :when agewhen butfirst :sent) end ;; Translation from sentences into equations to senform :sent make "lasteqn senform1 :sent output :lasteqn end to senform1 :sent local [one two verb1 verb2 stuff1 stuff2 factor] if emptyp :sent [output []] if match [^ what are ^one and ^two !:dlm] :sent ~ [output fput (qset :one) (senform (sentence [what are] :two "?))] if match [^ what !:in [is are] #one !:dlm] :sent ~ [output (list qset :one)] if match [^ howm !one is #two !:dlm] :sent ~ [push "aunits (list :one) output (list qset :two)] if match [^ howm ^one do ^two have !:dlm] :sent ~ [output (list qset (sentence [the number of] :one :two "have))] if match [^ howm ^one does ^two have !:dlm] :sent ~ [output (list qset (sentence [the number of] :one :two "has))] if match [^ find ^one and #two] :sent ~ [output fput (qset :one) (senform sentence "find :two)] if match [^ find #one !:dlm] :sent [output (list qset :one)] make "sent filter [not article ?] :sent if match [^one ismulby #two] :sent ~ [push "ref (list "product opform :one opform :two) output []] if match [^one isdivby #two] :sent ~ [push "ref (list "quotient opform :one opform :two) output []] if match [^one is increased by #two] :sent ~ [push "ref (list "sum opform :one opform :two) output []] if match [^one is #two] :sent ~ [output (list (list "equal opform :one opform :two))] if match [^one !verb1:verb ^factor as many ^stuff1 as ^two !verb2:verb ^stuff2 !:dlm] ~ :sent ~ [if emptyp :stuff2 [make "stuff2 :stuff1] output (list (list "equal ~ opform (sentence [the number of] :stuff1 :one :verb1) ~ opform (sentence :factor [the number of] :stuff2 :two :verb2)))] if match [^one !verb1:verb !factor:numberp #stuff1 !:dlm] :sent ~ [output (list (list "equal ~ opform (sentence [the number of] :stuff1 :one :verb1) ~ opform (list :factor)))] say [This sentence form is not recognized:] :sent throw "error end to qset :sent localmake "opform opform filter [not article ?] :sent if not operatorp first :opform ~ [queue "wanted :opform queue "ans list :opform oprem :sent output []] localmake "gensym gensym queue "wanted :gensym queue "ans list :gensym oprem :sent output (list "equal :gensym opform (filter [not article ?] :sent)) end to oprem :sent output map [ifelse equalp ? "numof ["of] [?]] :sent end to opform :expr local [left right op] if match [^left !op:op2 #right] :expr [output optest :op :left :right] if match [^left !op:op1 #right] :expr [output optest :op :left :right] if match [^left !op:op0 #right] :expr [output optest :op :left :right] if match [#left !:dlm] :expr [make "expr :left] output nmtest filter [not article ?] :expr end to optest :op :left :right output run (list (word "tst. :op) :left :right) end to tst.numof :left :right if numberp last :left [output (list "product opform :left opform :right)] output opform (sentence :left "of :right) end to tst.divby :left :right output (list "quotient opform :left opform :right) end to tst.tothepower :left :right output (list "expt opform :left opform :right) end to expt :num :pow if :pow < 1 [output 1] output :num * expt :num :pow - 1 end to tst.per :left :right output (list "quotient ~ opform :left ~ opform (ifelse numberp first :right [:right] [fput 1 :right])) end to tst.lessthan :left :right output opdiff opform :right opform :left end to opdiff :left :right output (list "sum :left (list "minus :right)) end to tst.minus :left :right if emptyp :left [output list "minus opform :right] output opdiff opform :left opform :right end to tst.minuss :left :right output tst.minus :left :right end to tst.sum :left :right local [one two three] if match [^one and ^two and #three] :right ~ [output (list "sum opform :one opform (sentence "sum :two "and :three))] if match [^one and #two] :right ~ [output (list "sum opform :one opform :two)] say [sum used wrong:] :right throw "error end to tst.squared :left :right output list "square opform :left end to tst.difference :left :right local [one two] if match [between ^one and #two] :right [output opdiff opform :one opform :two] say [Incorrect use of difference:] :right throw "error end to :left :right output (list "sum opform :left opform :right) end to tst.pluss :left :right output :left :right end to square :x output :x * :x end to tst.square :left :right output list "square opform :right end to tst.percent :left :right if not numberp last :left ~ [say [Incorrect use of percent:] :left throw "error] output opform (sentence butlast :left ((last :left) / 100) :right) end to tst.perless :left :right if not numberp last :left ~ [say [Incorrect use of percent:] :left throw "error] output (list "product ~ (opform sentence butlast :left ((100 - (last :left)) / 100)) ~ opform :right) end to tst.times :left :right if emptyp :left [say [Incorrect use of times:] :right throw "error] output (list "product opform :left opform :right) end to nmtest :expr if match [& !:numberp #] :expr [say [argument error:] :expr throw "error] if and (equalp first :expr 1) (1 < count :expr) ~ [make "expr (sentence 1 plural (first butfirst :expr) (butfirst butfirst :expr))] if and (numberp first :expr) (1 < count :expr) ~ [push "units (list first butfirst :expr) ~ output (list "product (first :expr) (opform butfirst :expr))] if numberp first :expr [output first :expr] if memberp "this :expr [output this :expr] if not memberp :expr :var [push "var :expr] output :expr end to this :expr if not emptyp :ref [output pop "ref] if not emptyp :lasteqn [output first butfirst last :lasteqn] if equalp first :expr "this [make "expr butfirst :expr] push "var :expr output :expr end ;; Solving the equations to trysolve :shelf :wanted :units :aunits local "solution make "solution solve :wanted :shelf (ifelse emptyp :aunits [:units] [:aunits]) output pranswers :ans :solution end to solve :wanted :eqt :terms output solve.reduce solver :wanted :terms [] [] "insufficient end to solve.reduce :soln if emptyp :soln [output []] if wordp :soln [output :soln] if emptyp butfirst :soln [output :soln] local "part make "part solve.reduce butfirst :soln output fput (list (first first :soln) (subord last first :soln :part)) :part end to solver :wanted :terms :alis :failed :err local [one result restwant] if emptyp :wanted [output :err] make "one solve1 (first :wanted) ~ (sentence butfirst :wanted :failed :terms) ~ :alis :eqt [] "insufficient if wordp :one ~ [output solver (butfirst :wanted) :terms :alis (fput first :wanted :failed) :one] make "restwant (sentence :failed butfirst :wanted) if emptyp :restwant [output :one] make "result solver :restwant :terms :one [] "insufficient if listp :result [output :result] output solver (butfirst :wanted) :terms :alis (fput first :wanted :failed) :one end to solve1 :x :terms :alis :eqns :failed :err local [thiseq vars extras xterms others result] if emptyp :eqns [output :err] make "thiseq subord (first :eqns) :alis make "vars varterms :thiseq if not memberp :x :vars ~ [output solve1 :x :terms :alis (butfirst :eqns) (fput first :eqns :failed) :err] make "xterms fput :x :terms make "extras setminus :vars :xterms make "eqt remove (first :eqns) :eqt if not emptyp :extras ~ [make "others solver :extras :xterms :alis [] "insufficient ifelse wordp :others [make "eqt sentence :failed :eqns output solve1 :x :terms :alis (butfirst :eqns) (fput first :eqns :failed) :others] [make "alis :others make "thiseq subord (first :eqns) :alis]] make "result solveq :x :thiseq if listp :result [output lput :result :alis] make "eqt sentence :failed :eqns output solve1 :x :terms :alis (butfirst :eqns) (fput first :eqns :failed) :result end to solveq :var :eqn local [left right] make "left first butfirst :eqn ifelse occvar :var :left ~ [make "right last :eqn] [make "right :left make "left last :eqn] output solveq1 :left :right "true end to solveq1 :left :right :bothtest if :bothtest [if occvar :var :right [output solveqboth :left :right]] if equalp :left :var [output list :var :right] if wordp :left [output "unsolvable] local "oper make "oper first :left if memberp :oper [sum product minus quotient] [output run (list word "solveq. :oper)] output "unsolvable end to solveqboth :left :right if not equalp first :right "sum [output solveq1 (subterm :left :right) 0 "false] output solveq.rplus :left butfirst :right [] end to solveq.rplus :left :right :newright if emptyp :right [output solveq1 :left (simone "sum :newright) "false] if occvar :var first :right ~ [output solveq.rplus (subterm :left first :right) butfirst :right :newright] output solveq.rplus :left butfirst :right (fput first :right :newright) end to solveq.sum if emptyp butfirst butfirst :left [output solveq1 first butfirst :left :right "true] output solveq.sum1 butfirst :left :right [] end to solveq.sum1 :left :right :newleft if emptyp :left [output solveq.sum2] if occvar :var first :left ~ [output solveq.sum1 butfirst :left :right fput first :left :newleft] output solveq.sum1 butfirst :left (subterm :right first :left) :newleft end to solveq.sum2 if emptyp butfirst :newleft [output solveq1 first :newleft :right "true] localmake "factor factor :newleft :var if equalp first :factor "unknown [output "unsolvable] if equalp last :factor 0 [output "unsolvable] output solveq1 first :factor (divterm :right last :factor) "true end to solveq.minus output solveq1 (first butfirst :left) (minusin :right) "false end to solveq.product output solveq.product1 :left :right end to solveq.product1 :left :right if emptyp butfirst butfirst :left [output solveq1 (first butfirst :left) :right "true] if not occvar :var first butfirst :left ~ [output solveq.product1 (fput "product butfirst butfirst :left) (divterm :right first butfirst :left)] localmake "rest simone "product butfirst butfirst :left if occvar :var :rest [output "unsolvable] output solveq1 (first butfirst :left) (divterm :right :rest) "false end to solveq.quotient if occvar :var first butfirst :left ~ [output solveq1 (first butfirst :left) (simtimes list :right last :left) "true] output solveq1 (simtimes list :right last :left) (first butfirst :left) "true end to denom :fract :addends make "addends simplus :addends localmake "den last :fract if not equalp first :addends "quotient ~ [output simdiv list (simone "sum (remop "sum list (distribtimes (list :addends) :den) first butfirst :fract)) :den] if equalp :den last :addends ~ [output simdiv (simplus list (first butfirst :fract) (first butfirst :addends)) :den] localmake "lowterms simdiv list :den last :addends output simdiv list (simplus (simtimes list first butfirst :fract last :lowterms) (simtimes list first butfirst :addends first butfirst :lowterms)) ~ (simtimes list first butfirst :lowterms last :addends) end to distribtimes :trms :multiplier output simplus map [simtimes (list ? :multiplier)] :trms end to distribx :expr local [oper args] if emptyp :expr [output :expr] make "oper first :expr if not operatorp :oper [output :expr] make "args map [distribx ?] butfirst :expr if reduce "and map [numberp ?] :args [output run (sentence [(] :oper :args [)])] if equalp :oper "sum [output simplus :args] if equalp :oper "minus [output minusin first :args] if equalp :oper "product [output simtimes :args] if equalp :oper "quotient [output simdiv :args] output fput :oper :args end to divterm :dividend :divisor if equalp :dividend 0 [output 0] output simdiv list :dividend :divisor end to factor :exprs :var local "trms make "trms map [factor1 :var ?] :exprs if memberp "unknown :trms [output fput "unknown :exprs] output list :var simplus :trms end to factor1 :var :expr localmake "negvar minusin :var if equalp :var :expr [output 1] if equalp :negvar :expr [output -1] if emptyp :expr [output "unknown] if equalp first :expr "product [output factor2 butfirst :expr] if not equalp first :expr "quotient [output "unknown] localmake "dividend first butfirst :expr if equalp :var :dividend [output (list "quotient 1 last :expr)] if not equalp first :dividend "product [output "unknown] localmake "result factor2 butfirst :dividend if equalp :result "unknown [output "unknown] output (list "quotient :result last :expr) end to factor2 :trms if memberp :var :trms [output simone "product (remove :var :trms)] if memberp :negvar :trms [output minusin simone "product (remove :negvar :trms)] output "unknown end to maybeadd :num :rest if equalp :num 0 [output :rest] output fput :num :rest end to maybemul :num :rest if equalp :num 1 [output :rest] output fput :num :rest end to minusin :expr if emptyp :expr [output -1] if equalp first :expr "sum [output fput "sum map [minusin ?] butfirst :expr] if equalp first :expr "minus [output last :expr] if memberp first :expr [product quotient] ~ [output fput first :expr (fput (minusin first butfirst :expr) butfirst butfirst :expr)] if numberp :expr [output minus :expr] output list "minus :expr end to occvar :var :expr if emptyp :expr [output "false] if wordp :expr [output equalp :var :expr] if operatorp first :expr [output not emptyp find [occvar :var ?] butfirst :expr] output equalp :var :expr end to remfactor :num :den foreach butfirst :num [remfactor1 ?] output (list "quotient (simone "product butfirst :num) (simone "product butfirst :den)) end to remfactor1 :expr local "neg if memberp :expr :den ~ [make "num remove :expr :num make "den remove :expr :den stop] make "neg minusin :expr if not memberp :neg :den [stop] make "num remove :expr :num make "den minusin remove :neg :den end to remop :oper :exprs output [ifelse equalp first ? :oper [butfirst ?] [(list ?)]] :exprs end to simdiv :list local [num den numop denop] make "num first :list make "den last :list if equalp :num :den [output 1] if numberp :den [output simtimes (list (quotient 1 :den) :num)] make "numop first :num make "denop first :den if equalp :numop "quotient ~ [output simdiv list (first butfirst :num) (simtimes list last :num :den)] if equalp :denop "quotient ~ [output simdiv list (simtimes list :num last :den) (first butfirst :den)] if and equalp :numop "product equalp :denop "product [output remfactor :num :den] if and equalp :numop "product memberp :den :num [output remove :den :num] output fput "quotient :list end to simone :oper :trms if emptyp :trms [output ifelse equalp :oper "product [1] [0]] if emptyp butfirst :trms [output first :trms] output fput :oper :trms end to simplus :exprs make "exprs remop "sum :exprs localmake "factor [unknown] catch "simplus ~ [foreach :terms ~ [make "factor (factor :exprs ?) ~ if not equalp first :factor "unknown [throw "simplus]]] if not equalp first :factor "unknown [output fput "product remop "product :factor] localmake "nums 0 localmake "nonnums [] localmake "quick [] catch "simplus [simplus1 :exprs] if not emptyp :quick [output :quick] if not equalp :nums 0 [push "nonnums :nums] output simone "sum :nonnums end to simplus1 :exprs if emptyp :exprs [stop] simplus2 first :exprs simplus1 butfirst :exprs end to simplus2 :pos local "neg make "neg minusin :pos if numberp :pos [make "nums sum :pos :nums stop] if memberp :neg butfirst :exprs [make "exprs remove :neg :exprs stop] if equalp first :pos "quotient ~ [make "quick (denom :pos (maybeadd :nums sentence :nonnums butfirst :exprs)) ~ throw "simplus] push "nonnums :pos end to simtimes :exprs local [nums nonnums quick] make "nums 1 make "nonnums [] make "quick [] catch "simtimes [foreach remop "product :exprs [simtimes1 ?]] if not emptyp :quick [output :quick] if equalp :nums 0 [output 0] if not equalp :nums 1 [push "nonnums :nums] output simone "product :nonnums end to simtimes1 :expr if equalp :expr 0 [make "nums 0 throw "simtimes] if numberp :expr [make "nums product :expr :nums stop] if equalp first :expr "sum ~ [make "quick distribtimes (butfirst :expr) (simone "product maybemul :nums sentence :nonnums ?rest) throw "simtimes] if equalp first :expr "quotient ~ [make "quick simdiv (list (simtimes (list (first butfirst :expr) (simone "product maybemul :nums sentence :nonnums ?rest))) (last :expr)) throw "simtimes] push "nonnums :expr end to subord :expr :alist output distribx subord1 :expr :alist end to subord1 :expr :alist if emptyp :alist [output :expr] output subord (substop (last first :alist) (first first :alist) :expr) ~ (butfirst :alist) end to substop :val :var :expr if emptyp :expr [output []] if equalp :expr :var [output :val] if not operatorp first :expr [output :expr] output fput first :expr map [substop :val :var ?] butfirst :expr end to subterm :minuend :subtrahend if equalp :minuend 0 [output minusin :subtrahend] if equalp :minuend :subtrahend [output 0] output simplus (list :minuend minusin :subtrahend) end to varterms :expr if emptyp :expr [output []] if numberp :expr [output []] if wordp :expr [output (list :expr)] if operatorp first :expr [output [varterms ?] butfirst :expr] output (list :expr) end ;; Printing the solutions to pranswers :ans :solution print [] if equalp :solution "unsolvable ~ [print [Unable to solve this set of equations.] output "false] if equalp :solution "insufficient ~ [print [The equations were insufficient to find a solution.] output "false] localmake "gotall "true foreach :ans [if prans ? :solution [make "gotall "false]] if not :gotall [print [] print [Unable to solve this set of equations.]] output :gotall end to prans :ans :solution localmake "result find [equalp first ? first :ans] :solution if emptyp :result [output "true] print (sentence cap last :ans "is unitstring last :result) print [] output "false end to unitstring :expr if numberp :expr [output roundoff :expr] if equalp first :expr "product ~ [output sentence (unitstring first butfirst :expr) (reduce "sentence butfirst butfirst :expr)] if (and (listp :expr) (not numberp first :expr) (not operatorp first :expr)) ~ [output (sentence 1 (singular first :expr) (butfirst :expr))] output :expr end to roundoff :num if (abs (:num - round :num)) < 0.0001 [output round :num] output :num end to abs :num output ifelse (:num < 0) [-:num] [:num] end ;; Using known relationships to geteqns :vars output [gprop varkey ? "eqns] :vars end to varkey :var local "word if match [number of !word #] :var [output :word] output first :var end ;; Assuming equality of similar variables to vartest :vars if emptyp :vars [output []] local [var beg end] make "var first :vars output (sentence (ifelse match [^beg !:pronoun #end] :var [vartest1 :var (sentence :beg "& :end) butfirst :vars] [[]]) (vartest1 :var (sentence "# :var "#) butfirst :vars) (vartest butfirst :vars)) end to vartest1 :target :pat :vars output map [varequal :target ?] filter [match :pat ?] :vars end to varequal :target :var print [] print [Assuming that] print (sentence (list :target) [is equal to] (list :var)) output (list "equal :target :var) end ;; Optional substitutions to tryidiom make "prob (sentence :beg last :idiom :end) while [match (sentence "^beg first :idiom "#end) :prob] ~ [make "prob (sentence :beg last :idiom :end)] say [The problem with an idiomatic substitution is] :prob student1 :prob (remove :idiom :idioms) end ;; Utility procedures to qword :word output memberp :word [find what howm how] end to dlm :word output memberp :word [. ? |;|] end to article :word output memberp :word [a an the] end to verb :word output memberp :word [have has get gets weigh weighs] end to personp :word output memberp :word [Mary Ann Bill Tom Sally Frank father uncle] end to pronoun :word output memberp :word [he she it him her they them his her its] end to posspro :word output memberp :word [his her its] end to op0 :word output memberp :word [pluss minuss squared tothepower per sum difference numof] end to op1 :word output memberp :word [times divby square] end to op2 :word output memberp :word [plus minus lessthan percent perless] end to operatorp :word output memberp :word [sum minus product quotient expt square equal] end to plural :word localmake "plural gprop :word "plural if not emptyp :plural [output :plural] if not emptyp gprop :word "sing [output :word] if equalp last :word "s [output :word] output word :word "s end to singular :word localmake "sing gprop :word "sing if not emptyp :sing [output :sing] if not emptyp gprop :word "plural [output :word] if equalp last :word "s [output butlast :word] output :word end to setminus :big :little output filter [not memberp ? :little] :big end to say :herald :text print [] print :herald print [] print :text print [] end to lsay :herald :text print [] print :herald print [] foreach :text [print cap ? print []] end to cap :sent if emptyp :sent [output []] output sentence (word uppercase first first :sent butfirst first :sent) ~ butfirst :sent end ;; The pattern matcher to match :pat :sen if prematch :pat :sen [output rmatch :pat :sen] output "false end to prematch :pat :sen if emptyp :pat [output "true] if listp first :pat [output prematch butfirst :pat :sen] if memberp first first :pat [! @ # ^ & ?] [output prematch butfirst :pat :sen] if emptyp :sen [output "false] localmake "rest member first :pat :sen if not emptyp :rest [output prematch butfirst :pat :rest] output "false end to rmatch :pat :sen local [special.var special.pred special.buffer in.list] if or wordp :pat wordp :sen [output "false] if emptyp :pat [output emptyp :sen] if listp first :pat [output special fput "!: :pat :sen] if memberp first first :pat [? # ! & @ ^] [output special :pat :sen] if emptyp :sen [output "false] if equalp first :pat first :sen [output rmatch butfirst :pat butfirst :sen] output "false end to special :pat :sen set.special parse.special butfirst first :pat " output run word "match first first :pat end to parse.special :word :var if emptyp :word [output list :var "always] if equalp first :word ": [output list :var butfirst :word] output parse.special butfirst :word word :var first :word end to set.special :list make "special.var first :list make "special.pred last :list if emptyp :special.var [make "special.var "special.buffer] if memberp :special.pred [in anyof] [] if not emptyp :special.pred [stop] make "special.pred first butfirst :pat make "pat fput first :pat butfirst butfirst :pat end to make "in.list first butfirst :pat make "pat fput first :pat butfirst butfirst :pat end to match! if emptyp :sen [output "false] if not try.pred [output "false] make :special.var first :sen output rmatch butfirst :pat butfirst :sen end to match? make :special.var [] if emptyp :sen [output rmatch butfirst :pat :sen] if not try.pred [output rmatch butfirst :pat :sen] make :special.var first :sen if rmatch butfirst :pat butfirst :sen [output "true] make :special.var [] output rmatch butfirst :pat :sen end to match# make :special.var [] output #test #gather :sen end to #gather :sen if emptyp :sen [output :sen] if not try.pred [output :sen] make :special.var lput first :sen thing :special.var output #gather butfirst :sen end to #test :sen if rmatch butfirst :pat :sen [output "true] if emptyp thing :special.var [output "false] output #test2 fput last thing :special.var :sen end to #test2 :sen make :special.var butlast thing :special.var output #test :sen end to match& output &test match# end to &test :tf if emptyp thing :special.var [output "false] output :tf end to match^ make :special.var [] output ^test :sen end to ^test :sen if rmatch butfirst :pat :sen [output "true] if emptyp :sen [output "false] if not try.pred [output "false] make :special.var lput first :sen thing :special.var output ^test butfirst :sen end to match@ make :special.var :sen output @test [] end to @test :sen if @try.pred [if rmatch butfirst :pat :sen [output "true]] if emptyp thing :special.var [output "false] output @test2 fput last thing :special.var :sen end to @test2 :sen make :special.var butlast thing :special.var output @test :sen end to try.pred if listp :special.pred [output rmatch :special.pred first :sen] output run list :special.pred quoted first :sen end to quoted :thing if listp :thing [output :thing] output word "" :thing end to @try.pred if listp :special.pred [output rmatch :special.pred thing :special.var] output run list :special.pred thing :special.var end to always :x output "true end to in :word output memberp :word :in.list end to anyof :sen output anyof1 :sen :in.list end to anyof1 :sen :pats if emptyp :pats [output "false] if rmatch first :pats :sen [output "true] output anyof1 :sen butfirst :pats end ;; Sample word problems make "ann [Mary is twice as old as Ann was when Mary was as old as Ann is now. If Mary is 24 years old, how old is Ann?] make "guns [The number of soldiers the Russians have is one half of the number of guns they have. They have 7000 guns. How many soldiers do they have?] make "jet [The distance from New York to Los Angeles is 3000 miles. If the average speed of a jet plane is 600 miles per hour, find the time it takes to travel from New York to Los Angeles by jet.] make "nums [A number is multiplied by 6 . This product is increased by 44 . This result is 68 . Find the number.] make "radio [The price of a radio is $69.70. If this price is 15 percent less than the marked price, find the marked price.] make "sally [The sum of Sally's share of some money and Frank's share is $4.50. Sally's share is twice Frank's. Find Frank's and Sally's share.] make "ship [The gross weight of a ship is 20000 tons. If its net weight is 15000 tons, what is the weight of the ships cargo?] make "span [If 1 span is 9 inches, and 1 fathom is 6 feet, how many spans is 1 fathom?] make "sumtwo [The sum of two numbers is 96, and one number is 16 larger than the other number. Find the two numbers.] make "tom [If the number of customers Tom gets is twice the square of 20 per cent of the number of advertisements he runs, and the number of advertisements he runs is 45, what is the number of customers Tom gets?] make "uncle [Bill's father's uncle is twice as old as Bill's father. 2 years from now Bill's father will be 3 times as old as Bill. The sum of their ages is 92 . Find Bill's age.] ;; Initial data base pprop "distance "eqns ~ [[equal [distance] [product [speed] [time]]] [equal [distance] [product [gas consumtion] [number of gallons of gas used]]]] pprop "feet "eqns ~ [[equal [product 1 [feet]] [product 12 [inches]]] [equal [product 1 [yards]] [product 3 [feet]]]] pprop "feet "sing "foot pprop "foot "plural "feet pprop "gallons "eqns ~ [[equal [distance] [product [gas consumtion] [number of gallons of gas used]]]] pprop "gas "eqns ~ [[equal [distance] [product [gas consumtion] [number of gallons of gas used]]]] pprop "inch "plural "inches pprop "inches "eqns [[equal [product 1 [feet]] [product 12 [inches]]]] pprop "people "sing "person pprop "person "plural "people pprop "speed "eqns [[equal [distance] [product [speed] [time]]]] pprop "time "eqns [[equal [distance] [product [speed] [time]]]] pprop "yards "eqns [[equal [product 1 [yards]] [product 3 [feet]]]]