CS 9C, "C for Programmers" 1 unit, self-paced, P/NP; offered fall and spring semesters. Restrictions on enrollment: CS 9C should be counted as a "computer science service course", with restrictions on credit toward graduation as specified in the rules for such courses. ABBREVIATED COURSE TITLE C FOR PROGRAMMERS INSTRUCTOR IN CHARGE M. Clancy, Senior Lecturer CATALOG DESCRIPTION Self-paced course in the C programming language for students who already know how to program. Computation, input and output, flow of control, functions, arrays and pointers, linked structures, use of dynamic storage, and implementation of abstract data types. PREREQUISITE Programming experience with pointers (or addresses in assembly language) and linked data structures equivalent to that gained in CS 9B, CS 61A, or Eng 77N. EXPANDED DESCRIPTION This course is organized similarly to other courses in the CS 9 series. Course activities include quizzes that test language details and programming assignments that provide practice with the languages and associated programming techniques. Topic coverage is roughly as follows. Segment 1: computation, input/output, functions and procedures, flow of control. Segment 2: arrays, pointers, structures, and files Segment 3: linked structures; implementation of abstract data types; use of the "malloc" and "free" functions Students should have experience using addresses in assembly language or pointers in a high-level language, since use of pointers is a major part of programming in C. TEXTBOOKS *Beginning with C*, by Ron House (PWS Publishing, 1994) *The C Programming Language* (second edition), Kernighan and Ritchie, Prentice-Hall, 1988.