Wireless security - How 802.11 works - How it got broken See, e.g., http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/papers/wep-mob01.pdf http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/talks/FCC02.ppt http://www.cs.umd.edu/~waa/wireless.html Tamper resistance examples - Mondex - Smartcards for payment - Smartcards for authentication An important principle - example: tamper-resistant camera, when you take a picture, it records time, date, and who took the picture, and timestamps it - security analysis? - security of this scheme relies on tamper-resistance, and that in turn depends heavily on whether the person in physical possession of the device has an incentive to break the tamperproofing. if the person has an incentive for the system to work correctly (e.g., first person to timestamp the picture gets copyright protection), it's probably secure. if person has an incentive to break it (e.g., camera inserts identity information into camera without consent of the owner), then it's probably very insecure. this is a general principle about tamper-resistance, not about marking.