Notes for Math 221, Lecture 9, Sep 19 2011

Goal: Discuss how to solve Ax=b using variants of Gaussian Elimination (GE).
      Basic idea of GE as a matrix factorization (also known as LU decomposition).
      How it might be numerically unstable, or usually be stable if done properly
        (using pivoting)
      How to get an accurate answer at reasonable cost, even if condition number large,
        i.e. norm(x_computed - x_true)/norm(x_true) = O(macheps), not O(cond(A)*macheps)
        by using Newton's method and a little extra precision (just O(n^2))
      Variations that exploit the matrix structure to go (much) faster
         Symmetry, positive definiteness (eg Cholesky)
         Sparsity, when most entries zero
         When matrix entries depend on few parameters
            Classical example: polynomial interpolation same as solving
                  V*a=y for vector a, where V(i,j) = x(i)^(j-1); then
                     sum_{j=1}^{n} a(j)*x(i)^(j-1) = y(i),
                  i.e. a(1:n) are coefficients of polynomial interpolating
                  the points (x(1),y(1)), ... , (x(n),y(n))
              can solve for a(1:n) in O(n^2) flops, using Newton interpolation, 
              not O(n^3).
      Variations that minimize communication

  Def Permutation matrix: identity with permuted rows
   Facts: let P, P1 etc be permutation matrices
      P*X = row permutation of X
      X*P = col permutation of X
      P1*P2 also a permutation matrix
      inv(P) = P^T (enough to check that diag(P*P^T) = all ones
      det(P) = +-1
      P is an orthogonal matrix
      to store and multiply by P, just keep track of order of rows (cheap)

  Thm (LU decomposition): Given any m x n full rank matrix A, with m >= n, there exists
      m x m permutation matrix P
      m x n unit lower triangular matrix L
      n x n nonsingular upper triangular matrix U
   such that A = P*L*U
   Proof: induction / Gaussian elimination (soon)

  Cor: If A n x n and nonsingular, there exists n x n
       permutation P, lower triangular L, upper triangular U st A = P*L*U

  To solve A*x = b:
    (1) factor A = P*L*U (expensive part, (2/3)n^3)
    (2) Solve P*L*U*x = b for L*U*x = P^T*b ... cost = O(n)
    (3) Solve L*U*x = P^T*b for U*x = inv(L)*P^T*b using forward substitution
        ... cost = n^2 flops
    (4) Solve U*x = inv(L)*P^T*b for x = inv(U)*inv(L)*P^T*b = inv(A)*b using 
        back substitution ... cost = n^2 flops

  Note: We do not compute inv(A) and multiply x = inv(A)*b:
    (1) 3x more expensive in dense case, can be much worse in sparse case (O(n) times!)
    (2) not as numerically stable

  Proof of Theorem:
    If A full rank, the first column is nonzero, so there is a permutation P
    such that (P*A)(1,1) is nonzero. Write
     P*A = [ A11 A12 ] = [ 1       0 ] * [ A11 A12              ] 
           [ A21 A22 ]   [ A21/A11 I ]   [  0  A22 -A21*A12/A11 ]
    where A11 is 1 x 1, A21 is (m-1) x 1, A12 is 1 x (n-1) and A22 is (m-1) x (n-1)
    Now A full (column) rank => P*A full rank => S = A22 - A21*A12/A11 full rank
    (Otherwise, if some linear combination of columns of S were 0, some linear
     combination of columns of A would be zero, contradicting A being full rank.)
    (Square case: det(A) nonzero => 0 neq det(first factor) * det(second factor)
                                        =  1 * A11 * det(S)
                                 => det(S) nonzero)
    Notation: S called Schur complement
    Now apply induction: S = P'*L'*U', so
    P*A = [ 1       0 ] * [ A11 A12     ]
          [ A21/A11 I ]   [  0  P'*L'*U']
        = [ 1         0   ] * [ A11 A12 ]
          [ A21/A11 P'*L' ]   [  0  U'  ]
        = [ 1 0  ] * [ 1              0  ] * [ A11 A12 ]
          [ 0 P' ]   [ P'^T*(A21/A11) L' ]   [  0  U'  ]
        = P''      *      L                *     U
        = perm * unit_lower_triangular * nonsingular_upper_triangular
   so A = P^T*P'' * L * U = perm * L * U    QED.

   Expressing this as an algorithm, we get the following (ignore permutations first)
    for i = 1 to n
      L(i,i) = 1, L(i+1:n,i) = A(i+1:n,i)/A(i,i)
      U(i,i:n) = A(i,i:n)
      if (i < n)  A(i+1:n,i+1:n) = A(i+1:n,i+1:n) - L(i+1:n,i)*U(i,i+1:n)
   Add permutatations: after for i=1 to n, add:
      if A(i,i) zero and A(j,i) nonzero, swap rows i and j of L and A; record swap 
   Don't waste space: 
     row i of U overwrites row of i A:
         omit U(i,i:n) = A(i,i:n)
     col i of L (below diagonal) overwrites same entries of A, which are zeroed out:
         change first line to A(i+1:n,i) = A(i+1:n,i)/A(i,i)
     only need to loop from i = 1 to n-1, and change last line to
       A(i+1:n,i+1:n) = A(i+1:n,i+1:n) - A(i+1:n,i)*A(i,i+1:n)
   Finally, get 
     for i=1 to n
      if A(i,i) zero and A(j,i) nonzero, swap rows i and j of L and A; record swap 
      A(i+1:n,i) = A(i+1:n,i)/A(i,i)
      A(i+1:n,i+1:n) = A(i+1:n,i+1:n) - A(i+1:n,i)*A(i,i+1:n)
   (draw picture of intermediate step)
   When done:
     U overwrites upper triangle and diagonal of A
     L (below diagonal) overwrites A (below diagonal)

   To see that this is the same Gaussian Elimination you learned long ago, start from
     for i=1 to n-1 ... for each column i
       for j=i+1 to n ... add a multiple of row i to row j to zero out
                      ... entry (j,i) below diagonal
          m = A(j,i)/A(i,i)
          A(j,i:n) = A(j,i:n) - m*A(i,i:n)
   "Optimize" this by 
    (1) not bothering to compute the entries below the diagonal you know are zero:
        change last line to A(j,i+1:n) = A(j,i+1:n) - m*A(i,i+1:n)
    (2) compute all the multipliers m first, store them in zeroed-out locations:
        for i=1 to n-1
          for j=i+1 to n
             A(j,i) = A(j,i)/A(i,i)
          for j=i+1 to n
             A(j,i:n) = A(j,i:n) - A(j,i)*A(i,i:n)
    (3) combine loops into single expressions to get same as before:
        for i=1 to n-1
          A(i+1:n,i) = A(i+1:n,i)/A(i,i)
          A(i+1:n,i+1:n) = A(i+1:n,i+1:n) - A(i+1:n,i)*A(i,i+1:n)
  The cost is sum_{i=1 to n-1} 2(n-i)^2 = (2/3)n^3 + O(n^2) multiplies and adds
  We need to do pivoting, even if we wouldn't divide by zero, to get an accurate answer:
  Suppose we run in single precision, 7 decimal digits
      A = [ 1e-8   1 ],  inv(A) ~ [ -1   1  ] , 
          [    1   1 ]            [  1 -1e-8]
      cond(A) ~ 2.6, really small, so should get accurate answers
      L = [    1   0 ]   U = [ 1e-8  1                 ]
          [  1e8   1 ]       [  0  fl(1-1e8*1) = -1e8  ]
    but L*U = [  1e-8   1 ]
              [   1     0 ]  
    (2,2) wrong, same answer for A(2,2)=-1, 0, +1...  
    Answer L,U  nearly independent of A(2,2):  "numerical instability"
    L, U not the exact factors of a nearby problem
    Ex: Solve A*x = [1;2]; start by solving L*y = [1;2]
    so y(1) = fl(1/1) = 1
       y(2) = fl(2 - 1e8*1) = -1e8, (nearly) independently of b(2),
       so would get same solution for many different b(2): can't all have small error!
    Another way to see why bad: cond(L), cond(U) = 1e8, much bigger than cond(A)

    If we permute so A(1,1)=1, then full accuracy.
    Intuition: we want to pick a large entry of A to be pivot A11

  Error Analysis
    We want backward stability, ie A+E = P*L*U with E "small", 
    ie norm(E)=O(macheps)*norm(A).
    Will see that we will need to avoid large values of L(j,i)*U(i,k), that are 
     much larger than original entries of A:
    Turns out that by looking at algorithm, each entry of U and L computed
    mostly as a dot product, which we analyzed in Q 1.10:

    Track where U(j,k) comes from: (picture): for j <= k, we compute
      fl[ A(j,k) - L(j,1)*U(1,k) - L(j,2)*U(2,k) - ... - L(j,j-1)*U(j-1,k) ]
       = U(j,k)

     We apply analysis of dot product (Q1.10) to this expression, assuming
     first for simplicity that A(j,k) is added last:
     U(j,k) = (1+e)*[ A(j,k) - fl(sum_{i=1:j-1} L(j,i)*U(i,k)) ]
              where |e| <= macheps
            = (1+e)*[ A(j,k) - sum_{i=1:j-1} L(j,i)*U(i,k)*(1+d(i)) ]
         where |d_{j,k}| <= (j-1)*macheps
     Rewrite this as A(j,k) = exact dot product + (small) error:
       A(j,k) = U(j,k)/(1+e) + sum_{i=1:j-1} L(j,i)*U(i,k)*(1+d(i))
              ~ U(j,k)*(1-e) + sum_{i=1:j-1} L(j,i)*U(i,k)*(1+d(i))
              = U(j,k) + sum_{i=1:j-1} L(j,i)*U(i,k)
                -e*U(j,k) + sum_{i=1:j-1} L(j,i)*U(i,k)*d(i)
              = (L*U)(j,k) + E(j,k)
       |E(j,k)| = |-e*U(j,k) + sum_{i=1:j-1} L(j,i)*U(i,k)*d(i)|
               <= [ |U(j,k)| + sum_{i=1:j-1} |L(j,i)*U(i,k)| ]*(j-1)*macheps
               <= (|L|*|U|)(j,k) * n*macheps
      If we had done the sum in a different order, eg subtracting each L(j,i)*U(i,j)
      from A(j,k) as soon as the product could be computed, then the algebra would be
      different but we could confirm that that final upper bound on |E(j,k)| would
      still be true.

   A similar (simplified) analysis applies when j > k to get
      L(j,k) = fl[ ( A(j,k) - L(j,1)*U(1,k) - ... - L(j,k-1)*U(k-1,k) )/U(k,k) ]
               (1+e1)(1+e2)( A(j,k) - fl(sum_{i=1:k-1} L(j,i)*U(i,k)) )/U(k,k)
      again assuming A(j,k) is added last, just before dividing by U(k,k).
      Solving for A(j,k) we get
      A(j,k) = L(j,k)*U(k,k)/((1+e1)*(1+e2)) + fl(sum_{i=1:k-1} L(j,i)*U(i,k) )
             = ...
             = (L*U)(j,k) + E(j,k)
       |E(j,k)| <= (|L|*|U|)(j,k) * n*macheps  as before.
    Altogether we get  A = L*U + E where |E| <= |L|*|U| * n*macheps componentwise.

    Putting together whole solution (from Q1.11), since there are also
    errors from triangular solves:

    Solving Ly=b => (L+dL)yhat = b     where |dL| <= n*macheps*|L|
    Solving Ux=y => (U+dU)xhat = yhat  where |dU| <= n*macheps*|U|
    Combine b = (L+dL)*yhat 
              = (L*dL)*(U+dU) * xhat 
              = (L*U + L*dU + dL*U + dL*dU) * xhat
              = (A - E + L*dU + dL*U + dL*dU ) * xhat
              = (A + dA)*xhat
    where |dA| <= |E| + |L*dU| + |dL*U| + |dL*dU|
               <= |E| + |L|*|dU| + |dL|*|U| + |dL|*|dU|
                = (3*n*macheps+O(macheps^2)) *|L|*|U| 
                ~ 3*n*macheps * |L|*|U|

    Is this "backward stable"? I.e. is norm(dA) = O(macheps)*norm(A)?
    Need to compare norm(|L|*|U|) with norm(A)

    Def: "Pivot growth factor" = g = norm(|L|*|U|)/norm(A)
    Fact:  g >= 1 (for most norms)

    Then ||dA|| <= 3*n*macheps*g* ||A||
    so we can compare xhat from (A+dA)*xhat=b with true solution x from A*x=b:
    Thm: || xhat - x ||/||x|| <= 3*n*macheps*g*kappa(A) + O(macheps^2)
    Proof: from before, we bound
         || xhat - x ||/||x|| <= kappa(A) * ||dA||/||A||

    Whether this is satisfactory depends on g:

    Bad example: A = [1e-8 1] from above:
                     [ 1   1]
     |L|*|U| = [    1   0 ] * [ 1e-8  1    ] = [ 1e-8   1 ]
               [  1e8   1 ]   [  0  |-1e8| ]   [ 1    2e8 ]
     and largest entry 2e8 is much bigger than A (g ~ 1e8): why we get the wrong answer

    Idea: Pick pivot A11 "large" so when we divide by it, entries of L are small:

    (1) Simplest, and standard, approach, used in most libraries: 
        "Partial pivoting" (also called GEPP).
        At each step, permute rows so A11 is the largest available entry in column
        Then L21 = A21/A11 has |L21| <= 1
        Theorem (easy): with GEPP, |L| <= 1 and max(|U(:,i)|) <= 2^(n-1)*max(|A(:,i)|)
        Bad news: worst case is terrible; even for n=24 in singular precision, all wrong
        Good news: hardly ever happens (only very small family of matrices where this
        Empirical observation, with some justification: gPP < n^(2/3)
            If all entries of matrix were "random", this would be true
            as you perform pivoting, they seem to get more random
    (2) Complete pivoting: permute rows and columns so that A11 largest entry 
        in the whole matrix; again repeat at every step.
        Get A = P_r*L*U*P_c where P_r and P_c are both permutations.
        Theorem:    gCP < n^(log n /4)
        Empirical:  gCP < n^(1/2)
        Long-standing Conjecture: gCP < n (false, but nearly true)
        More expensive, hardly used, not in most libraries
    (3) Tournament pivoting - something new, needed to minimize communication
         (#messages): will present it later.
    (4) Threshold pivoting: this and similar schemes try to preserve sparsity
        while maintaining stability

    Finally, we note that 3*n*macheps*g*norm(A) is an upper bound, unlikely to
    be attained; see figures 2.1 and 2.2 for plots of actual backward error
    (which we know is ||E||/||A|| = ||A*xhat-b||/||A||*||xhat||) on random
    matrices; nearly always about macheps, i.e. doesn't grow with n.

Final topic in error analysis of Ax=b: 
How to get a more accurate answer if the condition number is large

  Recall that error bound is roughly
     ||x_true - x_compute|| / ||x_true|| = cond(A) * pivot_growth * O(macheps)
  where we have put dependence on dimension inside the O().  So
     (1) how do we know if this is too large?
          Answer: can estimate cond(A) in O(n^2) extra work, after doing GEPP,
                  pivot_growth also costs just O(n^2), to compute 
                  norm(|L|*|U|,'inf') = max-row-sum of |L|*|U|
                                      = norm(|L|*(|U|*e),'inf'), where
                  e is the vector of all ones,
                  or even just norm(U,'inf'), if we know |L(i,j)| <= 1.
          (Plot expected error vs condition number on log scale)
     (2) what do we do about it?
          Answer 1: Do everything in higher precision - expensive!
          Answer 2: Do just O(n^2) extra work in higher precision:
                     iterative refinement (much cheaper)

    Basically just Newton's method:

       Do GEPP to solve Ax=b, call initial solution x(1)
       i = 1
         r = A*x(i) - b    ... in double precision, but just O(n^2)
         solve A*d = r     ... using existing LU factors, just O(n^2)
         update x(i+1) = x(i) - d
       until "convergence"

       why compute r in double precision?
          otherwise computed residual r is mostly noise (though some benefit)
       testing "convergence" tricky:
          how can we avoid getting fooled by very ill-conditioned matrix
            that "accidentally" converges?
          see for details
       see slides 33-35 of for 
          results, showing that for millions of randomly generated test cases,
          with condition numbers ranging from 1 to well beyond 1/macheps,
          the relative error norm(x_computed - x_true)/norm(x_true) of 
          LU without refinement is indeed usually close to 
          condition_number * macheps, but LU with refinment is much better:
          the relative error is O(macheps) as long as the condition number is
          less than about 1/macheps, which the algorithm reports to the user;
          when the condition number is larger, the relative error can rise
          as high as 1, and this lack of convergence is also reported to the
       This algorithm is available in LAPACK as sgesvxx, dgesvxx, etc

       Iterative refinement is interesting for different reasons on some platforms 
       like Cell and some GPUs: single precision can be *much* faster than 
       double precision (sometimes 10x).  So to get the "usual" accuracy in double
             do LU in single
             run iterative refinement, only computing r in double
             convergence test is simply "as good as running GEPP in double
               without refinement", i.e.
                   norm(A*x-b) = O( epsilon )*norm(A)*norm(x)
          see for details (on Cell processor)

  Where to find all this implemented?
    Matlab: A\b  or [P,L,U]=lu(A), rcond or condest
    LAPACK: xGETRF just for GEPP where x = S/D/C/Z
            xGESV to solve A*x=b
            xGESVXX for condition estimation, iterative refinement
            xGECON for condition estimation alone
    CLAPACK: similar
    ScaLAPACK: PxGETRF etc