Sept 6, 2006 stuff from Chapter 2/ grammars,examples A simple lisp program (chapter 2) Generate random sentences from s::= NP VP NP::= art N VP ::= v NP art ::= the a an n ::= man |ball| woman| table v ;;+ hit| took| saw |liked (A CFG. Generative syntax) (defun sentence() (append (noun-phrase)(verb-phrase)))} the one-off approach, write the procedures. the language-building approach... write a parser for BNF that by generating rules/programs accomplishes the same thing. what's it worth? depends on re-useability value. Norvig's grammar data structure is a kind of minimum wrt Lisp. It utilizes lists only, and lists are supported nicely in Lisp. But there are other data structuring operations in Common Lisp. A brief exercise on alternative data structures ... ;;*-* mode: common-lisp; package: user *-* (defstruct cfgrule1 lhs rhs) (make-cfgrule1 :lhs 'noun :rhs '(boy girl ball)) ;;;#S(CFGRULE1 :LHS NOUN :RHS (BOY GIRL BALL)) (defmethod print-object((a cfgrule1) stream) ;; noun ::= (boy girl ball) (format stream "~s ::= ~s" (cfgrule1-lhs a)(cfgrule1-rhs a))) (defmethod print-object((a cfgrule1) stream) ;; noun ::= boy girl ball [wrong] (format stream "~s ::= ~{~s ~}" (cfgrule1-lhs a)(cfgrule1-rhs a))) (defmethod print-object((a cfgrule1) stream) ;; noun ::= boy | girl | ball | [close] (if (listp (cfgrule1-rhs a)) (format stream "~s ::= ~{~s | ~}" (cfgrule1-lhs a)(cfgrule1-rhs a)) (format stream "~s ::= ~s " (cfgrule1-lhs a)(cfgrule1-rhs a)))) (defmethod print-object((a cfgrule1) stream) ;; better (let* ((lhs (cfgrule1-lhs a)) (rhs (cfgrule1-rhs a)) (h (if (listp rhs)(length rhs) 0))) (if (> h 0) (format stream "~s ::= ~{~s | ~} ~s" lhs (subseq rhs 0 (1- h)) (first (last rhs))) (format stream "~s ::= ~s " lhs rhs)))) " This is all pretty sketchy. We have no neat way of distinguishing, as does Norvig between a ::= b | c | d ;;; alternatives and a ::= e f g ;;; concatenation. But the list version is easily done by Norvig.. (a -> (b c d)) vs (a -> e f g) for the second. maybe do this: a ::= b | c1 c2 | d comes out (make-cfgrule :lhs a :rhs ((b) (c1 c2) (d))) a ::= e f g comes out (make-cfgrule :lhs a :rhs (e f g)) (make-cfgrule1 :lhs 'noun :rhs '(boy girl ball)) USER(10): (setq r *) #S(CFGRULE1 :LHS NOUN :RHS (BOY GIRL BALL)) USER(11): (cfgrule1-p *) T USER(13): (typep r 'cfgrule1) T USER(14): (type-of r) CFGRULE1 USER(15): (cfgrule1-lhs r) NOUN " (defstruct (cfgrule2 (:constructor create-rule (lhs rhs))) lhs rhs) ;;; LESS TYPING. No :lhs :rhs needed ... ;;;(create-rule 'noun '(boy girl ball)) ;;;#S(CFGRULE2 :LHS NOUN :RHS (BOY GIRL BALL)) (defstruct (cfgrule3 (:constructor create-rule (lhs rhs)) (:type list)) lhs rhs) ;; something to omit quote ' marks, if that bugs you.. (defmacro cr(&rest x) `(list ',(car x) '--> ',(cdr x))) ;;(cr a b c d) = (a --> (b c d)) ;;;(create-rule 'a '(b c)) ;;;(A (B C)) (defstruct (cfgrule4 :named (:constructor create-rule (lhs rhs)) (:type list)) lhs rhs) ;;;(create-rule 'a '(b c)) ;;;(CFGRULE4 A (B C)) (defstruct (cfgrule5 (:constructor create-rule (lhs rhs)) (:type vector)) lhs rhs) (defstruct (cfgrule6 (:constructor create-rule (&optional lhs rhs)) (:type vector)) (lhs 'S) (rhs '()) ) "(create-rule) #(S NIL) [2] USER(18): " (defstruct cfgrule7 (lhs 'S :type symbol) (rhs '() ) ) ;; not checked... ;;; also, can include other structures by INCLUDE ;;;hash tables (setq rtab (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) " USER(38): (gethash 's rtab) NIL NIL ;;;; talk about generalized setf, defsetf " " USER(39): (setf (gethash 's rtab) '((NP VP))) ((NP VP)) USER(40): (gethash 's rtab) ((NP VP)) T " ;A faster factorial program for computing n! for large n. #| fact(n):= f(n,1); f(n,m) := if m<=n then n else f(n, 2m)* f(n - m; 2m); (defun f (n m) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (f (- n m) m)))) (defun g(n);; n is positive integer (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor n 3) (* (expt 3 q) (f q 3) (f n 3)(f (- n 1) 3)(f (- n 2) 3)))) (defun g3(n);; n is positive integer (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor n 3) (case r (0 (* (expt 3 q)(g2 q)(f (- n 1) 3)(f (- n 2) 3))) ;right (1 (* n (g2 (1- n)))) (2 (* n (1- n)(g3 (- n 2))))))) (defun g2(n);; n is positive integer (if (< n 2) 1 (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor n 2) (case r (0 ;;(* (expt 2 q)(g2 q)(f (- n 1) 2)) (ash (* (g2 q)(f (- n 1) 2)) q)) ;same as above (1 (* n (g2 (1- n)))))))) ;; (h2 n) is factorial of n, but faster. (defun hf2(n);; n is positive integer (if (< n 2) 1 (if (evenp n) (let ((q (ash n -1))) (ash (* (hf2 q)(f (- n 1) 2)) q)) (* n (hf2 (1- n)))))) (defun ff(n m) (if (= m 1) (f n m) ;; faster than (f n m) sometimes. (multiple-value-bind (q r)(floor n m) (if (= 0 r)(* (expt m q) (hf2 q)) (f n m))))) (defun f (n m) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (f (- n m) m)))) ;; There is a good open-source multiple-precision arithmetic package ;; (written in C) that is faster than the multiple-precision arithmetic ;; in essentially any common lisp not already using it, at least for ;; arithmetic on "large enough" numbers. Probably anything with more than ;; 4 32-bit words. But certainly slower than in-line compiled fixnums. ;; This package is GMP (gnu multiple precision) Also of interest ;; is MPFR, using those tools for multiple precision floating point reals. ;; For really big factorials, the multiplication in GMP. is truly superior, ;; using FFT techniques. (defun hm2(n);; n is positive integer (if (< n 2) (cs 1) (if (evenp n) (let ((q (ash n -1)) (a nil)) (setf a (* (hm2 q)(mf (- n 1) 2))) (mpz_mul_2exp (gmpz-z a) (gmpz-z a) q) ;mult by 2^q a) (* n (hm2 (1- n)))))) (defun mf (n m) (if (cl::<= n 1) (cs 1) (* n (mf (- n m) m)))) (defun k (n m) ;; (k n 1) is n! (if (<= n m) n (* (k n (* 2 m)) (k (- n m)(* 2 m))))) ;;variations on k.. (defun k (n m) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; no speed difference on ACL 7.0 with above. 69 bytes of code vs 167, above. (declare (fixnum n m) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)(debug 0))) (if (<= n m) n (* (k n (the fixnum (ash m 1))) (k (the fixnum (- n m))(the fixnum (ash m 1)))))) (defun k (n m) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; no speed difference on ACL 7.0 with above. 69 bytes of code vs 167, above. (declare (fixnum n m) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)(debug 0))) (if (<= n m) n (let ((z (* (k n (the fixnum (ash m 1))) (k (the fixnum (- n m))(the fixnum (ash m 1)))))) (if (fixnump z) (incf fixz)(incf nofixz)) (if (< z #.(expt 2.0 53)) (incf floz)(incf nofloz)) z) )) (defun mk (n m) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;;; slightly slower, uses much more storage (declare (fixnum n m) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)(debug 0))) (if (<= n m) (coerce n 'double-float) (let ((z (* (mk n (the fixnum (ash m 1))) (mk (the fixnum (- n m))(the fixnum (ash m 1)))))) ;; (if (fixnump z) (incf fixz)(incf nofixz)) ;;(if (> z #.(expt 2.0 53)) (round z) z) ;; not right answer! (if (> z #.(expt 2.0 24)) (round z) z) ) )) ;; instrument it (defun *ex(r s) ;; exact mult (let ((g (* r s))) (if (and(floatp g)(> g 9.0d15)) (* (round r)(round s)) g))) (defun *ex(r s) ;; exact mult (if (and (floatp r)(floatp s)) (let ((g (* r s))) (if (> g 9.0d15)(progn (incf *redo*) (* (round r)(round s))) g)) (* r s))) #+ignore (defun *ex(r s) ;; exact mult ;; the change from 9d15 to 1d19 doesn't let anything else slip past 2000! (if (and (floatp r)(floatp s)) (let ((g (* r s))) (if (> g 1.0d19)(progn (incf *redo*) (* (round r)(round s))) g)) (* r s))) (defun kf (n m) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; use float if possible (if (<= n m) n (*ex (kf n (* 2 m)) (kf (- n m)(* 2 m))))) (defun kf2 (n m) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; use float if possible (if (<= n m) n (let ((p (kf2 n (* 2 m))) (q (kf2 (- n m)(* 2 m)))) (if (and (floatp p)(floatp q)) (let ((g (the double-float (* (the double-float p)(the double-float q))))) (declare (double-float g)) (if (> g 1.0d15) ;; if 19, fails? (progn (incf *redo*) (* (round p)(round q))) (progn (incf *no* )g))) (* p q))))) (defun kf4 (n m) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; use float if possible (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) ;(double-float n m) (fixnum n m) (special *c*)) (if (<= n m) (coerce n 'double-float) (let ((p (kf4 n (ash m 1))) (q (kf4 (- n m)(ash m 1)))) (cond ((and (floatp p)(<= p #.(sqrt(expt 2.0d0 53)))) ;; 9.490626562425156d+7 (the double-float (* (the double-float p)(the double-float q)))) ;; either p is not a float or it is too big (t (incf *c*)(* (round p)(round q))))))) (defun kg(n) (let ((*c* 0)) (declare (special *c*)) (kf4 n 1) ;(print *c*) )) (defun kf4 (n m) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; use float arith if possible (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) (fixnum n m)) (if (<= n m) (coerce n 'double-float) (let ((p (kf4 n (* 2 m))) (q (kf4 (- n m)(* 2 m)))) ;; p is bigger than q, so test only p (cond ((and (floatp p)(<= p #.(sqrt(expt 2.0d0 53)))) ;; 9.490626562425156d+7 (the double-float (* (the double-float p)(the double-float q)))) ;; either p is not a float or it is too big (t ;(incf *c*) (* (round p)(round q))))))) ;; OR use fixnums when possible.... (defun kf4 (n m) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; use fixnum arith if possible (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) (fixnum n m)) (if (<= n m) n (let ((p (kf4 n (ash m 1))) (q (kf4 (- n m)(ash m 1)))) ;; p is bigger than q, so test only p (cond ((and (fixnump p)(<= p 21170)) ;;sqrt most positive fixnum (the fixnum (* (the fixnum p)(the fixnum q)))) ;; either p is not a float or it is too big (t ;;(incf *c*) ;testing info (* p q )))))) (defun kf4 (n m) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; use fixnum arith if possible (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) (fixnum n m)) (if (<= n m) n (let ((p (kf4 n (ash m 1))) (q (kf4 (- n m)(ash m 1)))) ;; p is bigger than q, so test only p (cond ((fixnump p) (* (the fixnum p)(the fixnum q))) ;; either p is not a float or it is too big (t ;;(incf *c*) ;testing info (* p q )))))) |# ;;OR look at alternatives in ;; ;; our thinking mostly corresponds to the split recursive version, ;; simple but mostly fast. With 2X of best upto some huge number. ;; (defun k3 (n m ans) ; ans is a gmp number. (declare (fixnum n m)) (cond ((cl::<= n m)(mpz_set_si (gmpz-z ans) n) ans) (t (let ( (b (alloc-gmpz))) (k3 (- n m) (setf m(ash m 1)) b) (k3 n m ans) (mpz_mul (gmpz-z ans)(gmpz-z ans)(gmpz-z b)) ans)))) ;; this is not as fast as k3 (defun k4 (n m ans) ; ans is a gmp number. (declare (fixnum n m)) (cond ((cl::<= n m)(mpz_set_si (gmpz-z ans) n) ans) ((and (cl::= m 2)(evenp n)) (let ((q (ash n -1))) (declare (fixnum q m)) ;;(ash (kk q 1) q) (k4 q 1 ans) (mpz_mul_2exp (gmpz-z ans)(gmpz-z ans) q) )) (t (let ( (b (alloc-gmpz))) (k4 (- n m) (setf m(ash m 1)) b) (k4 n m ans) (mpz_mul (gmpz-z ans)(gmpz-z ans)(gmpz-z b)) ans)))) (defun kk (n m) ;; (kk n 1) is n! (declare (fixnum n m)) (cond((<= n m) n) ((and (= m 2)(evenp n)) (let ((q (ash n -1))) (declare (fixnum q m)) (ash (kk q 1) q))) #+ignore ;; faster ignoring this clause, at least with ACL arith. ((and (> m 2)(= 0 (mod n m))) (let ((q (/ n m))) (declare (fixnum q m)) (*(expt m q)(kk q 1)))) (t(* (kk (- n m)(setf m (ash m 1))) (kk n m) )))) ; ((and (> m 2)(= 0 (mod n m))) ; (let ((q (/ n m))) ; (declare (fixnum q m)) ; (* (mpz_ui_pow_ui targ m q) ; (kk q 1)))) (defun kkit(n m) (declare (fixnum n m)) (do ((i n (- i m)) (p 1 (* i p))) ((< i m) p) (declare (fixnum i)))) ;; not as fast as kk, ever? (defun ff(n m) (if (= m 1) (f n m) ;; faster than (f n m) sometimes. (multiple-value-bind (q r)(floor n m) (if (= 0 r)(* (expt m q) (hf2 q)) (f n m))))) (defun k4(n);; using resource instead of allocation each time. Faster!! (declare (fixnum n)) (let ((res nil)) (labels ((k4i (n m ans) ; ans is a gmp number. (declare (fixnum n m)) (if(cl::<= n m)(mpz_set_si ans n) (let ((b (vector-pop res))) (k4i (cl::- n m) (setf m(ash m 1)) b) (k4i n m ans) (mpz_mul ans ans b) (incf (fill-pointer res)) ; (vector-push b gmpres) )))) (let* ((L (ceiling (cl::log n 2))) (a (alloc-gmpz))) (declare (fixnum L)) (setf res (make-array L :fill-pointer 0)) ;; allocate enough space for temps. ;; fill the temps with gmp numbers, zeros. Just the insides though. (dotimes (i L)(vector-push (gmpz-z (alloc-gmpz)) res)) ;; the spaces in this vector will get enlarged as needed, pretty fast. (k4i n 1 (gmpz-z a)) a)))) ;; copied from gmp.lisp 3/15/06 (defun k4f(n);; using resource instead of allocation each time. Faster!! (declare (fixnum n)) (let ((res nil) (dres (make-array 1 :fill-pointer 0 :initial-element 0.0d0))); or more?? (labels ((k4i (n m ans) ; ans is a gmp number. (declare (fixnum n m)) (if(cl::<= n m) (setf (aref ans 0) (coerce n 'double-float)) ;;(mpz_set_si ans n) ;;; no, this stuff below won't work (let ((b (vector-pop dres))) (k4i (cl::- n m) (setf m(ash m 1)) b) (k4i n m ans) (mpz_mul ans ans b) (incf (fill-pointer res)) ; (vector-push b gmpres) )))) (let* ((L (ceiling (cl::log n 2))) (a (alloc-gmpz))) (declare (fixnum L) (type (simple-array 'double-float (*)) dres)) (setf res (make-array L :fill-pointer 0)) (setf dres (make-array L :fill-pointer 0 :initial-element 0.0d0)) ;; allocate enough space for temps. ;; fill the temps with gmp numbers, zeros. Just the insides though. (dotimes (i L)(vector-push (gmpz-z (alloc-gmpz)) res)) ;; the spaces in this vector will get enlarged as needed, pretty fast. (k4i n 1 (gmpz-z a)) a)))) ;;; this program below works for n up to 22, e.g. (kf4i 22 1 0). Then bignums are ;;; needed. also we need ;;;(setf res (make-array 32 :element-type 'double-float :initial-element 0.0d0)) ;;; good up to factorial of (2^32) (defun kf4i (n m index) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; use float if possible (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0));(:explain :types) (type (simple-array double-float (32)) res) (fixnum n m index) ) (cond ((<= n m) (setf (aref res index)(coerce n 'double-float))) (t (kf4i n (the fixnum (ash m 1)) index) (kf4i (the fixnum (- n m))(the fixnum (ash m 1)) (the fixnum (1+ index))) (setf (aref res index) (* (aref res index)(aref res (1+ index))) )))) (defun kx(n) (setf bigres (make-array 32 :initial-element 0)) (kf4i n 1 0)) (defun kf4i (n m index) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; use float if possible (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0));(:explain :types) (type (simple-array double-float (32)) res) (type (simple-array t) bigres) (fixnum n m index) ) (cond ((<= n m) (setf (aref res index)(coerce n 'double-float))) (t (kf4i n (the fixnum (ash m 1)) index) (kf4i (the fixnum (- n m))(the fixnum (ash m 1)) (the fixnum (1+ index))) (if (< (aref res index) #.(sqrt(expt 2.0d0 53))) ;; 9.490626562425156d+7 (setf (aref res index) (* (aref res index)(aref res (1+ index))) ) (progn ;; now need bignums. (if (zerop(aref bigres index))(setf (aref bigres index)(round (aref res index)))) ;; (setf (aref bigres index)(round (aref res index))) ;; (if (zerop(aref bigres (1+ index))) ;; (setf (aref bigres (1+ index))(round (aref res (1+ index))))) (setf (aref res index) most-positive-double-float) (setf (aref bigres index) (* (aref bigres index)(aref bigres (1+ index))) )))))) ;; another try (defun kf4i (n m index) ;; (k n 1) is n! ;; use float if possible (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0));(:explain :types) (type (simple-array double-float (32)) res) (type (simple-array t) bigres) (fixnum n m index) ) (cond ((<= n m) (setf (aref res index)(coerce n 'double-float))) (t (kf4i n (the fixnum (ash m 1)) index) (kf4i (the fixnum (- n m))(the fixnum (ash m 1)) (the fixnum (1+ index))) (cond ((< (aref res index) #.(sqrt(expt 2.0d0 53))) ;; 9.490626562425156d+7 (setf (aref res index) (* (aref res index)(aref res (1+ index))))) ((zerop (aref bigres index)) (setf (aref res index) most-positive-double-float) (setf (aref bigres (1+ index))(round(aref res (1+ index)))) (setf (aref bigres index) (* (round(aref res index)) (aref bigres (1+ index))))) (t (setf (aref bigres index) (* (aref bigres index)(aref bigres (1+ index))) )))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;this stuff works by remembering factorials ;;;; previously computed. If you compute 1000! then computing ;;;; 1001! will take only one more multiply. (defun k (n m min) ;; (k n 1 1) is n! (declare (fixnum n m min)) (cond ((< n min) 1) ((<= n m) n) (t (* (k n (ash m 1) min) (k (- n m)(ash m 1) min))))) ;; (* (k 100 1 50)(k 49 1 1)) is the same as (k 100 1 1) ;; (k n 1 n) is n (defun kmemfac(n) (let ((z (lookupfact n))) ;; find z, the largest integer <= n such that we know z! (if (= (car z) n)(cdr z) (rememberfact n (* (k n 1 (1+ (car z))) ;; could memoize but we don't (cdr z)))))) ;; new factorials can be larger or smaller than previous ones. (defparameter oldfacts (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)) (vector-push-extend (cons 0 1) oldfacts) ;; we could stock up on, say factorials of 100, 1000, 5000, 10000, (defun rememberfact(n f) (vector-push-extend (cons n f) oldfacts) (setf oldfacts (sort oldfacts #'> :key #'car)) f) (defun lookupfact(n) (loop for i from 0 to (length oldfacts) do (if (<= (car (aref oldfacts i)) n) (return (aref oldfacts i))))) (defun clearfact()(setf oldfacts (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)) (vector-push-extend (cons 0 1) oldfacts)) (clearfact) ; clear it now. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; this is a little faster. maybe fastest of the recursive split (defun kg (n m) ;; (kg n 1) is n!. ash is arithmetic shift (declare (fixnum n m)) (cond ((and (= m 2)(evenp n)) (ash (kg (ash n -1) 1) (ash n -1))) ((<= n m) n) (t (* (kg n (ash m 1)) (kg (- n m)(ash m 1)))))) ;;;; what Maxima does (in asum.lsp) ;;;; modified somewhat here, with declarations. (defun maxfact (n &aux (ans 1)) (let* ((vec (make-array (if (< n 100) 1 20) :initial-element 1)) (m (length vec)) (j 0)) (declare (fixnum j n m j)) (loop for i from 1 to n do (setq j (mod i m)) (setf (aref vec j) (* (aref vec j) i))) (dotimes (v m ans) (setq ans (* ans (aref vec v)))))) (defun maxfact (n &aux (ans 1)) (let* ((vec (make-array (if (< n 100) 1 20) :initial-element 1)) (m (length vec)) (j 0)) (loop for i from 1 to n do (setq j (mod i m)) (setf (aref vec j) (* (aref vec j) i))) (dotimes (v m ans) (setq ans (* ans (aref vec v)))))) (defun nloop(n) ;; make a loop of n items, all 1. A circular list. (let*((start (list 1)) (end start)) (dotimes (i n (setf (cdr end) start)) (declare (fixnum n i)) (setq start (cons 1 start))))) (setf *print-circle* t) (defun cloop(n) ;; (cloop 5) is #1=(5 4 3 2 1 . #1#) ;not used. (let*((start (list 1)) (end start)) (dotimes (i (1- n) (setf (cdr end) start)) (setq start (cons (+ 2 i) start))))) (defun loopprod (l) ;; efficient product of all the approximately equal ;; numbers in the loop trying to keep the sizes of inputs ;; approximately balanced. the circular loop l is destroyed in the ;; process. (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (cond ((eq(cdr l) l)(car l)) (t (setf (car l)(* (car l)(cadr l))) (setf (cdr l)(cddr l)) (loopprod (cdr l))))) ;; a factorial but using loops for storage (defun maxfact (n) (declare (fixnum n)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (let ((aloop (nloop (if (< n 100) 5 100)))) ; heuristic (loop for i from 1 to n do (setf (car aloop) (* (car aloop) i)) (setf aloop (cdr aloop))) (loopprod aloop))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;loops for storage and memoization? (defun maxfact (n min) (declare (fixnum n)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (let ((aloop (nloop (if (< n 100) 5 100)))) ; heuristic (loop for i from min to n do (setf (car aloop) (* (car aloop) i)) (setf aloop (cdr aloop))) (loopprod aloop))) ;; (* (maxfact n 7) (maxfact 6 1)) is (maxfact 7 1)) (defun kmemfac(n) (let ((z (lookupfact n))) ;; find z, the largest integer <= n such that we know z! (if (= (car z) n)(cdr z) (rememberfact n (* (maxfact n (1+ (car z))) (cdr z)))))) (defun maxfactx (n) (declare (fixnum n)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (let* ((z (if (< n 100) 5 100)) (aloop (cloop z))) ; heuristic (loop for i from (1+ z) to n do (setf (car aloop) (* (car aloop) i)) (setf aloop (cdr aloop))) (loopprod aloop))) ;; maxfactx could be done nicely in gmpz. ;; the (setf (car aloop)(* (car aloop) i) ) is one call ;; in loopprod, the * would be one call, also. ;; cutting short the iteration by memoization would also ;; help. (defun gmaxfactx (n) (declare (fixnum n)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (let* ((z (if (< n 100) 5 100)) (aloop (gcloop z))) ; heuristic (loop for i from (1+ z) to n do ;;(setf (car aloop) (* (car aloop) i)) (gmp::mpz_mul_si (car aloop) (car aloop) i) (setf aloop (cdr aloop))) (gloopprod aloop))) (defun gcloop(n) ;; (cloop 5) is #1=(5 4 3 2 1 . #1#) with gmpz insides (let*((start (list (gmp::gmpz-z (gmp::into 1)))) (end start)) (dotimes (i (1- n) (setf (cdr end) start)) (setq start (cons (gmp::gmpz-z (gmp::into (+ 2 i))) start))))) (defun gloopprod (l) ;; efficient product of all the approximately equal ;; numbers in the loop trying to keep the sizes of inputs ;; approximately balanced. the circular loop l is destroyed in the ;; process. (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (cond ((eq(cdr l) l)(gmp::make-gmpz :z (car l))) (t ;;(setf (car l)(* (car l)(cadr l))) (gmp::mpz_mul (car l)(car l)(cadr l)) (setf (cdr l)(cddr l)) (gloopprod (cdr l)))))