;;; A lisp file using run-length encoding for the numeral 2. ;;; it requires that the structure "picture" be defined ;;; The start-stop number pairs are packed two per integer. ;;; Some extra slots (baseline, x, y, source) are also available. (setf numeral2 #S(PICTURE :X 1302 :Y 1004 :ROWS #((196611) (917504) (917504) (917504) (851968) (327680) (262144) (327681) (393217) (458754) (524291) (655364) (720901) (786438) (851975) (851976) (917513) (917514) (917514) (917514) (131072 917514) (196608 917514) (851968) (851968) (786433) (720898) (524293)) :WIDTH 15 :HEIGHT 27 :BASELINE 0 :CONTENT NIL :SRC "numbers.tif") ) ;; the start-stop numbers, decoded. ;; see two.tif for a picture. The lines are written counting ;; up from the bottom of the picture. ;; 3 . 3 means: start writing black dots at location 3, ending at location 3. ;; 0 . 14 means: start writing black dots at location 0, ending at 14. ;;(((3 . 3)) ((0 . 14)) ((0 . 14)) ((0 . 14)) ((0 . 13)) ((0 . 5)) ((0 . 4)) ;; ((1 . 5)) ((1 . 6)) ((2 . 7)) ((3 . 8)) ((4 . 10)) ((5 . 11)) ((6 . 12)) ;; ((7 . 13)) ((8 . 13)) ((9 . 14)) ((10 . 14)) ((10 . 14)) ((10 . 14)) ;; ((0 . 2) (10 . 14)) ((0 . 3) (10 . 14)) ((0 . 13)) ((0 . 13)) ((1 . 12)) ;; ((2 . 11)) ((5 . 8)))