;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: mpfr; Base: 10 -*- ;;; Jenkins-Traub zero finder in MPFR ;;; April 13, 2006 RJF ;;; This is Alg. 419 CACM by Jenkins and Traub, previously ;;; converted to lisp. See file jenkins.lisp in this directory. ;;; This version uses generic arithmetic, and does not try to optimize ;;; what should be straightforward, to use destructive stores ;;; in the macro "store" below. ;;; I have not changed the parameters regarding accuracy and precision ;;; from the settings for double (maybe single??)machine floats. ;;; They should be recomputed depending on the number of bits ;;; carried by the mpfr setting. -- RJF (in-package :mpfr) (defmacro store(a b) `(setf ,a (into ,b ))) (defparameter $polyfactor nil) (defun cdb(r)(into r)) (defmacro 1+$(&rest args)`(1+ (the gmpfr ,@args))) (defmacro 1-$(&rest args)`(1- (the gmpfr ,@args))) (defmacro f1-(&rest args)`(cl::1- (the fixnum ,@args))) (defmacro f1+(&rest args)`(cl::1+ (the fixnum ,@args))) (defmacro *f (a b) `(ga::two-arg-* (the gmpfr ,a)(the gmpfr ,b))) (defmacro //f (a b) `(ga::two-arg-/ (the gmpfr ,a)(the gmpfr ,b))) (defmacro -$(&rest args)(cons '- args)) (defmacro +$(&rest args)(cons '+ args)) (defmacro *$(&rest args)(cons '* args)) (defmacro //$(&rest args)(cons '/ args)) ;;; fixnum only versions (defmacro f+(&rest args)(cons 'cl::+ (mapcar #'(lambda (m)(list 'the 'fixnum m)) args))) (defmacro f*(&rest args)(cons 'cl::* (mapcar #'(lambda (m)(list 'the 'fixnum m)) args))) (defmacro f-(&rest args)(cons 'cl::- (mapcar #'(lambda (m)(list 'the 'fixnum m)) args))) (defmacro fix(x) `(truncate2fix ,x)) ; I guess.. ;;(defparameter logbas (log 2.0d0)) (declaim (optimize (speed 3)) (special logbas infin smalno are mre cr ci sr si tr ti zr zi n nn bool conv pvr pvi $partswitch $keepfloat $demoivre $listconstvars $algebraic acp-sl $polyfactor polysc polysc1 $ratfac $programmode) (fixnum degree n nn j l l1 l2 l3 cnt1 cnt2 jj polysc polysc1) ) (declaim (special *pr-sl* *pi-sl* *shr-sl* *shi-sl* *qpr-sl* *qpi-sl* *hr-sl* *hi-sl* *qhr-sl* *qhi-sl*)) (defun _f (number scale) (scale-float number scale)) (setq acp-sl 0.2d0) ;; written by RJF.... ;; example call: (myroots #(1 0 0 1)) (defun $myroots(vv)(cons '(mlist) (myroots vv))) (defun myroots (vv);; based on $allroots ; vv is a polynomial vector (let* ((degree (1- (length vv))) (nn (1+ degree)) ($polyfactor nil)) ;separate complex conj pairs (if (= degree 1) ;linear (return-from myroots (vector (/ (- (elt vv 0))(elt vv 1))))) (if (= degree 0) ;constant. (return-from myroots (vector ))) ;; should probably make sure v is not complex. RJF (setq *pr-sl* (reverse (map 'vector #'cdb vv))) (setq *pi-sl* (make-array nn :element-type 'gmpfr :initial-element (into 0))) (setq *shr-sl* (make-array nn :element-type 'gmpfr)) (setq *shi-sl* (make-array nn :element-type 'gmpfr)) (setq *qpr-sl* (make-array nn :element-type 'gmpfr)) (setq *hr-sl* (make-array (1- nn) :element-type 'gmpfr)) (setq *qhr-sl* (make-array (1- nn) :element-type 'gmpfr)) (setq nn degree) ;;;;; HERE IS THE CALL TO THE REAL PROGRAM--rjf (rpoly-sl degree) ;;; if nn is not zero, (if (> nn 0) (format t "~% trouble: rpoly program: ~s roots lost" nn )) ;; was #'complex instead of 'list. need complex MPFC ? (map 'vector 'list (subseq *pr-sl* 1)(subseq *pi-sl* 1)))) (defun myrootsc (vv);; complex version (let* ((degree (1- (length vv))) (nn (1+ degree)) ($polyfactor nil)) ;separate complex conj pairs ;; should probably make sure v is not complex. RJF (setq *pr-sl* (reverse (map 'vector #'(lambda(x)(cdb(realpart x))) vv))) (setq *pi-sl* (reverse (map 'vector #'(lambda(x)(cdb(imagpart x))) vv))) (setq *shr-sl* (make-array nn :element-type 'gmpfr)) (setq *shi-sl* (make-array nn :element-type 'gmpfr)) (setq *qpr-sl* (make-array nn :element-type 'gmpfr)) (setq *hr-sl* (make-array (1- nn) :element-type 'gmpfr)) (setq *qhr-sl* (make-array (1- nn) :element-type 'gmpfr)) (setq nn degree) ;;;;; HERE IS THE CALL TO THE REAL PROGRAM--rjf (rpoly-sl degree) ;;; if nn is not zero, (if (> nn 0) (format t "~% trouble: rpoly program: ~s roots lost" nn )) ;(map 'vector #'complex (subseq *pr-sl* 1)(subseq *pi-sl* 1)) (map 'vector #'list (subseq *pr-sl* 1)(subseq *pi-sl* 1)))) ;; end of $allroots main program. ;; do we need complex coeff version, below? RJF (defun cpoly-sl (degree) ((lambda (logbas infin smalno are mre xx yy cosr sinr cr ci sr si tr ti zr zi bnd n polysc polysc1 conv) (setq mre (*$ 2.0d0 (sqrt 2.0d0) are) yy (-$ xx)) (do ((i degree (f1- i))) ((not (and (= 0 (aref *pr-sl* i)) (= 0 (aref *pi-sl* i)))) (setq nn i n (f1- i)))) (setq degree nn) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i nn)) (setf (aref *shr-sl* i) (cmod-sl (aref *pr-sl* i) (aref *pi-sl* i)))) (scale-sl ) (do nil ((> 2 nn) (cdivid-sl (-$ (aref *pr-sl* 1)) (-$ (aref *pi-sl* 1)) (aref *pr-sl* 0) (aref *pi-sl* 0)) (setf (aref *pr-sl* 1) cr) (setf (aref *pi-sl* 1) ci) (setq nn 0)) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i nn)) (setf (aref *shr-sl* i) (cmod-sl (aref *pr-sl* i) (aref *pi-sl* i)))) (setq bnd (cauchy-sl )) (catch 'newroot (do ((cnt1 1 (f1+ cnt1))) ((> cnt1 2)) (noshft-sl 5) (do ((cnt2 1 (f1+ cnt2))) ((> cnt2 9)) (setq xx (prog2 nil (-$ (*$ cosr xx) (*$ sinr yy)) (setq yy (+$ (*$ sinr xx) (*$ cosr yy)))) sr (*$ bnd xx) si (*$ bnd yy)) (fxshft-sl (f* 10 cnt2)) (cond (conv (setf (aref *pr-sl* nn) zr) (setf (aref *pi-sl* nn) zi) (setq nn n n (f1- n)) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i nn)) (setf (aref *pr-sl* i) (aref *qpr-sl* i)) (setf (aref *pi-sl* i) (aref *qpi-sl* i))) (throw 'newroot t)))))) (or conv (return t))) (do ((i (f1+ nn) (f1+ i))) ((> i degree)) (setf (aref *pr-sl* i) (_f (aref *pr-sl* i) polysc1)) (setf (aref *pi-sl* i) (_f (aref *pi-sl* i) polysc1))) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i)) (j (f- polysc (f* polysc1 degree)) (f+ j polysc1))) ((> i nn)) (setf (aref *pr-sl* i) (_f (aref *pr-sl* i) j)) (setf (aref *pi-sl* i) (_f (aref *pi-sl* i) j))) nn) ;; these constants should all be made relevant to mpfr settings (log 2.0d0) most-positive-long-float least-positive-long-float (float-precision acp-sl ) (into 0) (/ 1 (sqrt (into 2))) (into 0) -0.069756474d0 0.99756405d0 (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) nil)) (defun noshft-sl (l1) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i)) (xni (cdb nn) (1-$ xni)) (t1 (//$ (cdb nn)))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* i) (*$ (aref *pr-sl* i) xni t1)) (setf (aref *hi-sl* i) (*$ (aref *pi-sl* i) xni t1))) (do ((jj 1 (f1+ jj))) ((> jj l1)) (cond ((> (cmod-sl (aref *hr-sl* n) (aref *hi-sl* n)) (*$ 10.0d0 are (cmod-sl (aref *pr-sl* n) (aref *pi-sl* n)))) (cdivid-sl (-$ (aref *pr-sl* nn)) (-$ (aref *pi-sl* nn)) (aref *hr-sl* n) (aref *hi-sl* n)) (setq tr cr ti ci) (do ((j n (f1- j)) (t1) (t2)) ((> 1 j)) (setq t1 (aref *hr-sl* (f1- j)) t2 (aref *hi-sl* (f1- j))) (setf (aref *hr-sl* j) (-$ (+$ (aref *pr-sl* j) (*f t1 tr)) (*f t2 ti))) (setf (aref *hi-sl* j) (+$ (aref *pi-sl* j) (*f t1 ti) (*f t2 tr)))) (setf (aref *hr-sl* 0) (aref *pr-sl* 0)) (setf (aref *hi-sl* 0) (aref *pi-sl* 0))) (t (do ((j n (f1- j))) ((> 1 j)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* j) (aref *hr-sl* (f1- j))) (setf (aref *hi-sl* j) (aref *hi-sl* (f1- j)))) (setf (aref *hr-sl* 0) (into 0)) (setf (aref *hi-sl* 0) (into 0)))))) (defun fxshft-sl (l2) ((lambda (test pasd otr oti svsr svsi bool pvr pvi) (polyev-sl) (setq conv nil) (calct-sl) (do ((j 1 (f1+ j))) ((> j l2)) (setq otr tr oti ti) (nexth-sl) (calct-sl) (setq zr (+$ sr tr) zi (+$ si ti)) (cond ((and (not bool) test (not (= j l2))) (cond ((> (*$ #.(into 1/2) (cmod-sl zr zi)) (cmod-sl (-$ tr otr) (-$ ti oti))) (cond (pasd (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *shr-sl* i) (aref *hr-sl* i)) (setf (aref *shi-sl* i) (aref *hi-sl* i))) (setq svsr sr svsi si) (vrshft-sl 10) (and conv (return nil)) (setq test nil) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* i) (aref *shr-sl* i)) (setf (aref *hi-sl* i) (aref *shi-sl* i))) (setq sr svsr si svsi) (polyev-sl) (calct-sl)) ((setq pasd t)))) ((setq pasd nil)))))) (or conv (vrshft-sl 10)) nil) t nil (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) nil (into 0) (into 0))) (defun vrshft-sl (l3) (setq conv nil sr zr si zi) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i)) (bool1 nil) (mp) (ms) (omp) (relstp) (tp) (r1)) ((> i l3)) (polyev-sl) (setq mp (cmod-sl pvr pvi) ms (cmod-sl sr si)) (cond ((> (*$ 20.0d0 (errev-sl ms mp)) mp) (setq conv t zr sr zi si) (return t))) (cond ((= i 1) (setq omp mp)) ((or bool1 (> omp mp) (not (< relstp 0.05))) (cond ((> (*$ 0.1d0 mp) omp) (return t)) (t (setq omp mp)))) (t (setq tp relstp bool1 t) (cond ((> are relstp) (setq tp are))) (setq r1 (sqrt tp) sr (prog2 nil (-$ (*$ (1+$ r1) sr) (*f r1 si)) (setq si (+$ (*$ (1+$ r1) si) (*f r1 sr))))) (polyev-sl) (do ((j 1 (f1+ j))) ((> j 5)) (calct-sl) (nexth-sl)) (setq omp infin))) (calct-sl) (nexth-sl) (calct-sl) (or bool (setq relstp (//$ (cmod-sl tr ti) (cmod-sl sr si)) sr (+$ sr tr) si (+$ si ti))))) (defun calct-sl nil (do ((i 1 (f1+ i)) ($t) (hvr (setf (aref *qhr-sl* 0) (aref *hr-sl* 0))) (hvi (setf (aref *qhi-sl* 0) (aref *hi-sl* 0)))) ((> i n) (setq bool (not (> (cmod-sl hvr hvi) (*$ 10.0d0 are (cmod-sl (aref *hr-sl* n) (aref *hi-sl* n)))))) (cond ((not bool) (cdivid-sl (-$ pvr) (-$ pvi) hvr hvi) (setq tr cr ti ci)) (t (setq tr (into 0) ti (into 0)))) nil) (setq $t (-$ (+$ (aref *hr-sl* i) (*f hvr sr)) (*f hvi si))) (setf (aref *qhi-sl* i) (setq hvi (+$ (aref *hi-sl* i) (*f hvr si) (*f hvi sr)))) (setf (aref *qhr-sl* i) (setq hvr $t)))) (defun nexth-sl nil (cond (bool (do ((j 1 (f1+ j))) ((> j n)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* j) (aref *qhr-sl* (f1- j))) (setf (aref *hi-sl* j) (aref *qhi-sl* (f1- j)))) (setf (aref *hr-sl* 0) (into 0)) (setf (aref *hi-sl* 0) (into 0))) (t (do ((j 1 (f1+ j)) (t1) (t2)) ((> j n)) (setq t1 (aref *qhr-sl* (f1- j)) t2 (aref *qhi-sl* (f1- j))) (setf (aref *hr-sl* j) (-$ (+$ (aref *qpr-sl* j) (*f t1 tr)) (*f t2 ti))) (setf (aref *hi-sl* j) (+$ (aref *qpi-sl* j) (*f t1 ti) (*f t2 tr)))) (setf (aref *hr-sl* 0) (aref *qpr-sl* 0)) (setf (aref *hi-sl* 0) (aref *qpi-sl* 0)))) nil) (defun polyev-sl nil (setq pvr (setf (aref *qpr-sl* 0) (aref *pr-sl* 0)) pvi (setf (aref *qpi-sl* 0) (aref *pi-sl* 0))) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i)) ($t)) ((> i nn)) (setq $t (-$ (+$ (aref *pr-sl* i) (*f pvr sr)) (*f pvi si))) (setf (aref *qpi-sl* i) (setq pvi (+$ (aref *pi-sl* i) (*f pvr si) (*f pvi sr)))) (setf (aref *qpr-sl* i) (setq pvr $t)))) (defun errev-sl (ms mp) (-$ (*$ (do ((j 0 (f1+ j)) (e (//$ (*$ (cmod-sl (aref *qpr-sl* 0) (aref *qpi-sl* 0)) mre) (+$ are mre)))) ((> j nn) e) (setq e (+$ (cmod-sl (aref *qpr-sl* j) (aref *qpi-sl* j)) (*$ e ms)))) (+$ are mre)) (*$ mp mre))) (defun cauchy-sl nil ((lambda (x xm) (setf (aref *shr-sl* nn) (-$ (aref *shr-sl* nn))) (cond ((not (= 0 (aref *shr-sl* n))) (setq xm (-$ (//$ (aref *shr-sl* nn) (aref *shr-sl* n)))) (cond ((> x xm) (setq x xm))))) (do ((f)) (nil) (setq xm (*$ 0.1d0 x) f (aref *shr-sl* 0)) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i))) ((> i nn)) (setq f (+$ (aref *shr-sl* i) (*f f xm)))) (cond ((not (< (into 0) f)) (return t))) (setq x xm)) (do ((dx x) (df) (f)) ((> 5.0e-3 (abs (//$ dx x))) x) (setq f (aref *shr-sl* 0) df f) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setq f (+$ (*$ f x) (aref *shr-sl* i)) df (+$ (*$ df x) f))) (setq f (+$ (*$ f x) (aref *shr-sl* nn)) dx (//$ f df) x (-$ x dx)))) (exp (//$ (-$ (log (aref *shr-sl* nn)) (log (aref *shr-sl* 0))) (cdb nn))) (into 0))) (defun scale-sl nil (do ((i 0 (f1+ i)) (j 0) (x (into 0)) (dx (into 0))) ((> i nn) (setq x (//$ x (cdb (f- (f1+ nn) j))) dx (//$ (-$ (log (aref *shr-sl* nn)) (log (aref *shr-sl* 0))) (cdb nn)) polysc1 (fix (+$ #.(into 1/2) (//$ dx logbas))) x (+$ x (*$ (cdb (f* polysc1 nn)) logbas #.(into 1/2))) polysc (fix (+$ #.(into 1/2) (//$ x logbas))))) (cond ((= 0 (aref *shr-sl* i)) (setq j (f1+ j))) (t (setq x (+$ x (log (aref *shr-sl* i))))))) (do ((i nn (f1- i)) (j (f- polysc) (f+ j polysc1))) ((< i 0)) (setf (aref *pr-sl* i) (_f (aref *pr-sl* i) j)) (setf (aref *pi-sl* i) (_f (aref *pi-sl* i) j)))) (defun cdivid-sl (ar ai br bi) ((lambda (r1) (cond ((and (= 0 br) (= 0 bi)) (setq cr (setq ci infin))) ((> (abs bi) (abs br)) (setq r1 (//f br bi) bi (+$ bi (*f br r1)) br (+$ ai (*f ar r1)) cr (//f br bi) br (-$ (*f ai r1) ar) ci (//f br bi))) ((setq r1 (//f bi br) bi (+$ br (*f bi r1)) br (+$ ar (*f ai r1)) cr (//f br bi) br (-$ ai (*f ar r1)) ci (//f br bi))))) (into 0)) nil) (defun cmod-sl (ar ai) (setq ar (abs ar) ai (abs ai)) (cond ((> ai ar) (setq ar (//f ar ai)) (*$ ai (sqrt (1+$ (*f ar ar))))) ((> ar ai) (setq ai (//f ai ar)) (*$ ar (sqrt (1+$ (*f ai ai))))) ((*$ 1.41421357 ar)))) ;;*page ;;;this is the algorithm for doing real polynomials. it is algorithm 493 from ;;;acm toms vol 1 p 178 (1975) by jenkins. note that array indexing starts from 0. ;;;the names of the arrays have been changed to be the same as for cpoly. ;;;the correspondence is: p - pr-sl, qp - qpr-sl, k - hr-sl, qk - qhr-sl, svk - shr-sl, ;;;temp - shi-sl. the roots are put in pr-sl and pi-sl. ;;;the variable si appears not to be used here (declaim(special sr u v a b c d a1 a3 a7 e f g h szr szi lzr lzi are mre n nn nz #+gcl type ui vi s $polyfactor arp-sl type) (double-float a a0 a1 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 aa are b b0 b1 b2 logbas bb betas betav bnd c c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 cc cosr d d0 e ee f g h infin kv lzi lzr mp mre ms omp oss ots otv ovv pv relstp s sinr smalno sr ss svu svv szi szr t1 ts tss tv tvv u ui v vi vv xx yy zm arp-sl) (fixnum cnt degree i iflag j jj l l2 n nn nz #+gcl type) ) (defparameter arp-sl 1.0d0) ;;;; this is the program we want to work... RJF (defun rpoly-sl (degree) ((lambda (logbas infin smalno are mre xx yy cosr sinr aa cc bb bnd sr u v t1 szr szi lzr lzi nz n polysc polysc1 zerok conv1) (setq mre are yy (-$ xx)) (do ((i degree (f1- i))) ((not (= 0 (aref *pr-sl* i))) (setq nn i n (f1- i)))) (setq degree nn) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i nn)) (store (aref *shr-sl* i) (abs (aref *pr-sl* i)))) (scale-sl) (do nil ((< nn 3) (cond ((= nn 2) (quad-sl (aref *pr-sl* 0) (aref *pr-sl* 1) (aref *pr-sl* 2)) (cond ((and $polyfactor (not (= 0 szi))) (store (aref *pr-sl* 2) (//$ (aref *pr-sl* 2) (aref *pr-sl* 0))) (store (aref *pr-sl* 1) (//$ (aref *pr-sl* 1) (aref *pr-sl* 0))) (store (aref *pi-sl* 2) 1.0d0)) (t (store (aref *pr-sl* 2) szr) (store (aref *pi-sl* 2) szi) (store (aref *pr-sl* 1) lzr) (store (aref *pi-sl* 1) lzi)))) (t (store (aref *pr-sl* 1) (-$ (//$ (aref *pr-sl* 1) (aref *pr-sl* 0)))))) (setq nn 0)) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i nn)) (store (aref *shr-sl* i) (abs (aref *pr-sl* i)))) (setq bnd (cauchy-sl)) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (store (aref *hr-sl* i) (//$ (*$ (cdb (f- n i)) (aref *pr-sl* i)) (cdb n)))) (store (aref *hr-sl* 0) (aref *pr-sl* 0)) (setq aa (aref *pr-sl* nn) bb (aref *pr-sl* n) zerok (= 0 (aref *hr-sl* n))) (do ((jj 1 (f1+ jj))) ((> jj 5)) (setq cc (aref *hr-sl* n)) (cond (zerok (do ((j n (f1- j))) ((< j 1)) (store (aref *hr-sl* j) (aref *hr-sl* (f1- j)))) (store (aref *hr-sl* 0) (into 0)) (setq zerok (= 0 (aref *hr-sl* n)))) (t (setq t1 (-$ (//$ aa cc))) (do ((j n (f1- j))) ((< j 1)) (store (aref *hr-sl* j) (+$ (*$ t1 (aref *hr-sl* (f1- j))) (aref *pr-sl* j)))) (store (aref *hr-sl* 0) (aref *pr-sl* 0)) (setq zerok (not (> (abs (aref *hr-sl* n)) (*$ (abs bb) are 1(into 0)))))))) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (store (aref *shi-sl* i) (aref *hr-sl* i))) (do ((cnt 1 (f1+ cnt))) ((> cnt 20) (setq conv1 nil)) (setq xx (prog2 nil (-$ (*$ cosr xx) (*$ sinr yy)) (setq yy (+$ (*$ sinr xx) (*$ cosr yy)))) sr (*$ bnd xx) u (*$ -2.0d0 sr) v bnd) (fxshfr-sl (f* 20 cnt)) (cond ((> nz 0) (store (aref *pr-sl* nn) szr) (store (aref *pi-sl* nn) szi) (cond ((= nz 2) (store (aref *pr-sl* n) lzr) (store (aref *pi-sl* n) lzi) (cond ((and $polyfactor (not (= 0 szi))) (store (aref *pr-sl* nn) v) (store (aref *pr-sl* n) u) (store (aref *pi-sl* nn) 1.0))))) (setq nn (f- nn nz) n (f1- nn)) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i nn)) (store (aref *pr-sl* i) (aref *qpr-sl* i))) (return nil))) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (store (aref *hr-sl* i) (aref *shi-sl* i)))) (or conv1 (return nil))) (cond ($polyfactor (do ((i degree (f1- i))) ((= i nn)) (cond ((= 0 (aref *pi-sl* i)) (store (aref *pr-sl* i) (_f (aref *pr-sl* i) polysc1))) (t (store (aref *pr-sl* i) (_f (aref *pr-sl* i) (f* 2 polysc1))) (setq i (f1- i)) (store (aref *pr-sl* i) (_f (aref *pr-sl* i) polysc1)))))) (t (do ((i (f1+ nn) (f1+ i))) ((> i degree)) (store (aref *pr-sl* i) (_f (aref *pr-sl* i) polysc1)) (store (aref *pi-sl* i) (_f (aref *pi-sl* i) polysc1))))) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i)) (j (f- polysc (f* polysc1 degree)) (f+ j polysc1))) ((> i nn)) (store (aref *pr-sl* i) (_f (aref *pr-sl* i) j)))) (log 2.0d0) most-positive-long-float least-positive-long-float double-float-epsilon ;(maxima-float-precision arp-sl) (into 0) (/ 1 (sqrt (into 2))) (into 0) -0.069756474d0 0.99756405d0 (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) 0 0 0 0 0 t)) (defun fxshfr-sl (l2) ((lambda (type a b c d e f g h a1 a3 a7) (setq nz 0) (quadsd-sl ) (calcsc-sl ) (do ((j 1 (f1+ j)) (betav 0.25d0) (betas 0.25d0) (oss sr) (ovv v) (tvv) (tss) (ss) (vv) (tv) (ts) (ots) (otv) (ui) (vi) (s) (svv) (svu) (iflag) (vpass) (spass) (vtry) (stry)) ((> j l2)) (nextk-sl ) (calcsc-sl ) (newest-sl ) (setq vv vi ss (into 0)) (or (= 0 (aref *hr-sl* n)) (setq ss (-$ (//$ (aref *pr-sl* nn) (aref *hr-sl* n))))) (setq tv 1.0d0 ts 1.0d0) (cond ((not (or (= j 1) (= type 3))) (or (= 0 vv) (setq tv (abs (//$ (-$ vv ovv) vv)))) (or (= 0 ss ) (setq ts (abs (//$ (-$ ss oss) ss)))) (setq tvv 1.0d0) (and (< tv otv) (setq tvv (*$ tv otv))) (setq tss 1.0d0) (and (< ts ots) (setq tss (*$ ts ots))) (setq vpass (< tvv betav) spass (< tss betas)) (cond ((or spass vpass) (setq svu u svv v) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *shr-sl* i) (aref *hr-sl* i))) (setq s ss vtry nil stry nil) (and (do ((bool (not (and spass (or (not vpass) (< tss tvv)))) t) (l50 nil nil)) (nil) (cond (bool (quadit-sl ) (and (> nz 0) (return t)) (setq vtry t betav (*$ 0.25d0 betav)) (cond ((or stry (not spass)) (setq l50 t)) (t (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* i) (aref *shr-sl* i))))))) (cond ((not l50) (setq iflag (realit-sl )) (and (> nz 0) (return t)) (setq stry t betas (*$ 0.25d0 betas)) (cond ((= 0 iflag) (setq l50 t)) (t (setq ui (-$ (+$ s s)) vi (*$ s s)))))) (cond (l50 (setq u svu v svv) (do ((i 0 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* i) (aref *shr-sl* i))) (and (or (not vpass) vtry) (return nil))))) (return nil)) (quadsd-sl ) (calcsc-sl ))))) (setq ovv vv oss ss otv tv ots ts))) 0 (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0))) (defun quadit-sl nil (setq nz 0 u ui v vi) (do ((tried) (j 0) (ee) (zm) (t1) (mp) (relstp) (omp)) (nil) (quad-sl 1.0d0 u v) (and (> (abs (-$ (abs szr) (abs lzr))) (*$ 0.01d0 (abs lzr))) (return nil)) (quadsd-sl ) (setq mp (+$ (abs (-$ a (*$ szr b))) (abs (*$ szi b))) zm (sqrt (abs v)) ee (*$ 2.0d0 (abs (aref *qpr-sl* 0))) t1 (-$ (*$ szr b))) (do ((i 1 (f1+ n))) ((> i n)) (setq ee (+$ (*$ ee zm) (abs (aref *qpr-sl* i))))) (setq ee (+$ (*$ ee zm) (abs (+$ a t1))) ee (-$ (*$ (+$ (*$ 5.0d0 mre) (*$ 4.0d0 are)) ee) (*$ (+$ (*$ 5.0d0 mre) (*$ 2.0d0 are)) (+$ (abs (+$ a t1)) (*$ (abs b) zm))) (*$ -2.0d0 are (abs t1)))) (cond ((not (> mp (*$ 20.0d0 ee))) (setq nz 2) (return nil))) (setq j (f1+ j)) (and (> j 20) (return nil)) (cond ((not (or (< j 2) (> relstp 0.01d0) (< mp omp) tried)) (and (< relstp are) (setq relstp are)) (setq relstp (sqrt relstp) u (-$ u (*$ u relstp)) v (+$ v (*$ v relstp))) (quadsd-sl ) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i))) ((> i 5)) (calcsc-sl ) (nextk-sl )) (setq tried t j 0))) (setq omp mp) (calcsc-sl ) (nextk-sl ) (calcsc-sl ) (newest-sl ) (and (= 0 vi) (return nil)) (setq relstp (abs (//$ (-$ vi v) vi)) u ui v vi))) (defun realit-sl nil (setq nz 0) (do ((j 0) (pv) (ee) (ms) (mp) (kv) (t1) (omp)) (nil) (setq pv (aref *pr-sl* 0)) (setf (aref *qpr-sl* 0) pv) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i))) ((> i nn)) (setq pv (+$ (*$ pv s) (aref *pr-sl* i))) (setf (aref *qpr-sl* i) pv)) (setq mp (abs pv) ms (abs s) ee (*$ (//$ mre (+$ are mre)) (abs (aref *qpr-sl* 0)))) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i))) ((> i nn)) (setq ee (+$ (*$ ee ms) (abs (aref *qpr-sl* i))))) (cond ((not (> mp (*$ 20.0d0 (-$ (*$ (+$ are mre) ee) (*$ mre mp))))) (setq nz 1 szr s szi (into 0)) (return 0))) (setq j (f1+ j)) (and (> j 10) (return 0)) (cond ((not (or (< j 2) (> (abs t1) (*$ 1.0d-3 (abs (-$ s t1)))) (not (> mp omp)))) (return 1))) (setq omp mp kv (aref *hr-sl* 0)) (setf (aref *qhr-sl* 0) kv) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setq kv (+$ (*$ kv s) (aref *hr-sl* i))) (setf (aref *qhr-sl* i) kv)) (cond ((> (abs kv) (*$ (abs (aref *hr-sl* n)) 10.0d0 are)) (setq t1 (-$ (//$ pv kv))) (setf (aref *hr-sl* 0) (aref *qpr-sl* 0)) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* i) (+$ (*$ t1 (aref *qhr-sl* (f1- i))) (aref *qpr-sl* i))))) (t (setf (aref *hr-sl* 0) (into 0)) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* i) (aref *qhr-sl* (f1- i)))))) (setq kv (aref *hr-sl* 0)) (do ((i 1 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setq kv (+$ (*$ kv s) (aref *hr-sl* i)))) (setq t1 (into 0)) (and (> (abs kv) (*$ (abs (aref *hr-sl* n)) 10.0d0 are)) (setq t1 (-$ (//$ pv kv)))) (setq s (+$ s t1)))) (defun calcsc-sl nil (setq d (aref *hr-sl* 0)) (setf (aref *qhr-sl* 0) d) (setq c (-$ (aref *hr-sl* 1) (*$ u d))) (setf (aref *qhr-sl* 1) c) (do ((i 2 (f1+ i)) (c0)) ((> i n)) (setq c0 (-$ (aref *hr-sl* i) (*$ u c) (*$ v d))) (setf (aref *qhr-sl* i) c0) (setq d c c c0)) (cond ((not (or (> (abs c) (*$ (abs (aref *hr-sl* n)) 100.0d0 are)) (> (abs d) (*$ (abs (aref *hr-sl* (f1- n))) 100.0d0 are)))) (setq type 3)) ((not (< (abs d) (abs c))) (setq type 2 e (//$ a d) f (//$ c d) g (*$ u b) h (*$ v b) a3 (+$ (*$ (+$ a g) e) (*$ h (//$ b d))) a1 (-$ (*$ b f) a) a7 (+$ (*$ (+$ f u) a) h))) (t (setq type 1 e (//$ a c) f (//$ d c) g (*$ u e) h (*$ v b) a3 (+$ (*$ a e) (*$ (+$ (//$ h c) g) b)) a1 (-$ b (*$ a (//$ d c))) a7 (+$ a (*$ g d) (*$ h f))))) nil) (defun nextk-sl nil (cond ((= type 3) (setf (aref *hr-sl* 0) (into 0)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* 1) (into 0)) (do ((i 2 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* i) (aref *qhr-sl* (f- i 2))))) ((> (abs a1) (*$ (abs (cond ((= type 1) b) (a))) 10.0d0 are)) (setq a7 (//$ a7 a1) a3 (//$ a3 a1)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* 0) (aref *qpr-sl* 0)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* 1) (-$ (aref *qpr-sl* 1) (*$ a7 (aref *qpr-sl* 0)))) (do ((i 2 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* i) (+$ (*$ a3 (aref *qhr-sl* (f- i 2))) (-$ (*$ a7 (aref *qpr-sl* (f1- i)))) (aref *qpr-sl* i))))) (t (setf (aref *hr-sl* 0) (into 0)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* 1) (-$ (*$ a7 (aref *qpr-sl* 0)))) (do ((i 2 (f1+ i))) ((> i n)) (setf (aref *hr-sl* i) (-$ (*$ a3 (aref *qhr-sl* (f- i 2))) (*$ a7 (aref *qpr-sl* (f1- i)))))))) nil) (defun newest-sl nil ((lambda (a4 a5 b1 b2 c1 c2 c3 c4) (cond ((= type 3) (setq ui (into 0) vi (into 0))) (t (cond ((= type 2) (setq a4 (+$ (*$ (+$ a g) f) h) a5 (+$ (*$ (+$ f u) c) (*$ v d)))) (t (setq a4 (+$ a (*$ u b) (*$ h f)) a5 (+$ c (*$ (+$ u (*$ v f)) d))))) (setq b1 (-$ (//$ (aref *hr-sl* n) (aref *pr-sl* nn))) b2 (-$ (//$ (+$ (aref *hr-sl* (f1- n)) (*$ b1 (aref *pr-sl* n))) (aref *pr-sl* nn))) c1 (*$ v b2 a1) c2 (*$ b1 a7) c3 (*$ b1 b1 a3) c4 (-$ c1 c2 c3) c1 (+$ a5 (*$ b1 a4) (-$ c4))) (cond ((= 0 c1) (setq ui (into 0) vi (into 0))) (t (setq ui (-$ u (//$ (+$ (*$ u (+$ c3 c2)) (*$ v (+$ (*$ b1 a1) (*$ b2 a7)))) c1)) vi (*$ v (1+$ (//$ c4 c1)))))))) nil) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0))) (defun quadsd-sl nil (setq b (aref *pr-sl* 0)) (store (aref *qpr-sl* 0) b) (setq a (-$ (aref *pr-sl* 1) (*$ u b))) (store (aref *qpr-sl* 1) a) (do ((i 2 (f1+ i)) (c0)) ((> i nn)) (setq c0 (-$ (aref *pr-sl* i) (*$ u a) (*$ v b))) (store (aref *qpr-sl* i) c0) (setq b a a c0))) (defun quad-sl (a0 b1 c0) (declare (special szr szi lzr lzi)) (setq szr (into 0) szi (into 0) lzr (into 0) lzi (into 0)) ((lambda (b0 d0 e) (cond ((= 0 a0 ) (or (= 0 b1 ) (setq szr (-$ (//$ c0 b1))))) ((= 0 c0 ) (setq lzr (-$ (//$ b1 a0)))) (t (setq b0 (//$ b1 2.0d0)) ;; b/2 (cond ((< (abs b0) (abs c0)) (setq e a0) (and (< c0 (into 0)) (setq e (-$ a0))) (setq e (-$ (*$ b0 (//$ b0 (abs c0))) e) d0 (*$ (sqrt (abs e)) (sqrt (abs c0))))) ;sqrt|e|*sqrt|c0| (t (setq e (-$ 1.0d0 (*$ (//$ a0 b0) (//$ c0 b0))) d0 (*$ (sqrt (abs e)) (abs b0))))) (cond ((< e #.(into 0)) (setq szr (-$ (//$ b0 a0)) lzr szr szi (abs (//$ d0 a0)) lzi (-$ szi))) (t (or (< b0 #.(into 0)) (setq d0 (-$ d0))) (setq lzr (//$ (-$ d0 b0) a0)) (or (= 0 lzr ) (setq szr (//$ (//$ c0 lzr) a0))))))) nil) (into 0) (into 0) (into 0)))