#ifndef _SYSTEM_H #define _SYSTEM_H #include #include #include "/usr/sww/share/include/tiffio.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* system.h - typedefs and globals for OCRchie system **/ /** enums and typdefs for OCRSystem include .h files */ enum MapStatus { EMPTY, VALID, OPENERROR, READERROR, WRITEERROR, OTHERERROR }; enum TclMode {REGULAR, ZONING}; typedef double Angle; typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned int Confidence; typedef unsigned long int Distance; typedef short int Property; typedef char Character; /** The number of properties in the property vector for components */ extern int numProperties; /** Some variables for fine tuning OCR */ /** These variables can be changed without recompiling in link_vars.tcl */ extern int NoiseTolerance; // Minimum number of pixels in row of text extern int MinLineSize; // Minimum number of rows in a line of text extern int MinVertSeparation; // Minimum number of rows between lines of tex extern int MinHorizSeparation; // Minimum number of blank pixels btween chars extern int ConfidenceThreshold;// Minimum confidence for some operations extern int JoinTolerance; // Maximum number of pixels in a column // joining two fused characters extern int MinComponentSize; //Minimum size in pixels of smallest char // The next four are used in character grouping extern int MaxVertSize; // Max vert pixels in char (used for baseline) extern int BaseLineTolerance; // How far from baseline is okay 1/%linesize extern int TopLineTolerance; // How far from topline is okay 1/%linesize /** Variables for user interface can be set in the file link_vars.tcl **/ extern int ENABLE_USER_INTERFACE; extern int VERY_LOW_CONFIDENCE; extern int LOW_CONFIDENCE; extern int DISPLAY_LINE_BOUNDARIES; extern int DISPLAY_BOUNDING_BOXES; extern int SPELLCHECK; extern int DISPLAY_IMAGE; #define RLE_DESKEW 1 #define BITMAP_DESKEW 0; #define MINIMUM_SKEW_ANGLE 0.25 extern int DESKEW_METHOD; extern double SCALE_FACTOR; extern double ZONING_SCALE_FACTOR; extern TclMode mode; /***** end link_vars.tcl section ****/ #include "Point.h" #include "list.h" #include "BitMap.h" #include "Component.h" #include "Word.h" #include "learn.h" #include "RLEPair.h" #include "RLEMap.h" #include "EqnMarker.h" #include "Zone.h" // Define C++ mode for tiff library #ifndef __cplusplus #define __cplusplus #endif extern Point NOPNT; // Just a convenient empty point. /* Constants for the number of horizontal and vertical divisions for determining the gray scale property vector for each component */ extern int NumHorizDiv; //Number of horizontal divisions extern int NumVertDiv; //Number of vertical divisions extern Component * LearnedChars; /** Averaged learned chars NOT USED */ extern unsigned int NumCharGroups; extern Components * LearnedGroups; // An array of 5 learned characters //group lists /** The next 3 are set during learning ***/ extern double MaxHWRatio; // Max H/W ratio of learned set extern double MinHWRatio; extern int MinWidth; // minimum component width in learned set extern uchar CharBitsSet[]; //a table of the number of bits set // in a character // initialized in initCharBitsSet() // *** Global function declaration *** // functions in RLEMap.cc void testocr(int argc, char **argv); void testRLEMap(char * filename); // Right now in RLEMap.cc void testBitMap(char * filename); // Right now in BitMap.cc void testpixelsBetween(RLEMap * map); // in RLEMap.cc tests center row void printMap(RLEMap * map); // just an ascii "X" display // functions in BitMap.cc void testPixelsInRegion(BitMap * bmap, RLEMap * rmap); // functions in convertMap.cc void testConvertMap(char * filename); // functions in Component.cc void printVector(short int vector[], int size); // just prints contents // prints properties of component c using grayscales from map. void testProperties(Component* c, BitMap * map); // functions in learn.cc Components * readLearnedChars(char * tiffFile, char * transFile); /** Read Learned characters uses a tiffFile and a ASCII translation file to read in a component list for for comparison ***/ // in system.cc void initCharBitsSet(); void invertBitsInBuffer(uchar * buf, int size); void clearBitsInBuffer(uchar * buf, int size); short int countBitsSet(uchar c); int pixelsBetween(uchar * ar, int start, int end); void setRange(uchar ar[], int start, int end); char* backslashify(char*); #endif