;; new, 7.2010 RJF ;; multiply by Kronecker trick... (defun mul-kron(p q) ;; p, q are polynomials as #(expons) . #(coefs) (let ((v (padpower2 p q))) (frombig (mulbig (tobig p v)(tobig q v)) v))) ;; maximum abs value in an array (defun arraymax (A)(let ((neg 0)(pos 0)(v 0)) (loop for i fixnum from 0 below (length A) do (setf v (aref A i)) (if (< v 0)(if (< v neg)(setf neg v)) (if (> v pos)(setf pos v)))) (max pos (- neg)))) (defun padpower2(p1 p2) (ceiling (+ (integer-length (min (aref (car p1) (1-(length (car p1)))) (aref (car p2) (1-(length (car p2)))) )) ;; the max exponents (integer-length (arraymax (cdr p1))) (integer-length (arraymax (cdr p2)))))) (defmethod lisp2gmpz ((x fixnum)) (let* ((a (alloc-gmpz)) (r (gmpz-z a))) (mpz_set_si r x) a)) (defun tobigG(p logv) (let* ((g (create_mpz_zero)) (r (gmpz-z g))) (do ((i (1- (length p)) (1- i))) ((< i 0) g) (mpz_mul_2exp r r logv);; res <- res*2^logv (mpz_add r r (gmpz-z(lisp2gmpz (aref p i))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;; above, works. need frombig, sortof adapted to produce pair of arrays ;;; and we are done. (defun polymultg(p q);; use GMP bignum stuff to multiply polys with gmp coefs (let((logv (padpower2g p q))) (frombigG2PA (mp* (tobigG q logv)(tobigG p logv)) logv))) ;;;(in-package :gmp) ;;{\section{Appendix 2: polynomials mapped to numbers} ;;\begin{verbatim} ;;; source for polysbyGMP.lisp September 2003 ;;; Using arrays of gmps. ;;; there is an issue here of using gmpz structures or just the raw gmp arrays. (defun tobigG(p logv) (let ((res (create_mpz_zero))) (do ((i (1- (length p)) (1- i))) ((< i 0) res) (mpz_mul_2exp res res logv);; res <- res*2^logv (mpz_add res res (togmp (aref p i)))))) (defun frombigG(i logv) (let* ((ans nil) (q (create_mpz_zero)) (r (create_mpz_zero)) (one (create_mpz_zero)) ; will be one (vby2 (create_mpz_zero)) ; will be v/2 (v (create_mpz_zero)) ; will be v (signum (>= (signum (aref i 1)) 0))); t if i non-neg (mpz_set_si one 1) ; set to one (mpz_mul_2exp vby2 one (1- logv)) ; set to v/2 (mpz_mul_2exp v one logv) ; set to v (if signum nil (mpz_neg i i)) ; make i positive (while (> (aref i 1) 0) ; will be 0 when i is zero (setf r (create_mpz_zero)) (mpz_fdiv_r_2exp r i logv) ; set r to remainder (mpz_fdiv_q_2exp q i logv) ; set q to quotient (cond ((> (mpz_cmp r vby2) 0) ; it is a negative coef. (if signum (mpz_sub r r v) (mpz_sub r v r)) (push r ans) (mpz_add i q one) ) (t (if signum nil (mpz_neg r r)) (push r ans) (setf i q)))) (coerce (nreverse ans)array))) (defun padpower2g(p1 p2);; p1 and p2 are arrays of gmps (+ (integer-length (min (length p1) (length p2))) (mpz_sizeinbase(maxcoefg p1) 2) (mpz_sizeinbase (maxcoefg p2) 2))) (defun maxcoefg(p1) ;; assume coefs are gmp numbers, use gmp arith ;; accumulate pos and negs separately to avoid computing/storing abs. ;; compare at end and make positive. (let ((pans (create_mpz_zero))(mans (create_mpz_zero)) temp) (do ((i (1- (length p1)) (1- i))) ((< i 0)(mpz_neg mans mans) ; make minus ans into pos (if (> (mpz_cmp mans pans) 0) mans pans)); return larger (setf temp (aref p1 i)) (print temp) ;; attempt to check the sign, NG (if (< (aref temp 1) 0) (if (< (mpz_cmp mans temp)0) nil (setf mans temp)) (if (> (mpz_cmp pans temp) 0)nil (setf pans temp)))))) ;; attempt to fix this.. programs changed underneath us?? ;; buggy?? (defun maxcoefg(p1) ;; assume coefs are gmp numbers, use gmp arith ;; accumulate pos and negs separately to avoid computing/storing abs. ;; compare at end and make positive. (let ((z (create_mpz_zero))(ans (create_mpz_zero)) (temp (create_mpz_zero))) (loop for i fixnum from 0 below (length p1) finally (return ans) do (setf temp (aref p1 i)) (format t "~% temp=~s, ans=~s" temp ans) (if (< (mpz_cmp temp z) 0) (mpz_neg temp temp)) ;set temp to |temp| (if (< (mpz_cmp temp ans) 0) (setf ans temp))))) (defun ppowerg(p n) (if (= n 1) p (polymultg p (ppowerg p (1- n))))) #| {\section{Appendix 3: Multivariate polynomials mapped to univariate} \begin{verbatim} ;;; Simple code for multiplying multivariate polynomials by mapping to univariate (defun max-expons-multivar(p) ;; p is a polynomial in the form below. Return a list of the max exponents ;; (#((5 4 3) (9 7 0)) . ;;exponents ;; #(30 21) ) ;;coefs ;; 30*x^5*y^4*z^3+ 21*x^9*y^7*z^0 (let ((h (map 'array #'(lambda(z)0) (aref (car p) 0)))) ;zero out an array (map nil #'(lambda(r) (setf h (map 'array #'max h r)))(car p)) h)) (defun bound-expons-product(p1 p2) ;; returns a list of the maximum exponents that will occur in p1*p2, polynomials (map 'list #'+ (max-expons-multivar p1)(max-expons-multivar p2))) (defun sumlist(h n)(cond((null h) nil) ;; (sumlist '(a b c) 0) returns list (a a+b a+b+c). (t (let((z(+ (car h) n))) (cons z (sumlist (cdr h) z)))))) (defun mul-multivar-direct (p q) ;; use hash tables, multiply directly WITHOUT packing exponents (let* ((ans (make-hash-table :test 'equal )) (ep (car p)) (cp (cdr p)) (eq (car q)) (cq (cdr q)) (cpi 0) (epi 0)) (dotimes (i (length ep) ;; this answer is not in the right form. ;; needs to be sorted and converted to pair of arrays. (l2pam (sort (loop for x being the hash-key in ans and y being the hash-value in ans unless (= y 0) collect (cons x y)) #'lexgp :key #'car) (hash-table-count ans))) (setf epi (aref ep i) cpi (aref cp i)) (dotimes (j (length eq)) (incf (gethash (map 'list #'+ epi(aref eq j)) ans 0) (* cpi(aref cq j))))))) (defun l2pam (z &optional (n (length z))) ;; list to pair of arrays, multivar (let ((anse (make-array n)) (ansc (make-array n)) (exponsize (length (caar z))) (j (1- n))) (declare (fixnum j n exponsize)) (loop (if (< j 0) (return (cons anse ansc))) (setf (aref anse j) (make-array exponsize :initial-contents (caar z))) (setf (aref ansc j) (cdar z)) (decf j) (pop z)))) (defun lexgp(a b) (cond((null b) nil) ((> (car a)(car b)) t) (t (and (= (car a)(car b))(lexgp (cdr a)(cdr b)))))) ;; this version encodes multivariate into univariate, then multiplies (defun mul-multivar(r s &optional (mulprog #'mul-naive)) ;; multiply r and s; mulprog is the univariate mult prog to use (multiple-value-bind (in out)(make-coders r s) ; set up the encoder and decoder (let((prod (funcall mulprog (cons (map 'array in (car r))(cdr r)) (cons (map 'array in (car s))(cdr s))))) (cons ;; the re-formed exponents (map 'array out (car prod)) (cdr prod))))) (defun make-coders(p1 p2);; returns 2 programs for encoding and decoding (let* ((z (nreverse(bound-expons-product p1 p2))) (fields (mapcar #'integer-length z)) (sumfields (cons 0(sumlist fields 0))) (maskfields (mapcar #'(lambda(r)(1- (ash 1 r))) fields))) ;; encoder vector to integer (values #'(lambda(v) (reduce #'+ (map 'list #'ash (reverse v) sumfields))) ;; decoder integer to vector #'(lambda(i)(let ((q (make-array 5 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (do ((u fields (cdr u)) (masks maskfields (cdr masks))) ((null u) (nreverse q)) (vector-push-extend (boole boole-and (car masks) i) q) (setf i (ash i (- (car u))))) ))))) \end{verbatim}} \section{Appendix 4 - Radix Tree multiplication} {\begin{verbatim} s;;; A multi-way tree for storing sparse indexed items. Although I just ;;; made this up, it looks like it is basically around in the ;;; literature, sometimes called a radix tree or a crit bit tree. It ;;; is an alternative to a hash table or an array, and is, in some ;;; sense, a data structure that can be made more array-like or more ;;; tree-like. The index or key is always an integer, perhaps a ;;; bignum. ;;; The size of the nodes is parameterized: each internal node is a ;;; small array, say of length 8 =2^logsize Then is ;;; stored in a node by decomposing the key into 3 =logsize bits at ;;; a time per layer in tree. thus 30-bit keys will have depth 10 ;;; max. The initial sub-keys are the rightmost bits, and the remaining ;;; keys are computed by shifting the keys by logsize at each level. ;;; The key is never in fact stored in the tree, but computed by position. ;;; There is one subtlety worth noting. ;;; Note that with logsize 3, we can store items with keys ;;; [0,1,...,7] in the topmost node. If we need to store an item with ;;; key 9, it has the same trailing 3 bits as 1. To accomodate, we ;;; move the 1 down exactly one level. That is, the topmost node ;;; looks like [0,p,...,7] where p=[1,9,nil,nil...nil]. ;;; so an key like 1 be at the top level (or maybe 1 down). ;;; CON: Keys must be integers or mapped to integers. Traversing the ;;; tree "in order" is tricky. Numerically adjacent keys will not be ;;; adjacent in the tree, except in the trivial case where all keys ;;; fit in one node. Nodes may be largely empty. A key with N bits ;;; will take about (N/logsize) probes. ;;; PRO: we need not know how long the longest key is, which would be ;;; the case if we were using a string-type decomposition starting ;;; from the left. Short keys will be located near the top of the ;;; tree. The keys are not stored, saving space. By increasing logsize ;;; we can make the performance closer to that of an array. We never ;;; compare keys; we only extract sub-keys and use them as indexes ;;; into arrays. ;;; author RJF June 13, 2008 ;;; made faster, Oct 22, 2008, RJF ;;;; THIS SHOULD BE REPLACED ENTIRELY WITH CODE FROM Nov 21, 2008 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (declaim (optimize (speed 3)(safety 1))) ;; (defconstant logsize 5) ; intermediate node will have 2^logsize slots (defconstant logsize 3) ; best for debugging, not bad for running some tests. ) (defmacro init-rtree()`(make-array #.(expt 2 logsize) :initial-element 0)) (defmacro leafp(x) `(numberp ,x)) (defmacro nodep(x) `(arrayp ,x)) (defun update-rtree(key val tree &aux node) ;; we use this for multiplication or addition of polynomials ;; but we could do anything with the update operation below ;; Declarations for speed. (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) (type (simple-array t (#.(expt 2 logsize))) tree)) (cond ((fixnump key)(update-rtree-fix key val tree)) ;;above, optimized for fixnum key ((< key #.(expt 2 logsize)) ;; we have found the level, or level-1 for the key. (cond ((nodep (setf node (aref tree key))) ;; if a node here, must descend one level further in tree (update-rtree-fix 0 val node)); and update that node's location 0. (t(setf (aref tree key) (+ node val)))));; put it here. ;;The key has too many bits to insert at this level. ;;Compute the subkey and separate the rest of the key by masking and shifting. (t (let ((ind(logand key #.(1- (expt 2 logsize))))) ;; mask off the relevant bits for subkey (declare (fixnum ind)) (setf node (aref tree ind)) (cond ((arrayp node) (update-rtree (ash key #.(- logsize)) val node)) ;;descend into tree with rest of key. (t (setf (aref tree ind) (update-rtree (ash key #.(- logsize)) val (if (leafp node) (update-rtree-fix 0 node (init-rtree)) (init-rtree))))))))) tree) (defun query-rtree(key tree) ;works. though we don't use it.. (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) (type (simple-array t (#.(expt 2 logsize))) tree)) (cond ((< key #.(expt 2 logsize)) (if (arrayp (aref tree key)) (query-rtree 0 (aref tree key)) (aref tree key))) (t (let* ((ind(logand key #.(1- (expt 2 logsize)))) (h (aref tree ind))) (if h (query-rtree (ash key #.(- logsize)) h) nil))))) (defun maptree (fn mt);; order appears jumbled, actually reversed-radix order ;; apply fn, a function of 2 arguments, to key and val, for each entry in tree. ;; order is "radix reversed" (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (labels ((tt1 (path displace mt);; path = path to the key's location (cond ((null mt) nil) ((leafp mt) (funcall fn path mt));; function applied to key and val. (t;; must be an array (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i #.(expt 2 logsize))) (declare (fixnum i)) (tt1 (+ (ash i displace) path) (+ displace logsize)(aref mt i))))))) (tt1 0 0 mt))) #| example (setf mt (init-rtree)) (dotimes (i (expt 8 3))(update-rtree i i mt)) mt ;;; a fully populated b-rtree with value n at location n, 0<= n < 8^3 (ordertree-nz mt) |# (defun mul-multivar-rtree(r s) (declare(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (multiple-value-bind (in out)(make-coders r s) (labels ((incode (z)(mapcar #'(lambda(h)(cons (car h)(funcall in (cdr h)))) z))) (setf r (ordertree-nz (mul-rtree (incode r) (incode s)))) (dolist (h r r)(setf (car h)(funcall out (car h))))))) (defun A2PA(A) ;; array of (exp . coef) to 2 arrays. (let* ((LA (length A)) (V nil) (anse (make-array LA)) (ansc (make-array LA))) (dotimes (i LA (cons anse ansc)) (setf V (aref A i)) (setf (aref anse i) (car V)) (setf (aref ansc i) (cdr V))))) (defun mul-rtree (r s) ;multiply two polynomials, in arrays (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (let* ((er (car r)) (es (car s)) (cr (cdr r)) (cs (cdr s)) (cri 0) (eri 0) (ler (length er)) (les (length es)) (ans (init-rtree)) ) (declare (type (simple-array integer (*)) cr cs er es) (fixnum ler les)) ;maybe some others are fixnums too.. ;; do the NXM multiplies into the answer tree (dotimes (i ler (A2PA (ordertree-nz ans))) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf cri (aref cr i) eri(aref er i)) (dotimes (j les) (declare (fixnum j)) (update-rtree (+ eri(aref es j)) (* cri(aref cs j)) ans))))) (defun mul-rtree-nosort (r s);multiply two polynomials, in arrays, result in tree (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (let* ((er (car r)) (es (car s)) (cr (cdr r)) (cs (cdr s)) (cri 0) (eri 0) (ler (length er)) (les (length es)) (ans (init-rtree)) ) (declare (type (simple-array integer (*)) cr cs er es) (fixnum ler les)) ;maybe some others are fixnums too.. ;; do the NXM multiplies into the answer tree (dotimes (i ler ans ;(L2PA (ordertree-nz ans)) ) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf cri (aref cr i) eri(aref er i)) (dotimes (j les) (declare (fixnum j)) (update-rtree (+ eri(aref es j)) (* cri(aref cs j)) ans) )))) ;;; The program update-rt1 below is a more general update function. ;;; First we show how we could use it for multiplication or addition. (defun update-rtree+ (key val tree) ;; same as update-rtree, using rt1 (update-rt1 key val tree #'(lambda(val oldval)(+ val (or oldval 0))))) (defun update-rt1(key val tree fn) (labels((update-rtree (key val tree) ;; we use this for multiplication or addition of polynomials ;; but we could do anything with the update operation below ;; carefully, perhaps overly, declared for speed. (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) (type (simple-array t (#.(expt 2 logsize))) tree)) (cond ((fixnump key)(update-rt1-fix key val tree fn)) ((< key #.(expt 2 logsize)) ; we have found the level, or level-1 for the key. (cond ((nodep (aref tree (the fixnum key))); if a node here, must descend one level further in tree (update-rtree 0 val (aref tree (the fixnum key)))); and update that node's location 0. (t ;; we have a leaf node to update. (setf (aref tree (the fixnum key)) (funcall fn val (aref tree (the fixnum key))))))) ;;The key is still too big. Compute the subkey and the rest of the key by masking and shifting. (t (let* ((ind(logand key #.(1- (expt 2 logsize)))); mask off the relevant bits for subkey (h (aref tree ind))) (declare (type (simple-array t (#.(expt 2 logsize))) tree)(fixnum ind)) (cond ((arrayp h) (update-rtree (ash key #.(- logsize)) val h));descend into tree with rest of key. ((leafp h) ; leaf, not link. We make a subtree and move the leaf down one level. (setf (aref tree ind) (update-rtree (ash key #.(- logsize)) val (update-rtree 0 h (init-rtree))))) ;; h is nil means the node was empty. Just make a new subtree and insert. (t (setf (aref tree ind)(update-rtree (ash key #.(- logsize)) val (init-rtree)))))))) tree)) (update-rtree key val tree))) (defun ordertree-nz(mt);; order-tree the tree removing zeros. sort after the whole tree is traversed (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) (type (simple-array t (#.(expt 2 logsize))) tree)) (let ((ans (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (declare (type (array t (*)) ans)) (labels ((tt1 (path displace mt);; path = path to the key's location (cond ((null mt) nil) ;; line below changed to return nil if mt is zero ((leafp mt)(unless (zerop mt) (vector-push-extend (cons path mt) ans))) (t;; mt must be an array (do ((i #.(1- (expt 2 logsize)) (1- i))) ((< i 0) ans) (declare (fixnum i) (type (array t (*)) mt)) (tt1 (+ (ash i displace) path) (+ displace logsize)(aref mt i))))))) (sort (tt1 0 0 mt) #'< :key #'car)))) (defun update-rtree-fix(key val tree &aux node) ;; optimization for key being fixnum; minor hacks (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) (type (simple-array t (#.(expt 2 logsize))) tree) (fixnum key)) (cond ((< key #.(expt 2 logsize)) ; we have found the level, or level-1 for the key. (cond ((nodep (setf node (aref tree key))); if a node here, must descend one level further in tree (update-rtree-fix 0 val node)); and update that node's location 0. (t(setf (aref tree key) (+ node val)))));; put it here. (t (let ((ind(logand key #.(1- (expt 2 logsize))))); mask off the relevant bits for subkey (declare (fixnum ind)) (setf node (aref tree ind)) (cond ((arrayp node) (update-rtree-fix (ash key #.(- logsize)) val node));descend into tree with rest of key. (t (setf (aref tree ind) (update-rtree-fix (ash key #.(- logsize)) val (if (leafp node) (update-rtree-fix 0 node (init-rtree)) (init-rtree))))))))) tree) (defun update-rt1-fix(key val tree fn) (labels((update-rtree;;internally, use fixnum keys (key val tree) (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) (type (simple-array t (#.(expt 2 logsize))) tree) (fixnum key)) (cond ((< key #.(expt 2 logsize)); we have found the level, or level-1 for the key. (cond ((nodep (aref tree (the fixnum key))); if a node here, must descend one level further in tree (update-rtree 0 val (aref tree (the fixnum key)))); and update that node's location 0. (t (setf (aref tree (the fixnum key)) (funcall fn val (aref tree (the fixnum key))))))) (t (let* ((ind(logand key #.(1- (expt 2 logsize)))); mask off the relevant bits for subkey (h (aref tree ind))) (declare (type (simple-array t (#.(expt 2 logsize))) tree)(fixnum ind)) (cond ((arrayp h) (update-rtree (ash key #.(- logsize)) val h));descend into tree with rest of key. ((leafp h) ; leaf, not link. We make a subtree and move the leaf down one level. (setf (aref tree ind) (update-rtree (ash key #.(- logsize)) val (update-rtree 0 h (init-rtree))))) (t (setf (aref tree ind)(update-rtree (ash key #.(- logsize)) val (init-rtree)))))))) tree)) (update-rtree key val tree))) \end{verbatim}} \section{Appendix 4: Chinese Remainder Algorithm} {How does this work? Let $N = n_0n_1 ...n_k$. Then the Chinese Remainder Theorem tells us that we can represent any number x in the range $-(N-1)/2$ to $+(N-1)/2$ by its residues modulo $n_0,~ n_1, n_2,~ ...,~ n_k$. Conversion to Normal Form (Garner's Alg.) Converting to normal rep. takes $k^2$ steps. Beforehand, compute inverse of $n_1$ mod $n_0$, inverse of $n_2$ mod $n_0n_1$, and also the products $n_0n_1$, etc. Aside: how to compute these inverses: Extended Euclidean Algorithm. Input: x as a list of residues $\{u_i\}$: $u_i = x$ mod $n_i$ Output: x as an integer in $[-(N-1)/2,(N-1)/2]$. (Other possibilities include x in another range, also x as a rational fraction!) Consider the mixed radix representation $$x = v_0 + v_1*n0 + v-2*(n_0*n_1)+ ... +v_k*(n_0*...n_{k-1}) \eqno(*)$$ if we find the $v_i$, we are done, after $k$ more mults. $v_0 = u_0,$ each being $x$ mod $n_0$ Next, computing remainder mod $n_1$ of each side of (*) $u_1 = v_0 +v_1*n_0 $mod $n_1$, with everything else dropping out so $v_0 = (u_1-v_0)* n_0^{-1} $ all mod $n_1$ in general, $v_k = ( u_k - [v_0+v_1*n_0 +...+v_{k-1}* (n_0...n_{k-2}) ]) * (n_0*...*n_{k-1})^{-1}$ mod $n_k.$ Note that all the $v_k$ are small numbers and the products of $\{n_i\}$ are precomputed. Cost: If we find all these values in sequence, we have $k^2$ multiplication operations, where $k$ is the number of primes needed. In practice we pick the $k$ largest primes we can, subject to the other constraints (e.g. we would like the arithmetic to be single-precision, and fast). If we can do 31-bit signed arithmetic fast, and $L$ is the largest number in the answer, $k$ is about $2\log (L/2^{31}$)} \section{Appendix 5: Heap management} Code is provide in the shortprog.tex file. Needs cleaning up. Also testing data. \begin{thebibliography}{99} {\bibitem{atlas} ATLAS, Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software, {\tt http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/}} {\bibitem{brown} Brown, W.S. ``A language and system for symbolic algebra on a digital computer'', in Kuo, F. F. and J. F. Kaiser (eds.), {\em System Analysis by Digital Computer}, John Wiley, New York, 1966 349--369 } \bibitem{fateman} Richard Fateman. ``Comparing the speed of programs for sparse polynomial multiplication,'' SIGSAM Bulletin 37, 1 March 2003. \bibitem{fredman} Fredman, M. L. `` How good is the information theory bound in sorting?'' {\em Theoret. Comput. 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(let ((h (apply #'append (map 'list #'(lambda(r s) (cond ((= s 0) nil) ((= s 1) (list r)) (t (list '* r '^ s)) )) varlist (cdr k))))) (cond ((= (car k) 1) h) ((= (car k) -1)(print h) (cons '- (if (eq (car h) '*)(cdr h) h)) ) (t(cons (car k) h)))))) (sort (copy-list r) #'lex> :key #'cdr))) 1)) ))) ;; if you don't like s= "x+-45", do (fix+- s) (defun lex> (a b)(cond ((null b) nil)((null a) t) ((= (car a)(car b))(lex> (cdr a)(cdr b))) ((> (car a)(car b)) t) (t nil))) ;; (setf k '((630 14 74 3) (900 10 8 33) (441 18 77 0) (630 14 11 30))) ;; (pdumps k '(x y z)) ;;(setf r '((1 0 1)(1 1 0))) ;x + y ;;(setf s '((1 0 1)(-1 1 0))) ;x - y ;;(pdumps (ptimes-multivar r r)'(x y)) ==> "x^2+2xy+y^2" .. could put "*" in there too.. (defun ptimes-univar-faster(r s) ;; store (coef) rather than coef in hash-table. Faster updating we hope (declare(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (let ((ans (make-hash-table))) (maphash #'(lambda(ex co) ; exponent, coefficient in a list. (maphash #'(lambda (ex2 co2) (let* ((newex (+ ex ex2))) (incf (car (or (gethash newex ans nil)(setf (gethash newex ans) (list 0))) ) (* (car co)(car co2)))))r))s) ans)) (defun list2hash-faster (k) ;; k looks like ((30 . (5 4 3))(21 . (9 7 0))) 30*x^5*y^4*z^3+ .. (let ((ans (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (dolist (i k ans)(setf (gethash (cdr i) ans) (list (car i)))))) (defun ptimes-multivar-faster(r s) (multiple-value-bind (in out)(make-coders r s) (labels ((incode (z)(mapcar #'(lambda(h)(cons (car h)(funcall in (cdr h)))) z))) (mapcar #'(lambda(h)(cons (car h)(funcall out (cdr h)))) (hash2list-faster (ptimes-univar-faster (list2hash-faster (incode r))(list2hash-faster (incode s))))) ))) (defun hash2list-faster(h) (let ((ans nil)) (maphash #'(lambda(key val)(unless (= 0 (car val)) (push (cons (car val) key) ans))) h) ans)) (defun ppower(x n)(if (= n 1) x (ptimes-multivar-faster x (ppower x (1- n))))) (defun fix+-(s) ;; take a string like "a b+c+-d+e+-ef" and change it to "a b+c-d+e-ef" (do ((h (position #\+ s)(position #\+ s :start h))) ((null h) s) (if (char= (elt s (incf h)) #\-) ;look for a following #\- ;string must not end with + (setf s (delete #\+ s :start (1- h) :end h))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; sortx+y.lisp (eval-when (compile load) (declaim (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)))) ;; sort X+Y various ways. (defun make-rl(n d) ;;make random list of length n with spacing k, with 0= child fill-pointer) (hlessfun x (aref a child))) hole) (setf (aref a hole) (aref a child) hole child))) (defun percolate-up (a hole x) "Private. Moves the HOLE until it's in a location suitable for holding X. Does not actually bind X to the HOLE. Returns the new index of the HOLE. The hole itself percolates down; it's the X that percolates up." (declare (fixnum hole) (type (simple-array t (*)) a) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (setf (aref a 0) x) (do ((i hole parent) (parent (ash hole -1) (ash parent -1) )) ((not (hlessfun x (aref a parent))) i) (declare (fixnum i parent)) (setf (aref a i) (aref a parent)))) (defun create-heap-ordered (initial-contents) ;; used only if initial-contents is already sorted list. ;; important: initial-contents must have the first element duplicated. ;; e.g. (3 5 8) should be (3 3 5 8) ;; (format t "*") "Initialize the indicated heap. If INITIAL-CONTENTS is a non-empty list, the heap's contents are initialized to the values in that list; they are assumed already ordered according to hlessfun. INITIAL-CONTENTS must be a list or NIL." (let* ((n (length initial-contents)) (heap (make-array n :initial-contents initial-contents :element-type t))) (setf fill-pointer n) ;global value for this heap heap)) (defun heap-count (heap) (declare (ignore heap)) (1- fill-pointer)) (defun heap-empty-p (heap) (declare (ignore heap)) "Returns non-NIL if & only if the heap contains no items." (= fill-pointer 1)) (defun heap-insert (a x) "Insert a new element into the heap. Returns the heap." ;; rjf ;; Append a hole for the new element. ;; (vector-push-extend nil a) ;; assume enough room... ;; (vector-push nil a) (declare (type (simple-array t (*)) a)(fixnum fill-pointer) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) ;;(format t ".") (setf (aref a fill-pointer) nil) (incf fill-pointer) ;; Move the hole from the end towards the front of the ;; queue until it is in the right position for the new ;; element. (setf (aref a (percolate-up a (1- fill-pointer) x)) x)) (defun heap-remove-fast(a) ;; assumes non-empty!! if empty next answer is bogus. ;; answer after that is an error (fill pointer can't pop) (declare(type (simple-array t(*)) a)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) ;;(format t "-") (let* ((x (aref a 1)) (last-object (progn (decf fill-pointer)(aref a fill-pointer) ) )) (setf (aref a (percolate-down a 1 last-object)) last-object) x)) (defun lesser-child (a parent) "Return the index of the lesser child. If there's one child, return its index. If there are no children, return (FILL-POINTER (HEAP-A HEAP))." (declare (type (simple-array t (*)) a) (optimize(speed 3)(safety 0)) (fixnum parent) ) (let* ((left (ash parent 1)) (right (1+ left)) (fp fill-pointer)) (declare (fixnum left fp right)) (cond ((>= left fp) fp) ((= right fp) left) ((hlessfun (aref a left) (aref a right)) left) (t right)))) ;;; --- end of heap stuff --- ;;; -*- Lisp -*- ;;; msortx.lisp multiplication of polyns based on copying coefs into arrays. ;;; this uses double-float coefficients (eval-when (compile load) (declaim (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)))) ;; sort X+Y various ways. (defun make-rac(n d) ;;make random list of length n with spacing k, with 0 xi xlim) (if (> yi ylim) (return (cons zexps zcoefs)) (let() (loop for i from yi to ylim do (vector-push (aref yexps i) zexps) (vector-push (aref ycoefs i) zcoefs)) (setf yi (1+ ylim))))) ((> yi ylim) (let() (loop for i from xi to xlim do (vector-push (aref xexps i) zexps) (vector-push (aref xcoefs i) zcoefs)) (setf xi (1+ xlim)))) ((< (aref xexps xi)(aref yexps yi)) (vector-push (aref xexps xi) zexps) (vector-push (aref xcoefs xi) zcoefs) (incf xi)) ((= (aref xexps xi)(aref yexps yi)) (vector-push (aref xexps xi) zexps) (vector-push (+ (aref ycoefs yi) (aref xcoefs xi)) zcoefs) (incf xi) (incf yi)) (t;;(> (aref xexps xi)(aref yexps yi)) (vector-push (aref yexps yi) zexps) (vector-push (aref ycoefs yi) zcoefs) (incf yi)))))))) (defun splitpol(z) ;; take a polynomial and return its two halves (let* ((h (length (car z))) (half (ash h -1)) (rest (- h half))) (declare (fixnum h half rest)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (values (cons (make-array half :displaced-to (car z)) (make-array half :displaced-to (cdr z))) (cons (make-array rest :displaced-to (car z) :displaced-index-offset half) (make-array rest :displaced-to (cdr z) :displaced-index-offset half))))) (defun mular(x y);; x and y are sparse polys in arrays as produced by (make-racg n m) (let* ((xexps (car x)) (xe 0) (xc 0) (xlen (length xexps))) (declare (fixnum xlim)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (cond ((= 0 xlen) '(#() . #())) ; empty polynomial ((= 1 xlen) ; a monomial times a polynomial! (setf xe (aref xexps 0)) (setf xc (aref (cdr x) 0)) (cons (map 'vector #'(lambda (r)(+ r xe)) (car y)) (map 'vector #'(lambda (r)(* r xc)) (cdr y)))) (t (multiple-value-bind (low hi) (splitpol x) (addar (mular low y)(mular hi y))))))) ;; this works. not particularly compact. or fast. mulhashg is much faster. (defun addar(x y);; x and y are sparse polys in arrays as produced by (make-racg n m) (cond ((= (length(car x)) 0) y) ((= (length(car y)) 0) x) (t (let* ((xexps (car x)) (xi 0) (xlim (1- (length xexps))) (xcoefs (cdr x)) (yexps (car y)) (yi 0) (ylim (1- (length yexps))) (ycoefs (cdr y)) (m (+ xlim ylim)) ; maximum possible size. (zexps (make-array m :fill-pointer 0)) (zcoefs (make-array m :fill-pointer 0))) (declare (fixnum xi yi ylim xlim)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (loop (cond ;; check first if we have run out of x or y, ((> xi xlim) (if (> yi ylim) (return (cons zexps zcoefs)) (let() (loop for i from yi to ylim do (vector-push (aref yexps i) zexps) (vector-push (aref ycoefs i) zcoefs)) (setf yi (1+ ylim))))) ((> yi ylim) (let() (loop for i from xi to xlim do (vector-push (aref xexps i) zexps) (vector-push (aref xcoefs i) zcoefs)) (setf xi (1+ xlim)))) ((< (aref xexps xi)(aref yexps yi)) (vector-push (aref xexps xi) zexps) (vector-push (aref xcoefs xi) zcoefs) (incf xi)) ((= (aref xexps xi)(aref yexps yi)) (vector-push (aref xexps xi) zexps) (vector-push (+ (aref ycoefs yi) (aref xcoefs xi)) zcoefs) (incf xi) (incf yi)) (t;;(> (aref xexps xi)(aref yexps yi)) (vector-push (aref yexps yi) zexps) (vector-push (aref ycoefs yi) zcoefs) (incf yi)))))))) (defun mulhashg (x y);; exponents and coefs may be arbitrary here. (let ((ans (make-hash-table :test 'eql)) ;; eql is good enough for bignums too (xexps (car x)) (xcoefs (cdr x)) (yexps (car y)) (ycoefs (cdr y)) (xei 0) (xco 0) (zcoefs *zcoefsg*) (zlim *zcoefs-limg*) (zcounter 0) (loc nil) (xy 0)) (declare (type (simple-array t (*)) xexps yexps) ; any exponents (type (simple-array t (*)) xcoefs ycoefs zcoefs) ; any coefs (fixnum zcounter zlim) (integer xei xy) ; (double-float xco) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (dotimes (i (length xexps)(sorthashg ans zcoefs)) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf xei (aref xexps i)) ;exponent for x (setf xco (aref xcoefs i));coefficient corresponding to that exponent (dotimes (j (length yexps)) (declare (fixnum j)) ;; look in the hash-table at location for this exponent (setf loc (gethash (setf xy (+ xei (aref yexps j))) ans)) (cond (loc ;; There is an entry in hash-table for this ;; exponent. Update corresponding array location. Note: ;; hash-table is NOT updated. this happens about n*m ;; times, where n=size(x), m=size(y). (incf (aref zcoefs loc) ;; no number consing here either?? (* xco (aref ycoefs j)))) (t ;; if loc is nil, allocate a space in the answer array. ;; This happens relatively infrequently, about k times, where k=size(x*y). ;; Hash-Table is updated. (setf (gethash xy ans) zcounter) ;; store the result in zcoefs array. (setf (aref zcoefs zcounter) (* xco (aref ycoefs j))) ; no number consing?? (incf zcounter) (cond ((= zcounter zlim) ;; if we reach this, we need more working space. ;; This is rarely used code. If global array is big enough, it is never used. ;; If global array is too small, it is made bigger. (let* ((newsize (ash zlim 1)) ; double the size (newarray (make-array newsize))) (declare (fixnum newsize) (type (simple-array t(*)) newarray)) ;; (format t "~%zcoefs now size ~s" newsize) (dotimes (m newsize) (declare (fixnum m)) (setf (aref newarray m)(aref zcoefs m))) (setf zcoefs newarray zlim newsize *zcoefs-limg* zlim *zcoefsg* zcoefs)))))))))) (defun sorthashg(h ar) ;; utility for mulhashgi (let ((ans (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (maphash #'(lambda (i v) (setf v (aref ar v)); get the double-float, by indirection (unless (= v 0.0d0) ;; normalize! remove 0 coefs (vector-push-extend (cons i v) ans))) h) (breakup (sort ans #'< :key #'car)) )) (defun breakup (ar) ;; ar is an array of (exp . coef). ;; separate them into a pair: one array of exponents and one of coefficients. (let* ((ll (length ar)) (exps (make-array ll)) (coefs (make-array ll)) (tt nil)) (dotimes (i ll (cons exps coefs)) (setf tt (aref ar i)) (setf (aref exps i) (car tt)) (setf (aref coefs i)(cdr tt))))) (defun PA2L (PA) ;; Pair of Arrays to List, length ;; returns L a LIST of (exp . coef) of length n. ;; also returns n. (let* ((exps (car PA)) (coefs (cdr PA)) (n (length exps))) (declare (fixnum n)) (do ((i (1- n) (1- i)) (ans nil (cons (cons (aref exps i)(aref coefs i)) ans))) ((< i 0) (values ans n)) (declare (fixnum i))))) (defun L2PA (L n) ;;List to Pair of Arrays ;; L is a LIST of (exp . coef) of length n. ;; create a pair: one array of exponents and one of coefficients. (let* ((exps (make-array n)) (coefs (make-array n)) (count 0)) (declare (fixnum count)) (dolist (i L (cons exps coefs)) (setf (aref exps count) (car i)) (setf (aref coefs count)(cdr i)) (incf count)))) (defun addarL(r s);; r and s are sparse polys as Lists of (exp . coef). ;; return a similar list of their sum. destructive. (declare (optimize (speed 1)(safety 3)(debug 3))) (let((ans nil) (pt nil)) ;;set initial link (cond((null r)(return-from addarL s)) ((null s)(return-from addarL r)) ((< (caar r)(caar s))(setf ans r) (setf r (cdr r))) ;; which arg do we destroy? (t (setf ans s)(setf s (cdr s)))) (setf pt ans) (loop (cond((null r)(setf (cdr pt) s) (return ans)) ((null s)(setf (cdr pt) r) (return ans)) ((< (caar r)(caar s)) ;;key is car (setf (cdr pt) r) (setf r (cdr r))) ((= (caar r)(caar s)) ; (format t "~% r=~s s=~s pt=~s" r s pt) (setf (cdadr pt)(+ (cdar r)(cdar s))) (setf (cdr pt) r) (setf s (cdr s)) (setf r (cdr r))) (t (setf (cdr pt) s) (setf s (cdr s)))) ;; (format t "~% r=~s s=~s pt=~s" r s pt) (setf pt (cdr pt))))) (defun mularL(x y);; x and y are sparse polys in arrays as produced by (make-racg n m) ;; but do the intermediate adds using lists. ;; this works but uses a lot of cons cells and is about 5X slower than mulhashg. (let* ((xexps (car x)) (xcoefs (cdr x)) (yexps (car y)) (ycoefs (cdr y)) (xe 0) (xc 0) (xlen (length xexps)) (ans nil) (i (1- (length yexps)))) (declare (fixnum i xlen)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (cond ((= 0 xlen) '(#() . #())) ; empty polynomial ((= 1 xlen) ; a monomial times a polynomial! (setf xe (aref xexps 0)) (setf xc (aref xcoefs 0)) ;; probably just as fast to do this next line rather than loop ;;(map 'list #'(lambda (r s)(cons (+ r xe) (* s xc))) (car y)(cdr y)) (loop (if (< i 0)(return t)) (push (cons (+ xe (aref yexps i)) (* xc (aref ycoefs i))) ans) (decf i)) ans) (t (multiple-value-bind (low hi) (splitpol x) (addarL (mularL low y)(mularL hi y))))))) (defun mularL(x y);; x and y are sparse polys in arrays as produced by (make-racg n m) ;; but do the intermediate adds using lists. ;; this works but uses a lot of cons cells and is about 5X slower than mulhashg. (let* ((xexps (car x)) (xcoefs (cdr x)) (yexps (car y)) (ycoefs (cdr y)) (xe 0) (xc 0) (xlen (length xexps)) (ans nil) (i (1- (length yexps)))) (declare (fixnum i xlen)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (cond ((= 0 xlen) '(#() . #())) ; empty polynomial ((= 1 xlen) ; a monomial times a polynomial! (setf xe (aref xexps 0)) (setf xc (aref xcoefs 0)) ;; probably just as fast to do this next line rather than loop ;;(map 'list #'(lambda (r s)(cons (+ r xe) (* s xc))) (car y)(cdr y)) (loop (if (< i 0)(return t)) (push (cons (+ xe (aref yexps i)) (* xc (aref ycoefs i))) ans) (decf i)) ans) (t (multiple-value-bind (low hi) (splitpol x) (addarL (mularL low y)(mularL hi y))))))) ;; subdivide both polys but only to some limited depth. ;; (defvar *cachelim* 10 ) (defun dosmallmult(x y) (ptimes x y)) ;; make sure result is right form. (defun mularLd(x y);; x and y are sparse polys in arrays as produced by (make-racg n m) ;; but do the intermediate adds using lists. (let* ((xexps (car x)) (xcoefs (cdr x)) (yexps (car y)) (ycoefs (cdr y)) (xe 0) (xc 0) (xlen (length xexps)) (ans nil)) (declare (fixnum i xlen)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (cond ((= 0 xlen) nil) ; empty polynomial ((= 1 xlen) ; a monomial times a polynomial! (setf xe (aref xexps 0)) (setf xc (aref xcoefs 0)) (map 'list #'(lambda (r s)(cons (+ r xe) (* s xc))) yexps ycoefs)) ((< xlen *cachelim*)(if (< (length yexps) *cachelim*) ;; both x and y are small enough (mularg x y) ;; x is small enough, y is not. split it. (multiple-value-bind (low hi) (splitpol y) (addarL (mularL low x)(mularL hi x))))) ;; x is not small enough. (t (multiple-value-bind (low hi) (splitpol x) (addarL (mularL low y )(mularL hi y))))))) (defun testsplit(n z) (dotimes (i n)(splitpol z))) (defun mularq(x y);; x and y are sparse polys in arrays as produced by (make-racg n m) ;; divide only down to cachelim (let* ((xexps (car x)) (yexps (car y)) (xe 0) (xc 0) (xlen (length xexps))) (declare (fixnum xlim)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (cond ((= 0 xlen) '(#() . #())) ; empty polynomial ((= 1 xlen) ; a monomial times a polynomial! (setf xe (aref xexps 0)) (setf xc (aref (cdr x) 0)) (cons (map 'vector #'(lambda (r)(+ r xe)) (car y)) (map 'vector #'(lambda (r)(* r xc)) (cdr y)))) ((< xlen *cachelim*)(if (< (length yexps) *cachelim*) ;; both x and y are small enough (mulhashgg x y);; or something good for cache ;; x is small enough, y is not. split it. (multiple-value-bind (low hi) (splitpol y) ;;(format t "~%low=~s~%~%high=~s" low hi) (addar (mularq low x)(mularq hi x))))) (t (multiple-value-bind (low hi) (splitpol x) (addar (mularq low y)(mularq hi y))))))) ;; same as mulhashg but simple-array --> array. Slighly slower. (defun mulhashgg (x y);; exponents and coefs may be arbitrary here. (let ((ans (make-hash-table :test 'eql)) ;; eql is good enough for bignums too (xexps (car x)) (xcoefs (cdr x)) (yexps (car y)) (ycoefs (cdr y)) (xei 0) (xco 0) (zcoefs *zcoefsg*) (zlim *zcoefs-limg*) (zcounter 0) (loc nil) (xy 0)) (declare (type (array t (*)) xexps yexps) ; any exponents (type (array t (*)) xcoefs ycoefs zcoefs) ; any coefs (fixnum zcounter zlim) (integer xei xy) ; (double-float xco) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (dotimes (i (length xexps)(sorthashg ans zcoefs)) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf xei (aref xexps i)) ;exponent for x (setf xco (aref xcoefs i));coefficient corresponding to that exponent (dotimes (j (length yexps)) (declare (fixnum j)) ;; look in the hash-table at location for this exponent (setf loc (gethash (setf xy (+ xei (aref yexps j))) ans)) (cond (loc ;; There is an entry in hash-table for this ;; exponent. Update corresponding array location. Note: ;; hash-table is NOT updated. this happens about n*m ;; times, where n=size(x), m=size(y). (incf (aref zcoefs loc) ;; no number consing here either?? (* xco (aref ycoefs j)))) (t ;; if loc is nil, allocate a space in the answer array. ;; This happens relatively infrequently, about k times, where k=size(x*y). ;; Hash-Table is updated. (setf (gethash xy ans) zcounter) ;; store the result in zcoefs array. (setf (aref zcoefs zcounter) (* xco (aref ycoefs j))) ; no number consing?? (incf zcounter) (cond ((= zcounter zlim) ;; if we reach this, we need more working space. ;; This is rarely used code. If global array is big enough, it is never used. ;; If global array is too small, it is made bigger. (let* ((newsize (ash zlim 1)) ; double the size (newarray (make-array newsize))) (declare (fixnum newsize) (type (array t(*)) newarray)) ;; (format t "~%zcoefs now size ~s" newsize) (dotimes (m newsize) (declare (fixnum m)) (setf (aref newarray m)(aref zcoefs m))) (setf zcoefs newarray zlim newsize *zcoefs-limg* zlim *zcoefsg* zcoefs)))))))))) ;;end of listing ;;;; yet another heap-merge-multiplier, using a hacked together top-down heap by rjf ;;; ;;; multiplication of polyns based on sortx+y.lisp ;;; ;;; -*- Lisp -*- ;;; msort5.lisp multiplication of polyns based on ;;; sortx+y.lisp msort2-5 uses heaps implemented as lisp lists. seems ;;; like a loser, 4X slower than hash, somewhat slower than arrays. ;;; msort5 uses lisp lists to construct a heap, each internal node n ;;; is, in this design (here . (left . right)) where here is a leaf ;;; node, and left/right may either be nil or an internal node or a ;;; leaf node. A leaf node looks like a dotted pair consisting of ;;; (number . number). They represent an exponent . coefficient pair. ;;; An empty heap looks like this: (nil) (eval-when (compile load) (declaim (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)))) ;; sort X+Y various ways. (defun make-rlc(n d) ;;make random list of length n with spacing k, with 0 msort5 (time (mulheap2 x y)) in msort4. x is 1000 terms, y is 500 terms ; cpu time (non-gc) 1,000 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (gc) 0 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (total) 1,000 msec user, 0 msec system ; real time 1,047 msec ; space allocation: ; 2,005,505 cons cells, 0 other bytes, 0 static bytes ...... (time (mulheap2 x y)) in msort5 ; cpu time (non-gc) 937 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (gc) 16 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (total) 953 msec user, 0 msec system ; real time 969 msec ; space allocation: ; 1,753,843 cons cells, 32 other bytes, 0 static bytes .... still, faster and less space is hashing: (time (mulhash x y)) ; cpu time (non-gc) 172 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (gc) 0 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (total) 172 msec user, 0 msec system ; real time 172 msec ; space allocation: ; 31,501 cons cells, 240,752 other bytes, 0 static bytes ... and using an array-based heap is better than list heap, not as fast as hash. (time (mulheap x y)) ; cpu time (non-gc) 656 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (gc) 16 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (total) 672 msec user, 0 msec system ; real time 688 msec ; space allocation: ; 505,515 cons cells, 2,184 other bytes, 0 static bytes ;;; inserted here... If the coefficients are doublefloats stored in a separate array, we ;;; have times like this: ;[2] cl-user(367): (time (mulhashe x y)) ; cpu time (non-gc) 62 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (gc) 0 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (total) 62 msec user, 0 msec system ; real time 63 msec ; space allocation: ; 4,513 cons cells, 388,856 other bytes, 0 static bytes #((3 . 2.0d0) (4 . 5.0d0) (5 . 3.0d0) (6 . 2.0d0) (7 . 12.0d0) |# ;;;;msortxd2. FASTEST HASH MULTIPLIER, set up for arrays of double-floats.. ;;; -*- Lisp -*- ;;; msortx.lisp multiplication of polyns based on copying coefs into arrays. ;;; this uses double-float coefficients (eval-when (compile load) (declaim (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)))) ;; sort X+Y various ways. (defun make-rac(n d) ;;make random list of length n with spacing k, with 0= left ,fp) ,fp) ((= right ,fp) left) ((hlessfun (aref ,a left) (aref ,a right)) left) (t right)))) ;; construct length(x) streams, a_0*y, a_1*y, .... (defun mularZ2(x y);; x and y are sparse polys in arrays as produced by (make-racg n m). return array ;; hack for heap management with a starter entry in ans (let* ((xexps (car x)) (xcoefs (cdr x)) (yexps (car y)) (ycoefs (cdr y)) (yexp0 (aref yexps 0)) (ycoef0 (aref ycoefs 0)) (ylim (length (car y))) (ans (make-array (1+ (length xexps))))) (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))(fixnum j)(type (simple-array t (*)) ans xexps xcoefs yexps ycoefs)) (setf (aref ans 0)(cons 0 (cons 0 #'(lambda() nil)))) ; blocker for heap management (dotimes (i (length xexps) ans) (setf (aref ans (1+ i)) (cons (+ yexp0 (aref xexps i)) ;; the lowest exponent (cons (* (aref xcoefs i)ycoef0) ; its coefficient (let ((index 0) (xexpi (aref xexps i)) (xco (aref xcoefs i))) #'(lambda() (incf index) (if (>= index ylim) nil (values (+ xexpi (aref yexps index)) ; the exponent (* xco (aref ycoefs index))) ; the coef ))))))))) ;; set up a context for heap array fill pointer.. (let ((fill-pointer 0)) #+ignore ;; maybe clearer what is going on (defun percolate-down (aa hole xx fp) "Private. Move the HOLE down until it's in a location suitable for X. Return the new index of the hole." (declare (fixnum hole fp) (type (simple-array t (*)) aa)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (do ((child (lesser-child aa hole fp) (lesser-child aa hole fp))) ((or (>= (the fixnum child) fp) (hlessfun xx (aref aa child))) hole) (declare (fixnum child)) (setf (aref aa hole) (aref aa child) hole child))) ;; #+ignore;; works also, maybe a teensy bit faster. (defun percolate-down (aa hole xx fp) "Private. Move the HOLE down until it's in a location suitable for X. Return the new index of the hole." (let ((xxval (car xx))) (declare (fixnum hole fp)(integer xxval aaval) (type (simple-array t (*)) aa)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (do* ((child (lesser-child aa hole fp) (lesser-child aa hole fp)) (aaval (aref aa child)(aref aa child))) ((or (>= (the fixnum child) fp) (< xxval (the fixnum(car aaval)))) hole) (declare (fixnum child)) (setf (aref aa hole) aaval hole child)))) (defun percolate-up (a hole xx) "Private. Moves the HOLE until it's in a location suitable for holding X. Does not actually bind X to the HOLE. Returns the new index of the HOLE. The hole itself percolates down; it's the X that percolates up." (declare (type (simple-array t (*)) a)(fixnum hole) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (setf (aref a 0) xx) (do ((i hole parent) (parent (ash hole -1);;(floor (/ hole 2)) (ash parent -1);;(floor (/ parent 2)) )) ;; potential to speed up line below by declaration if a, x are fixnum, ((not (hlessfun xx (aref a parent))) i) (declare (fixnum i parent)) (setf (aref a i) (aref a parent)))) ;; important: initial-contents must have the first element duplicated. ;; e.g. (3 5 8) should be (3 3 5 8) (defun heap-insert (a xx fp) "Insert a new element into the heap. Returns the heap.";; rjf (declare (type (simple-array t (*)) a)(fixnum fill-pointer) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) ;; (format t ".") (setf (aref a fp) nil) (incf fill-pointer) ; the global one ;; Move the hole from the end towards the front of the ;; queue until it is in the right position for the new ;; element. (setf (aref a (percolate-up a fp xx)) xx)) ;;; here's a trick to try, if we believe Roman Pearce's comment: ;;; Instead of percolating down, see what is going to be inserted next, ;;; and try to insert it at the top. This saves a lot of time if it works. (defun heap-remove(a) ;; assumes non-empty!! if empty next answer is bogus. ;; answer after that is an error (fill pointer can't pop) ;; (format t "-") (declare(type (simple-array t(*)) a)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (let* ((xx (aref a 1)) (fp (decf fill-pointer)) ;faster, fp is local now (last-object (aref a fp))) (declare (fixnum fp)) (setf (aref a (the fixnum (percolate-down a 1 last-object fp))) last-object) xx)) #| [2c] cl-user(931): (time (mulhashg xxx yyy)) ; cpu time (non-gc) 94 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (gc) 0 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (total) 94 msec user, 0 msec system ; real time 93 msec ; space allocation: ; 4,514 cons cells, 511,264 other bytes, 0 static bytes (#(4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...) . #(9 6 9 10 2 19 2 3 10 5 ...)) ;;; another... with array answers.. [5] cl-user(1002): (time (mulstr3 xxx yyy)) ; cpu time (non-gc) 219 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (gc) 0 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (total) 219 msec user, 0 msec system ; real time 297 msec ; space allocation: ; 2,135 cons cells, 142,856 other bytes, 0 static bytes (#(4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...) . #(9 6 9 10 2 19 2 3 10 5 ...)) ;; even better, not adjustable arrays, making sure 2nd arg is longer than first ;; notice storage is way down. (time (mulstr3 x y)) ; cpu time (non-gc) 235 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (gc) 0 msec user, 0 msec system ; cpu time (total) 235 msec user, 0 msec system ; real time 235 msec ; space allocation: ; 1,037 cons cells, 114,344 other bytes, 0 static bytes (#(1 3 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 ...) . #(20 4 25 16 5 36 25 4 1 8 ...)) |# ;; (defun mulstr3(x y) ;;works (let* ((xl (length (car x))) (yl (length (car y))) (h (if (> (the fixnum xl)(the fixnum yl))(mularZ2 y x)(mularZ2 x y)));; initial heap (ml (+ (the fixnum xl)(the fixnum yl))) (r nil) (anse (make-array ml :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)) (ansc (make-array ml :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)) (preve 0) (prevc 0)) (declare (integer preve prevc ) (fixnum xl yl ml)) ; (declare (special fill-pointer)) (setf fill-pointer (length h)) (loop while (not (heap-empty-p)) do (setf r (heap-remove h)) ; take next term off heap (cond ((= preve (car r)) ; is this same exponent as previous? (incf prevc (cadr r))) ; if so, add coefficient. (t (unless (= prevc 0) ; normalize: remove zero coeffs (vector-push-extend prevc ansc) (vector-push-extend preve anse)) (setf prevc (cadr r)) (setf preve (car r)))); initialize new coefficient (multiple-value-bind (e1 c1);; advance the stream taken from heap (funcall (cddr r)) (cond (e1 ; check: is there more on this stream-- (setf (car r) e1 (cadr r) c1); update the stream ; (format t "~% inserting r=~s" r) (heap-insert h r fill-pointer )) ))) ;re-insert in the heap (vector-push-extend prevc ansc) ;put in last results before exit (vector-push-extend preve anse) (cons anse ansc))) ;; well, this part works if update-heap works. (defun mulstr6(x y);; hack to make heap management cuter. (declare (optimize(speed 3)(safety 0))) (let* ((hh (if (< (length (car x))(length (car y)))(mularZ2 x y)(mularZ2 y x))) ;; initial heap (anse (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)) (ansc (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)) (preve 0) (prevc 0)) (declare (integer preve prevc)) (setf fill-pointer (length hh)) (loop while (not (heap-empty-p)) do (multiple-value-bind (newe newc) (update-heap hh) (declare (integer newe newc)) ; take next term off heap and insert its successor (cond ((= preve newe) ; is this same exponent as previous? (incf prevc newc)) ; if so, add coefficient. (t (unless (= prevc 0); normalize: remove zero coeffs (vector-push-extend prevc ansc) (vector-push-extend preve anse)) (setf prevc newc) (setf preve newe))); initialize new coefficient )) (vector-push-extend prevc ansc) ;put in last results before exit (vector-push-extend preve anse) (cons anse ansc))) ;; WORKS (defun update-heap (h) ;;return top of heap h, which is necessarily not empty. ;; take successor in stream of top of heap, and insert it in heap. (declare(type (simple-array t(*)) h)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (let* ((top (aref h 1)) (left (aref h 2)) (right (aref h 3)) (lefti (car left)) (righti (car right)) (rprog (cddr top)) (ta 0)(tb 0) ;(t1 nil) (t2 nil)) ; (format t "~%top= ~s ~%left=~s ~%right=~s"top left right) (multiple-value-bind (newe newc) (funcall (the compiled-function rprog)) ;; case, newe <= lefti and newe <= righti. put it at the top. ;; avoiding all heap programs ;; top of heap is location 1 (ignore 0) ;; left branch is location 2 ;; right branch is location 3 (cond((null newe) ; (format t "#") (setf ta (car top) tb (cadr top)) (heap-remove h) (values ta tb)) ((and ;(setf t1 ) (<= newe lefti) (setf t2 (<= newe righti))) ;; insert this node at the top of the heap ;; and return it. ;; fill-pointer remains the same. ; (format t "^") (setf ta (car top)tb (cadr top)) (setf (car top) newe (cadr top) newc) (values ta tb)) )) )) ;; the idea here is to burp out one exponent-coefficient pair per call. ;; it works. (defun mulstr5(x y) ;; try to make a stream output (let* ((xl (length (car x))) (yl (length (car y))) (h (if (> (the fixnum xl)(the fixnum yl))(mularZ2 y x)(mularZ2 x y)));; initial heap (r nil) (anse 0) (ansc 0) (preve 0) (prevc 0)) (setf fill-pointer (length h)) ; (format t "~%0h=~s" h) #'(lambda() (prog nil again (loop (cond ((heap-empty-p)(setf anse preve ansc prevc) (setf preve nil prevc nil) (return t))) ;exit from loop ;; collect all terms with exponent preve ;; peek at next item (cond ((not (equal preve (car (aref h 1)))) (setf anse preve ansc prevc) (setf r (heap-remove h)) (setf preve (car r) prevc (cadr r)) (bubble-up h r) (return t)) (t ; preve= prevc (setf r (heap-remove h)) (incf prevc (cadr r)) (bubble-up h r)))) ;keep looping (if (equal ansc 0)(go again) ; don't return terms with 0 coef (return (values anse ansc))))))) (defun bubble-up(hh r) (declare (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (multiple-value-bind (e1 c1);; advance the stream taken from heap (funcall (the compiled-function (cddr r))) (cond (e1 ; check: is there more on this stream-- (setf (car r) e1 (cadr r) c1) ; update the stream (heap-insert hh r fill-pointer)) ))) ) ;; end of let (defun muls (x y)(let ((k (mulstr5 x y)) (anse nil) (ansc nil)) (loop (multiple-value-bind (e c) (funcall k) (cond (e (push e anse)(push c ansc)) (t (return (cons (nreverse anse)(nreverse ansc))))))))) ;; about as fast as muls, but returns answer as pair of arrays. (defun mula (x y)(let ((k (mulstr5 x y)) (anse (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)) (ansc (make-array 10 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (loop (multiple-value-bind (e c) (funcall k) (cond (e (vector-push-extend e anse) (vector-push-extend c ansc)) (t (return (cons anse ansc)))))))) ;; for comparison (defparameter *zcoefs-limg* 50) (defparameter *zcoefsg* (make-array *zcoefs-limg*)) (defun mulhashg (x y);; exponents and coefs may be arbitrary here. (let ((ans (make-hash-table :test 'eql)) ;; eql is good enough for bignums too (xexps (car x)) (xcoefs (cdr x)) (yexps (car y)) (ycoefs (cdr y)) (xei 0) (xco 0) (zcoefs *zcoefsg*) (zlim *zcoefs-limg*) (zcounter 0) (loc nil) (xy 0)) (declare (type (simple-array t (*)) xexps yexps) ; any exponents (type (simple-array t (*)) xcoefs ycoefs zcoefs) ; any coefs (fixnum zcounter zlim) (integer xei xy) ; (double-float xco) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (dotimes (i (length xexps)(sorthashc ans zcoefs)) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf xei (aref xexps i)) ;exponent for x (setf xco (aref xcoefs i));coefficient corresponding to that exponent (dotimes (j (length yexps)) (declare (fixnum j)) ;; look in the hash-table at location for this exponent (setf loc (gethash (setf xy (+ xei (aref yexps j))) ans)) (cond (loc ;; There is an entry in hash-table for this ;; exponent. Update corresponding array location. Note: ;; hash-table is NOT updated. this happens about n*m ;; times, where n=size(x), m=size(y). (incf (aref zcoefs loc) ;; no number consing here either?? (* xco (aref ycoefs j)))) (t ;; if loc is nil, allocate a space in the answer array. ;; This happens relatively infrequently, about k times, where k=size(x*y). ;; Hash-Table is updated. (setf (gethash xy ans) zcounter) ;; store the result in zcoefs array. (setf (aref zcoefs zcounter) (* xco (aref ycoefs j))) ; no number consing?? (incf zcounter) (cond ((= zcounter zlim) ;; if we reach this, we need more working space. ;; This is rarely used code. If global array is big enough, it is never used. ;; If global array is too small, it is made bigger. (let* ((newsize (ash zlim 1)) ; double the size (newarray (make-array newsize))) (declare (fixnum newsize) (type (simple-array t(*)) newarray)) ;; (format t "~%zcoefs now size ~s" newsize) (dotimes (m newsize) (declare (fixnum m)) (setf (aref newarray m)(aref zcoefs m))) (setf zcoefs newarray zlim newsize *zcoefs-limg* zlim *zcoefsg* zcoefs)))))))))) ;;;;;;;;chaining version (defmacro heap-empty-p () "Returns non-NIL if & only if the heap contains no items." `(<= fill-pointer 1)) (defmacro hlessfun (a b) `(< (st-exp ,a) (st-exp ,b))) (defmacro lesser-child (a parent fp) "Return the index of the lesser child. If there's one child, return its index. If there are no children, return (FILL-POINTER (HEAP-A HEAP))." `(let* ((left;;(+ (the fixnum ,parent)(the fixnum ,parent)) (ash ,parent 1)) (right (1+ (the fixnum left)))) (declare (fixnum left right ,fp ,parent ) (optimize(speed 3)(safety 0)) (type (simple-array t (*)) ,a)) (cond ((>= left ,fp) ,fp) ((= right ,fp) left) ((hlessfun (aref ,a left) (aref ,a right)) left) (t right)))) ;; put together in a lexical context to make access faster to global vars (let ((*YYEXPS* nil) (*YYCOEFS* nil) (*YYLEN* 0) (fill-pointer 0)) (declare (fixnum *YYLEN* fill-pointer) (type (simple-array t (*)) *YYEXPS* *YYCOEFS*)) (defstruct (st) ;; A kind of stream. each structure contains 5 items ;; which by reference to arrays of XX and YY , can burp out ;; successive exponents and coefficients of the product. (exp 0 :type integer) (coef 0 :type integer) (i 0 :type fixnum) (v 0 :type integer) (e 0 :type integer)); v, e are read-only (defun make-simple-array (A) (if (typep A 'simple-array) A (make-array (length A) :element-type (array-element-type A) :initial-contents A))) (defun mularZ4(x y) (declare (optimize (safety 3)(speed 0))) (let* ((xexps (car x)) (xcoefs (cdr x)) (yexps (make-simple-array (car y))) (ycoefs(make-simple-array (cdr y))) (yexp0 (aref yexps 0)) (ycoef0 (aref ycoefs 0)) (ans (make-array (1+(length xexps)))) (ylen (length (car y))) (xe 0) (v 0)) ; (declare (fixnum i) (type (simple-array t (*)) ans xexps xcoefs yexps ycoefs)) (setf *YYEXPS* yexps *YYCOEFS* ycoefs *YYLEN* ylen) (setf (aref ans 0) (make-st :exp 0 :coef 0 :i ylen :v 0 :e 0)) (dotimes (j (length xexps) ans) (setf v (aref xcoefs j)) (setf xe (aref xexps j)) (setf (aref ans (1+ j)) (make-st :exp (+ xe yexp0) :coef (* v ycoef0) :i 1 :v v :e xe) )))) (defun percolate-down4 (aa hole xx fp) "Private. Move the HOLE down until it's in a location suitable for X. Return the new index of the hole." (let ((xxval (st-exp xx))) (declare (fixnum hole fp)(integer xxval) (type (simple-array t (*)) aa)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (do* ((child (lesser-child aa hole fp) (lesser-child aa hole fp)) (aaval (aref aa child)(aref aa child))) ((or (>= (the fixnum child) fp) (< xxval (the fixnum(st-exp aaval)))) hole) (declare (fixnum child) (type st aaval)) (setf (aref aa hole) aaval hole child)))) ;; important: initial-contents of heap must have an element 0 that ;; is not really used. for convenience we could have it equal to the first element. ;; e.g. (3 5 8) should be (3 3 5 8) (defun heap-insert4 (a xx);; xx is new element "Insert a new element into the heap. Heap is changed";; rjf (declare (type (simple-array t (*)) a)(fixnum fill-pointer) (integer newe) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (let ((c nil) ; potential chain point (fp (incf fill-pointer)) ) (declare (type (simple-array t (*)) a)(fixnum hole fp) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) ;; (format t "~%in insert4, fill-pointer is ~s" fill-pointer) ;; (setf (aref a (decf fp)) xx) (decf fp) (setf (aref a fp) xx) (do ((i fp parent) (parent (ash fp -1);; initialize to parent of fp (ash parent -1);; and its parent, next time )) ((>= (st-exp xx) (st-exp(aref a parent)));; is xx>= parent? if so, exit a);; inserted the item at location i. (declare (fixnum i parent)) ;; (format t "~%insert4: c=~s parent=~s xx=~s"c parent xx) (setf c (aref a parent)) (cond ;exit from do loop (t (setf (aref a i) c (aref a parent) xx) a))))) (defun heap-remove4(a) ;; returns nil if the heap is empty, otherwise the removed item is returned (declare(type (simple-array t(*)) a)(optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) (if (heap-empty-p) nil (let* ((xx (aref a 1)) (fp (decf fill-pointer)) ;faster, fp is local now (last-object (aref a fp))) (declare (fixnum fp)) (setf (aref a fp) nil) ;; optional. makes tracing neater (setf (aref a (percolate-down4 a 1 last-object fp)) last-object) xx))) ;; this is the multiplication program (defun mul-heap4(x y) (declare (optimize(speed 3)(safety 0))) (let* ((hh (if (< (length (car x))(length (car y)))(mularZ4 x y)(mularZ4 y x))) (alen 10) ;; initial heap (anse (make-array alen :adjustable t :element-type 'integer :fill-pointer 0)) (ansc (make-array alen :adjustable t :element-type 'integer :fill-pointer 0)) (preve 0) (prevc 0) (top nil) (newe 0)(newc 0) ) (declare (integer preve prevc newe newc) (type (array t(*)) anse ansc hh)) (setf fill-pointer (length hh)) (loop while (setf top (heap-remove4 hh)) do (setf newe (st-exp top) newc (st-coef top)) ;; remove top item from heap (cond ((= preve newe) ; is this same exponent as previous? (incf prevc newc)) ; if so, add coefficient, and loop (t (unless (= prevc 0) ; normalize: remove zero coeffs (vector-push-extend prevc ansc) (vector-push-extend preve anse)) (setf prevc newc) ; initialize new coefficient (setf preve newe))) (if (setf top (next-term top)) ;; is there a successor? (heap-insert4 hh top))) ;; if so, insert it in heap ;; end of loop, push out the final monomial before exit from routine. (vector-push-extend prevc ansc) (vector-push-extend preve anse) (cons anse ansc))) (defun next-term(rec) ; record is a stream 5-tuple return succesor or nil (declare(type (simple-array t(*)) *YYCOEFS* *YYEXPS*) (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0)) (type st rec)) (let ((i (st-i rec))) (cond ((>= i *YYLEN*) nil);; no more items on stream of products (t (incf (the integer (st-i rec))) (setf (st-coef rec) (* (st-v rec)(aref *YYCOEFS* i))) (setf (st-exp rec) (+ (st-e rec)(aref *YYEXPS* i))) rec))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dense, naive algorithm, fixnum.. (defun make-fixnum-array (A) (if (typep A '(simple-array fixnum)) A (make-array (length A) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents A))) ;; this next program is an attempt to beat the FFT on its home base, ;; but by using the most straight-forward algorithm taking n*m multiplies ;; using a storage scheme that is compact if the answer is dense. (defun mul-dense-fix (x y) ;; fast and simple for small degree dense ;; exponents and coefficients are all fixnums, in the answer too. ;; if they are not, this answer will be wrong! ;; we want y to be shorter, less copying.. (if (< (length (car x))(length (car y))) ; reverse args if x is shorter (mul-dense-fix y x) (let* ( (xe (car x)) ;array of exponents of x (ye (car y)) ;array of exponents of y (xc (cdr x)) ;array of coefficients of x ;array of coefficients of y, put in typed array so we can iterate faster (yc (make-fixnum-array (cdr y))) (xei 0)(xci 0) (yl (length ye)) (ans (make-array (+ 1 (aref xe (1- (length xe))) (aref ye (1- yl))) ; size of ans :element-type 'fixnum :initial-element 0))) (declare (fixnum yl xei xci) (type (simple-array t (*)) xe ye xc) (type (simple-array fixnum (*)) ans yc)) (dotimes (i (length (car x)) (DA2PA ans)) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf xci (aref xc i)) (unless (= xci 0) (setf xei (aref xe i)) (dotimes(j yl) ;; multiply terms (declare (fixnum j)) (incf (aref ans (the fixnum (+ xei(the fixnum (aref ye j))))) (the fixnum(* xci (the fixnum (aref yc j))))))))))) (defun mul-dense (x y) ;; simple for small degree dense ;; faster than mul-naive if dense ;; exponents and coefficients are integers. compare to mul-dense-fix ;; if they are not, mul-dense-fix's answer will be wrong! ;; the idea here is to copy one of the polys to a (dense) array. ;; we want y to be shorter, less copying.. (if (< (length (car x))(length (car y))) ; reverse args if x is shorter (mul-dense y x) (let* ( (xe (car x)) ;array of exponents of x (ye (car y)) ;array of exponents of y (xc (cdr x)) ;array of coefficients of x ;array of coefficients of y, put in typed array so we can iterate faster (yc (make-simple-array (cdr y))) (xei 0)(xci 0) (yl (length ye)) (ans (make-array (+ 1 (aref xe (1- (length xe))) (aref ye (1- yl))) ; size of ans :element-type 'integer :initial-element 0))) ;; we could do a reality check here: if the degree is computed above is huge ;; compared to the number of terms, maybe this is a bad idea. (declare (fixnum yl) (type (simple-array integer (*)) xe ye xc) (type (simple-array integer (*)) ans yc)) (dotimes (i (length (car x)) (DA2PA ans)) (declare (fixnum i)) (setf xci (aref xc i)) (unless (= xci 0) (setf xei (aref xe i)) (dotimes(j yl) ;; multiply terms (declare (fixnum j)) (incf (aref ans (+ xei (aref ye j))) (* xci (aref yc j))))))))) ) (defun DA2PA (A) ;;DENSE single array to Pair of Arrays ;; A is an ARRAY of (coef coef coef ...), implicit exponents (0 1 2 ...) ;; create a pair: one array of exponents and one of coefficients. (let* ((n (count-if-not #'(lambda(r)(eq r 0)) A)) (exps (make-array n)) (coefs (make-array n)) (c 0)) (declare (fixnum n)(type (simple-array t (*)) A exps coefs) (type (array t (*)) exps coefs)) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (j 0)) ((> i n) (cons exps coefs)) (declare (fixnum i j)) (unless (= 0 (setf c (aref A i))) (setf (aref exps j) i (aref coefs j)c) (incf j))))) |#