;; -*- mode: common-lisp; package: mma; -*- ;;; display package for pseudo-mathematica ;;; written by Derek Lai, rewritten in parts by Richard Fateman ;;; (c) 1990, 1991, Richard J. Fateman, Derek Lai. ;; known bugs: Derivative[1][F][x] or (((Derivative 1)F)x) ;; does not display. Gives an error. should be perhaps F'[x]. ;; what a hack... 4 Oct 91. ;;(provide 'disp1) #-KCl(eval-when (compile) (load "mma")) #+KCL(eval-when (compile) (load "mma.lisp")) (in-package :mma) ;;(export '(COL disp dispstruct)) (declaim (optimize (speed 3)(safety 0))) ;; number of columns of screen ;;; % COL should be a parameter obtained from the CL system (defvar COL 65) (defstruct dispstruct (str nil) (x 0 :type fixnum) (y 0 :type fixnum)) ;; testing display routine (defun td () (disp (BuildFormat (mma::p))) (terpri) (terpri) (td)) (defvar stream t "default is to send output to display") (defun disp (form &optional (stream t)) (let ((LIST nil)) (format stream "~%") (cond ((atom form) (if (<= (atomwidth form) COL) (format stream "~a" form) (let ((hform (MakeHForm (atomwidth form) 1 0 0 nil nil nil form))) (TestAndDisplay (disp-helper hform 1 1 nil) hform)))) (t (setq LIST (disp-helper form 1 (formatstruct-height form) LIST)) (TestAndDisplay LIST form))))) (defun disp-list (form) (let ((LIST nil)) (format stream "~%") (cond ((atom form) form) (t (setq LIST (disp-helper form 1 (formatstruct-height form) LIST)) (setq LIST (sort LIST #'listyorderp)) (setq LIST (sort LIST #'listxorderp)))))) (defun disp-helper (form x y l) (let ((f nil) (vof 0)) (cond ((or (VFormp form) (HFormp form)) (setq f (formatstruct-ls form)) (setq vof (formatstruct-voffset form))) (t (setq f form))) (cond ((VFormp form) (cond ((DivideFormp form) (setq l (disp-helper (car f) x (- y (+ 1 vof)) l)) (setq l (AppendList x (- y vof) (make-string (cadr (cdadr f)) :initial-element #\-) l)) (disp-helper (caddr f) x y l)) (t ;; should be due to exponents (setq y (1- y)) (disp-helper f x (- y vof) l)))) ((RepStrFormp form) (AppendList x y (make-string (caddr form) :initial-element (character (cadr form))) l)) (t (do ((args (if (atom f) (list f) f) (cdr args))) ((null args) (return l)) (let ((ham (car args))) (cond ((atom ham) (setq l (AppendList x (- y vof) ham l)) (setq x (+ x (atomwidth ham)))) ((RepStrFormp ham) (setq l (disp-helper ham x (- y vof) l)) (setq x (+ x (caddr ham)))) (t (setq l (disp-helper ham x (+ (- y vof) (formatstruct-voffset ham)) l)) (setq x (+ x (formatstruct-width ham))))))))))) (defun AppendList (x y ham l) ;; do I believe this is really safe? I think it is ;; a better way would have been to cons up a list and ;; (n)reverse it at the end (if necessary)... 1/23/91 RJF (nconc l (list (make-dispstruct :str ham :x x :y y))) ;; (append l (list (make-dispstruct :str ham :x x :y y))) ) (defun listyorderp (a b) (< (the fixnum (dispstruct-y a)) (the fixnum (dispstruct-y b)))) (defun listxorderp (a b) (< (the fixnum (dispstruct-x a)) (the fixnum (dispstruct-x b)))) ;; Breaklinex and display. Right now COL is the limit per line ;; 2 tests are performed: 1) if the dls is shorter than COL chars, ;; display it right away and exit. 2) if not, breaklines, "compress" ;; the Vertical forms if necessary. (defun TestAndDisplay (dls form) (setq dls (sort dls #'listyorderp)) (cond ((< (formatwidth form) COL) (FinalDisplay dls (- (formatheight form) (formatstruct-voffset form)) )) (t (let (brkptset) (loop (setq brkptset (GetBrkPtSet (copy-list dls) form)) (when brkptset (Display dls brkptset (- (formatheight form) (formatstruct-voffset form))) (return 'DONE)) (setq dls (disp-list (Compress form)))))))) ;; brkptset is in the form of (74 145 224 ...) ;; dls will get shorter and shorter within this procedure ;; The function Compressible is not written yet. (defun GetBrkPtSet (dls form) (let ((cursor 1) (cPlus -1) (cMinus -1) (cTimes -1) (cComma -1) (cDot -1) (brkptset nil)) (setq dls (sort dls #'listyorderp)) (setq dls (sort dls #'listxorderp)) (loop (when (null dls) (return brkptset)) (setq cPlus (GetClosest " + " dls (- (formatheight form) (formatstruct-voffset form)) cursor)) (setq cMinus (GetClosest " - " dls (- (formatheight form) (formatstruct-voffset form)) cursor)) (setq cComma (GetClosest ", " dls (- (formatheight form) (formatstruct-voffset form)) cursor)) (setq cDot (GetClosest " . " dls (- (formatheight form) (formatstruct-voffset form)) cursor)) (if (and (< (- cPlus cursor) COL) (< (- cMinus cursor) COL) (< (- cComma cursor) COL) (< (- cDot cursor) COL)) (setq cPlus (max cPlus cMinus cComma cDot)) (setq cPlus (min cPlus cMinus cComma cDot))) (setq cTimes (GetClosest " " dls (- (formatheight form) (formatstruct-voffset form)) cursor)) (cond ((> (- cPlus cursor) COL) (cond ((> (- cTimes cursor) COL) (cond ((Compressible form cursor) (return nil)) (t (setq brkptset (append brkptset (list (+ cursor COL)))) ;; questionable.... (setq cursor (+ cursor COL))))) (t (setq brkptset (append brkptset (list (1+ cTimes)))) ;; brute force break (setq cursor (1+ cTimes))))) (t (cond ((= cComma cPlus) ;; then it is cComma in fact (setq brkptset (append brkptset (list (+ cComma 2)))) (setq cursor (+ cComma 2))) (t (setq brkptset (append brkptset (list (+ cPlus 3)))) (setq cursor (+ cPlus 3)))))) (setq dls (RmvHead dls cursor))))) (defun RmvHead (dls cursor) (loop (when (null dls) (return nil)) (when (> (dispstruct-x (car dls)) cursor) (return dls)) (setq dls (cdr dls)))) ;; Endpt takes a dispstruct and returns the endpt of it ;; i.e. the place where the last char of the string lies. (defun Endpt (dst) (- (+ (the fixnum(dispstruct-x dst)) (the fixnum (atomwidth (dispstruct-str dst))) ) 1)) ;; axis = main axis y-coord ;; Closest sumbolpt (which this function finds) is defined as the place of the first character of ;; " + " , " - " or " " ;; Closest breakpt is defined as the place immediately following these symbols (defun GetClosest (symb dls yaxis cursor) (let (x) (declare (fixnum x COL cursor yaxis) ;;(function Endpt (t) fixnum) ) (loop (when (null dls) (return x)) (when (> (- (the fixnum (Endpt (car dls))) cursor) COL) (if x (return x) (return (Endpt (car dls))))) (if (and (= (the fixnum (dispstruct-y (car dls))) yaxis) (equal symb (dispstruct-str (car dls))) (<= (- (Endpt (car dls)) cursor) COL)) (setq x (dispstruct-x (car dls)))) (if (null (cdr dls)) (setq x (1+ (Endpt (car dls))))) (setq dls (cdr dls))))) ;; Compressible is not written yet (defun Compressible (form cursor) nil) ;; Compress is not written yet (defun Compress (form) form) ;; input is an unsorted list and a brkptset ;; not written yet (defun Display (dls brkptset yaxis) (let ((cursor 1) (tempdls nil) (ham1 nil) (ham2 nil) (bksl nil) ) (setq dls (sort dls #'listxorderp)) (loop (when (null dls) (setq tempdls (sort tempdls #'listyorderp)) (FinalDisplay tempdls yaxis) (return 'DONE)) (cond ((>= (Endpt (car dls)) (car brkptset)) (cond ((< (dispstruct-x (car dls)) (car brkptset)) ;; brute force breakline (setq ham1 (make-dispstruct :str (subseq (format nil "~a" (dispstruct-str (car dls))) 0 (- (car brkptset) (dispstruct-x (car dls)))) :x (- (dispstruct-x (car dls)) (1- cursor)) :y (dispstruct-y (car dls)))) (setq bksl (make-dispstruct :str #\\ :x (1+ (dispstruct-x ham1)) :y (dispstruct-y (car dls)))) (setq tempdls (append tempdls (list ham1) (list bksl))) (setq ham2 (make-dispstruct :str (subseq (format nil "~a" (dispstruct-str (car dls))) (- (car brkptset) (dispstruct-x (car dls))) (atomwidth (dispstruct-str (car dls)))) :x (car brkptset) :y (dispstruct-y (car dls)))) (setq dls (sort (the list (append (list ham2) (cdr dls))) #'listxorderp))) (t (FinalDisplay tempdls yaxis) (terpri) (terpri) (setq tempdls nil) (setq cursor (car brkptset)) (if (cdr brkptset) (setq brkptset (cdr brkptset)) (setq brkptset (list (+ COL (car brkptset)))))))) ;; set brkptset to some "dont-care" value (t (setq tempdls (append tempdls (list (make-dispstruct :str (dispstruct-str (car dls)) :x (- (dispstruct-x (car dls)) (1- cursor)) :y (dispstruct-y (car dls)))))) (setq dls (cdr dls))))))) ;; Display the final output list. ;; yaxis isn't used.. (defun FinalDisplay (dls yaxis) (let (old (x 1) (y 1) ) (declare (fixnum x y)) (setq dls (sort (the list dls) #'listyorderp)) (loop (setf (dispstruct-x (car dls)) (dispstruct-x (car dls))) (loop (when (>= y (dispstruct-y (car dls))) (return 'done)) (format stream "~%") (setq y (1+ y))) ;; tab to the right column and print.. (format stream "~v,0t~a" (1- (setq x (dispstruct-x (car dls)))) (dispstruct-str (car dls))) (setq old (car dls)) (setq dls (cdr dls)) (when (null dls) (return 'done)) (if (= y (dispstruct-y (car dls))) (setq x (+ x (atomwidth (dispstruct-str old)))) (setq x 1)))) )