CS184 Project 1 - due Wednesday 10/21/98 at 10pm

Notes on the project:
To submit the project, create a directory called proj1.

To submit, cd to the proj1 directory and type "submit proj1".

This lab is a partner lab. You should do it in groups of two. Only one partner should turnin. Make sure you include a "README" file that identifies the two partners and who did what in the lab.

Although this project is allocated 3 weeks, it is not designed to involve much more effort than a weekly lab. You will be doing written homeworks during this period, and the project itself will count for about 3% of your overall grade.

The reason for the extra time is to allow you to conceive and design the project as well as implement it. This project is less constrained than the labs. You should do it in VRML, and you should try to use several of the tools you learned about in the labs.

Here are some suggestions for project topics: