CS260 Project Checkpoint (due 10/22)

The project checkpoint is a succinct overview of your proposed project work. Prepare 4-5 PowerPoint slides explaining what the project is, how you plan to accomplish it, and progress so far. 

  1. A short overview of the project: what problem you're solving, why its important.
  2. How you plan to tackle the problem: the technical details and/or evaluation approach you are taking.
  3. What you have accomplished so far.
  4. What you plan to do. 

Please place your presentation online on the Swiki under "projects" the day before class begins. This is very important. The schedule will be extremely tight, and I'll need to pre-load the presentations onto one machine.  


You will give a live presentation in class on Monday 10/23 of your project. Aim for 4 minutes for your presentation. Don't worry, its very doable. Many conferences these days include "one minute madness" overviews that are quite effective.