Project Proposal

Project proposals will be due in class on Wednesday Sept 27st. Projects are normally individual or pair efforts and last the duration of the semester. They will be responsible for most of your grade. The project proposal should be about 1 page long and should include:

  1. A short overview of the project, what its purpose is, and why it fits in the scope of HCI.
  2. Specific details of what you expect to accomplish in the semester: what kind of study you expect to do, what kind of functionality you expect (for an implementation project), how you plan to prototype and test it, how much will be Wizard-of-OZ... Make sure you describe the status of any ongoing research project that you plan to extend in CS260.
  3. A short description of related work. Give some examples of related systems or studies and how your project relates to them.

If you're doing a team project, you should add an additional half-page breakdown of effort between the two partners. 

Project proposals will be linked from the class page.


Many major HCI conferences have their proceedings online in the ACM digital library which is accessible on campus, or off campus using the UCB library proxy Look for CHI, UIST, CSCW, IUI, DIS, CUU..

For more snapshots of current research, check the websites of major HCI research universities like Berkeley, CMU, Georgia Tech, the Media Lab, UC Irvine, U. Maryland, Stanford and Virginia Tech.


We have a limited amount of special hardware for course projects. There are some Tablet-PCs, a Flock-of-birds location sensor, a "smart room" with cameras and microphones, and various smart phones. Contact me if you want to use one of these.