Time: 4pm, November 7th Place: Room 110, South Hall The Tale of the Curious Little Washing Rat In Which Raton Laveur Discovered that Personal Information Management is an Embedded Activity A Design Oriented Field Study of PIM by Victoria Bellotti & Ian Smith Xerox PARC Once upon a time a systems designer decided to build an innovative system (Raton Laveur) which would support the use of paper as a PDA (personal digital assistant). He decided that he needed to know how people use existing PDAs such as Pilots and Sharps, so he went and asked a social scientist to help him design a study. This talk shows how the subsequent fieldwork enlightened that system designer and social scientist about how people do personal information management and, despite being about an apparently familiar activity, led to many surprises (and disappointments). What was learned in the process radically altered the direction of the system design, so that the system that was ultimately prototyped bore no resemblance to what was originally envisaged.