New Developments in the Study of Expressive Behavior Dacher Keltner, UC Berkeley In this talk I will present empirical findings related to new ideas concerning emotionally expressive behavior. Specifically, I will present evidence concerning: a) new displays of emotion; b) inferential processes that follow from the inference of expressive behavior; and c) the impact of culture on the interpretation of expressive behavior. Bio: Dacher Keltner received his PhD from Stanford University in 1989. From 1989 to 1992, he held an NIMH Post doc position with Paul Ekman at UCSF. Ekman is the author of "Telling Lies" and half-dozen other books in non-verbal communication, and a pioneer in the field. From 1992 to 1996, Dacher held an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Psychology department at UC Berkeley.