CS160: Human-Computer Interaction
Discussion Sections, Spring 2003

Matthew Kam > CS160 Discussion Sections > Past Announcements 

Past Announcements

Alan Cooper will be delivering a lecture at the Wells Fargo Room (C420 Haas), Haas Business School on April 2, 2003 at 4 pm.  Admission is free.  More details on the newsgroup.

I realized that groups 1-6 will need to present their interactive prototypes on March 31, 2003, which is the Monday immediately after Spring Break. So covering the presentation in sections on March 31 will not come in time for these groups. As such, I will be holding office hours during Spring Break by appointment. Groups 7-12 are also welcome to attend if interested.

Midterms were handed out in lecture on March 19, 2003.  Total: 80, highest: 72, mean: 63 and standard deviation: 5.8.  Keep it up!

Interactive prototype #1 assignment (MS PowerPoint slides) due March 31, 2003 on the Swiki.  In-lecture presentations will take place on March 31, 2003 and April 2, 2003.

The low-fidelity prototyping and usability testing assignment has been graded according to these grading guidelines.  Total: 55, highest: 52, mean: 46.6 and standard deviation: 4.0.  There is a significant improvement over the contextual inquiry assignment -- keep it up!

Interactive prototype #1 assignment (hi-fi prototype and 4-page report, with group work breakdown) due March 19, 2003.

Midterm will be held during lecture on March 5, 2003.  Discussion sections on March 3, 2003 will be conducted as a midterm review session.  Email me at mattkam@cs.berkeley.edu if there is material that you specifically want me to cover.  In addition, my office hours for March 6, 2003 will be brought forward to March 4, 2003, 6:30-7:30pm, around the couch and exhibits area outside 306 Soda, and conducted as a midterm Q&A session.

The contextual inquiry assignment has been graded according to these grading guidelines.  Total: 55, highest: 48.5, mean: 41.1, and standard deviation: 5.9.  The mean is higher than that for the individual project proposals -- keep it up!

Due to the EECS Internship Program interviews being conducted in most Soda alcoves, my office hours for February 27, 2003 will be held in 417 Soda.

Details about upcoming, optional low-fidelity prototype tests have been posted on the newsgroup.  I need to stress again that participation is strictly optional, and will have no direct impact on your grades.

Low-fidelity prototype assignment due March 3, 2003.  Since the CS160 midterm is scheduled on March 5, 2003, you should plan to complete this assignment earlier, to allow more time for revision.

Contextual inquiry assignment due February 12, 2003.  Deadline extensions may be granted; email request with reason(s) to jfc@cs.berkeley.edu, cc to mattkam@cs.berkeley.edu and hesham@eecs.berkeley.edu.  

There is a panel discussion on Human-Computer Interaction on Wednesday, February, 2003 from 7-9:30pm in 110 South Hall.  The description reads: "Join in with our panel of User Interface Designers and Usability Engineers from Oracle, Yahoo and Sony Corporation as they elaborate on their experience, industry outlook, educational training, and relevant skills.  Panelists will take questions from the audience after a structured Q&A session.  Snacks and drinks will be provided."  Contact person: zhanna@sims.berkeley.edu 

Individual project proposals due Jan 29, 2003.

I can be contacted at mattkam@cs.berkeley.edu  

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