/* Tree234Node.java */ package dict; /** * A Tree234Node is a node in a 2-3-4 tree (Tree234 class). * * DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING IN THIS FILE. * You may add helper methods and additional constructors, though. **/ class Tree234Node { /** * keys is the number of keys in this node. Always 1, 2, or 3. * key1 through key3 are the keys of this node. If keys == 1, the value * of key2 doesn't matter. If keys < 3, the value of key3 doesn't matter. * parent is this node's parent; null if this is the root. * child1 through child4 are the children of this node. If this is a leaf * node, they must all be set to null. If this node has no third and/or * fourth child, child3 and/or child4 must be set to null. **/ int keys; int key1; int key2; int key3; Tree234Node parent; Tree234Node child1; Tree234Node child2; Tree234Node child3; Tree234Node child4; Tree234Node(Tree234Node p, int key) { keys = 1; key1 = key; parent = p; child1 = null; child2 = null; child3 = null; child4 = null; } /** * toString() recursively prints this Tree234Node and its descendants as * a String. Each node is printed in the form such as (for a 3-key node) * * (child1)key1(child2)key2(child3)key3(child4) * * where each child is a recursive call to toString, and null children * are printed as a space with no parentheses. Here's an example. * ((1)7(11 16)22(23)28(37 49))50((60)84(86 95 100)) * * DO NOT CHANGE THIS METHOD. **/ public String toString() { String s = ""; if (child1 != null) { s = "(" + child1.toString() + ")"; } s = s + key1; if (child2 != null) { s = s + "(" + child2.toString() + ")"; } else if (keys > 1) { s = s + " "; } if (keys > 1) { s = s + key2; if (child3 != null) { s = s + "(" + child3.toString() + ")"; } else if (keys > 2) { s = s + " "; } } if (keys > 2) { s = s + key3; if (child4 != null) { s = s + "(" + child4.toString() + ")"; } } return s; } /** * printSubtree() recursively prints this Tree234Node and its descendants as * a tree (albeit sideways). * * You're welcome to change this method if you like. It won't be tested. **/ public void printSubtree(int spaces) { if (child4 != null) { child4.printSubtree(spaces + 5); } if (keys == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++) { System.out.print(" "); } System.out.println(key3); } if (child3 != null) { child3.printSubtree(spaces + 5); } if (keys > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++) { System.out.print(" "); } System.out.println(key2); } if (child2 != null) { child2.printSubtree(spaces + 5); } for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++) { System.out.print(" "); } System.out.println(key1); if (child1 != null) { child1.printSubtree(spaces + 5); } } }