ASCII Koushik Sen
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Associate Professor,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
University of California, Berkeley.

Contact Information
(Please read this before you contact me.)
581 Soda Hall # 1776
Berkeley, CA 94720-1776
Phone: (510) 642-2420
Fax: (510) 643-1534
Email: ksen (at)
Assistant: Tammy Johnson [(510) 643-4816, tamille at]


A tech report on DLint, a dynamic checker for bad coding practices in JavaScript is available here.

Here is our technical report on a new mechanism for state merging in symbolic execution called MultiSE: Multi-path Symbolic Execution Using Value Summaries and the associated slides.

Checkout out our tech report on a JavaScript performance analysis tool: “JITProf: Pinpointing JIT-unfriendly JavaScript Code“.

Quick access to my Google drive based secure note app.

Checkout Jalangi for JavaScript (with demo, slides, and our FSE'13 paper). I have incorporated some of the best ideas that I developed in the original DART, CUTE, and CalFuzzer tools. Development of Jalangi is supported by Samsung Research America, San Jose. Here is a video of my talk on our work on “DART: Directed Automated Random Testing”, PLDI’05 and “CUTE: A Concolic Unit Testing Engine for C”, FSE’05.

Curriculum vitae and Research Overview (Last updated 8/8/2011)

Research Interests

Formal Methods, Software Engineering, and Programming Languages (with an emphasis on Software Reliability): Software Testing, Debugging, Verification, Model-Checking, Runtime Monitoring, Performance Evaluation, and Computational Logic. Currently, I am working on active testing of concurrent programs (see our ASE’07, PLDI’08, FSE’08, PLDI’09, CAV’09, FSE’10, ISSTA’11, SC’11, ICS’13, PLDI’13 papers for details), parallel correctness specification (see our CACM’10, FSE’09, ICSE’10, HotPar’10, ASPLOS’11, and PLDI’11 papers), and cloud failure testing (see our HotDep’10, NSDI’11, FAST/WIP’11, and OOPSLA’11 papers). In my thesis research I worked on concolic testing and DART.


Koushik Sen is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. His research interest lies in Software Engineering, Programming Languages, and Formal methods. He is interested in developing software tools and methodologies that improve programmer productivity and software quality. He is best known for his work on “DART: Directed Automated Random Testing” and concolic testing. He has received a NSF CAREER Award in 2008, a Haifa Verification Conference (HVC) Award in 2009, a IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award for Excellence in Software: Theory and Practice in 2010, a Sloan Foundation Fellowship in 2011, and a Professor R. Narasimhan Lecture Award in 2014. He has won several ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards. He received the C.L. and Jane W-S. Liu Award in 2004, the C. W. Gear Outstanding Graduate Award in 2005, and the David J. Kuck Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award in 2007, and a Distinguished Alumni Educator Award in 2014 from the UIUC Department of Computer Science. He holds a B.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, and M.S. and Ph.D. in CS from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Concolic Testing Homework

CUTE Homework for Java, CUTE Homework for C

Active Testing Homework

RaceFuzzer Homework