Jan 2, 1989: Starting with lecture notes, we wrote  the Alpha version by mid April

May 15, 1989: After taking off 4-6 weeks, we received reviews from 55 people and started on the Beta edition. It was finished by July 31.

Fall of 1989 The publisher made a paperbound version of the Beta edition, and it was class tested by 18 schools with about 750 students in Fall of 1989. It was also sent to friends in industry for reviews. It also gave us 4-6 weeks to recover from the long hours or writing and editing.

We received feedback continuously from the classes chapter by chapter and also the industrial reviews. We then revised the book based on what students didn't understand, what we got wrong. 

Christmas, 1989. We submitted the final version of book just beforethe Holidays

March 15, 1990: Book appeared in print in.

I took a sabbatical for Spring semester 1989 and an industrial leave for Fall 1989. Hennessy took off the Spring Quarter for 1989. The Beta edition was done while we were doing other things in the Fall, but that  we said No to everything that would appear that year ("Sorry, going to write a book, so ...").