# Sample gnuplot input file that produces window and .ps file. # Run by executing "gnuplot restaurant-naive-bayes-curve.plot". # Uses as input a data file called "restaurant-naive-bayes-curve.data" and # produces an output file called "restaurant-naive-bayes-curve.eps". # To change these file names, edit the appropriate lines below. # Also modify the title as appropriate. set data style linespoints set term x11 set xlabel "Number of training examples" set ylabel "Performance on test set" set title "Learning curve(s) using restaurant data" set key 10,0.98 # To plot a single curve from a data file, use this: plot 'restaurant-naive-bayes-curve.data' using 1:2 title "Naive Bayes" # To plot multiple curves from different files, use something like this: # plot 'dtl-curve.data' using 1:2 title "DTL", 'kNN-curve.data' using 1:2 title "kNN" pause -1 "Hit return to continue. Output will be written to restaurant-naive-bayes-curve.eps" set term postscript portrait "Times-Roman" 12 set size 1,0.5 set output "restaurant-naive-bayes-curve.eps" replot