CS273: Foundations of Parallel and Distributed Systems

Satish Rao (satishr@cs.berkeley.edu)
Office hours: Tu: 3:30-5:00, Wed: 1-2.
Christos Papadimitriou (christos@cs.berkeley.edu)
Office hours: Th: 3:30-5:00, Mon: 1-2.

TIME: Monday, Wednesday 10:30-12:00
PLACE: 405 Soda

Fundamental theoretical issues in designing parallel algorithms and architectures and topics in distributed networks. Shared memory models of parallel computation. Parallel algorithms. Fundamentals of routing for general netowrks. Load Balancing and Contention resolution. Algorithms for object location in distributed networks. Game theoretic aspects of distributed agents.


Notes and/or (required) readings.

Some lecture references.

  • Distributed Algorithms for Breadth First Search - Awerbuch.
  • Lamport et.al.'s Byzantine General Paper.
  • Compact Routing Tables - Awerbuch-Peleg.
  • Useful links.

  • Previous year's website.