Notes on the design of Sept. 21, 2010 --------------------------------------- After discussions with Brent and Steve, I widened the ribbon to be now 10.8 inches at its max. But I kept its thickness to 1.5 inches, so that some of the segments could be cast hollow. See: profile.jpg Overall path shape and dimensions have been left untouched. The maximum diameter in a frontal projection is 74 inches. The depth of the cylinder in which the ribbon resides is 54 inches. Measured from: crude_composite.stl There are three subfolders with STL files: STL-files_One-third: contains the geometry of 1/3 of the sculpture. This piece would have to be replicated 3 times to build the whole "Music of the Spheres" STL-file_9pieces: Here the above unique geometry has been partitioned into 3 pieces again. This may be a good size to build on an NC milling machine; but these pieces would then have to be cut again to fit into Steve Reinmuth's kiln. STL-files_18pieces: Here each of the above pieces has been cut again into two components. I believe even the largest piece should just fit into the kiln (diagonally) if the sprues and runners are added somewhere in the middle. --------------- Steve, Rob, let me know whether this works for you, or whether I should do more work in adding alignment tabs at the ends of the smaller segments for easier assembly of the cast pieces. PS make sure to label and mark all the pieces properly throughout the whole manufacturing process, so that you know which end needs to be joined with which other one...