CS 284: CAGD 
Lecture #18 -- Wed 10/28, 2009.

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Preparation:  Progressive Meshes  by Hugues Hoppe

Self-test: Try to answer the following questions with a sentence or two:

1.)  What are the benefits of the Progressive Mesh representation ?

2.)  How is such a representation constructed ?

3.)  What are the key geometric operations at the mesh level ?

4.)  How does Geomorphing work ?

Paper Presentation  by Sushrut Pavanaskar

Progressive Meshes

Reading Assignment: (for next Wednesday)

NEW:  Marching Cubes: A HIGH RESOLUTION 3D SURFACE CONSTRUCTION ALGORITHM  by William E. Lorensen and Harvey E. Cline


Prepare your 5-minute formal Project Proposal Presentation on November 2.

Format: Content:
Some more detailed advice on your Project Proposal Presentations:

Check list and rating sheet:

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin