Interface ProfilerIF

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProfilerIF

A ProfilerIF is responsible for profiling the behavior of the system over time. If the system is being run in profiling mode, applications can get a handle to the ProfilerIF by invoking ManagerIF.getProfiler().

See Also:

Method Summary
 void add(java.lang.String name, ProfilableIF pr)
          Add a class to the profile.
 boolean enabled()
          Returns true if the system is being run in profiling mode; false otherwise.
 StageGraph getGraphProfiler()
          Return a handle to the graph profiler.

Method Detail


boolean enabled()
Returns true if the system is being run in profiling mode; false otherwise.


void add(java.lang.String name,
         ProfilableIF pr)
Add a class to the profile. This will cause the profiler to track the object's size over time.

name - The name of the object as it should appear in the profile.
pr - The object to profile.


StageGraph getGraphProfiler()
Return a handle to the graph profiler.