Lecture #29 -- Mo, May 8, 2006.

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Read "Analogies from 2D to 3D" -- considering the questions below.

Some Cool, Procedurally Generated Movies

Another type of  "Sphere Inversion" -- my latest toy from the MOMA gift shop.
(How do people come up with such things ?)

The Initial Creative Phase of a Modeling Effort

Under what circumstances are YOU most creative? -- Where, when do you have your best ideas ?
Shockley's model of creativity.

Discussion of "
Analogies from 2D to 3D"

Course Wrap-up

Final Homework Assignment:

Phase 5: Final Project Results Demonstration --  Monday, May 15, 2006, 9:40 -12am.

Sign up for a 20 minute time slot... Final delivery of all project-related material:

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