CS 294-1: Meshing and Triangulation (Spring 2008)
Noteworthy Papers on Meshing and Triangulation
(Your presentation is 10% of your final grade)


Each student in the class, including auditors, is expected to present one paper on triangulations or mesh generation. The presentation is a requirement for a passing grade. (If you are taking the course S/U, it is the only requirement.) Please choose one or more of the following dates and one or more of the following papers, and send me email to let me know. I'll assign you the first date and paper on your list that aren't taken. I'll send you a reply to let you know whether you got the date and paper you asked for.

Please have a date assigned to you no later than February 27. You are welcome to choose only a date now, and put off choosing the paper (or change your choice) until two weeks before your date. However, papers are assigned first-come first-served. You are also welcome to choose a relevant paper not on this list (and you are encouraged to do so if it is helpful to your own research), but please provide me with a copy two weeks before your presentation.

There is time for two student presentations on each available date. When a student chooses a date and paper, I'll put their name next to each below, so that you'll know which dates and papers were already taken last time I updated this page.

You must make an appointment with me to give a practice talk at least one week before your in-class talk, so that I have an opportunity to suggest improvements. (Note that I usually don't come to campus on Tuesdays.) Also see my advice on Giving an Academic Talk.

Your presentation should take 25 to 40 minutes. Don't feel you must present everything in a paper; rather, concentrate on presenting the most interesting or important parts. Give theoretical proofs only if you think you can present them well in the time allotted.

You may use a laptop, an overhead projector, or (if you dare) the whiteboard. Many of the authors have posted their own talk slides to the web, or will send them to you if you ask them. You are encouraged to use them as a source of figures, but you should make your own slides—don't try to give someone else's talk.


Up to two students may present on each of the following dates.

Monday, April 7 - Jessica Schoen, Nuttapong Chentanez.
Wednesday, April 9 - Ilya Landa.
Wednesday, April 16 - Jimmy Andrews, Darsh Ranjan.
Wednesday, April 23 - James Hamlin, Peter Bogatsky.
Wednesday, April 30 - Meng Yu, Siyu Song.
Wednesday, May 7 - Hagen Wille, Dino Bellugi.


Optimal Triangulations

Delaunay Triangular Mesh Generation

Quadtree-Based Triangular Mesh Generation

Tetrahedral Mesh Generation and Improvement

Quadrilateral Mesh Generation and Improvement

Hexahedral Mesh Generation and Improvement

Moving Meshes

Anisotropic Meshing

Isosurface Extraction and Surface Meshing

Surface Reconstruction

Triangulating Multiple Planar Cross Sections

Discrete Differential Geometry

Mesh Simplification

Computer Graphics

Mesh Compression

Delaunay Triangulations